Page 12 - mcdanielfreepress2009-10
P. 12
Katrina still affects New Orleans years later MAIRE HUNTER SloH Reporter Aug. 29 marked the founh anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, the carasrrophic storm that breached the well-known levees, leaving 80 percenc of New Or- leans underwater and killing more than 1,800 peo- ple--the deadliest U.S. hurricane since 1929. For many McDaniel seniors, this date marks their long-ago firsr week as freshmen. For 13,000 New Orleans families who are still displaced or liv- ingin Inadequarc hcusing, it's a painful memory they livewirhdaily. Much of the Lower Nimh ward is still empty, and the only remnanrs of tbe formerly Fullneighbor- hoods are slabs offoundarion or porch steps. Even the areas 01' New Orleans that have been revived show signs of old damage; roo many buildings are still boarded up with (he rell-mle spray painted 'X's These are rhe reminders people walk pasc going to work every day. For me, New Orleans still means beigners and Cajun music, po' boys and people calling you "Daw- lin'." That energy is still vibrant in people you meet, even ufrer enduring such hardships. After spending a week there last spring, rhe people ofrhe Crescent Clry and their misfortunes gOt under my skin. Their gratitud~ and hospitality, as well as seeing how much is still needed, is what is making me and other vol- unreers eager to go back. I worked with rhe Sainr Bernard Project rebuild- ing houses and had the good fortune to be there as they finished their 200lh house. Their lofty goal for 2009-2010 is to rebuild five rimes thur amount. LIz McCartney, co-founder of SBP and CNN's 2008 Hero of the Year,stared "we need rc ... rebuild as ef- ficienclyandalfordablyaswecan, because the dock Is ricking ...on people's mental health, the ability to have hope." Take a minute to think abour how your sur- roundings have changed in four years, and then re- alize that people in New Orleans are still waiting to go home. These April 2009 photos renal how Kotrino'swroth ripped through homes in St. Pernord Parish. Top right, 0 pleoforhelp. teft, one of mony homes leftunollended. These hcmea ojten violate city codes: gran growl too hign, rodenl$room, ele. Eventually the government can seize and demolish them. The spraypoinled messogesindicole Inollhe owners are ;i;~~nl~:r r:~~iit k;::~ prolectingthe lower 91h Word from the Industrial Canol. Recent McDaniel alumna finds employment on the Hill EDDIE EZEKIEL Afrer greduadog and job huming she re- and those are Hilrz's goals here as well. SlaffReporler turned to McDaniel [0 lind that rhe Communi- In her office, she keeps a hefty green binder ry Ourreach position was available through memo filled with inrernshtps, volunteer oppcrtunlries bership in Americorp Vista (Volunteers in Serv- and work-study for studerm who wish to work 2009 McDaniel graduate Sid Hlhx is back on ing rc America). withthecommuniry. campus! You can find her in Hill 009 work- First she accepted [he school position, and "It's grca.r because you (sruderus) get to go ing as me Liaison for Community Ourreach & then went to training in Philadelphia in Augusr. OUt and get IIlternshipexpericnce and you can Service. Americorp Vist;1.'smission is to fight poverty and eveo ger pald to do it," said Hilca. Hilrz learned about the position she is cur- setup programs rhar can becomeselF-sufliciem, A short list of the many opportunities HUrL rently working in after vnlunreering with rhe h;15 includes: Boys and Girls club, Commu- Boys and Girls club p.rogram for rhr~ years a~d nal Media Center, Chamber of Commerce, Se- by building connections ar McDa~lel and III Hiltz's new position nior Center, Children Services, and Barcbranch. Westminsrer through such volumeermg. These activities and other opportunities are listed While she was 51ill a s[ud.:m at McDaniel, gives the school an on her facebook page. Hiltz helped the Boys and Girb club move From Community service at McDaniel used to be the church across rhe street from campuo; to a new employee whose sale h~ndled by Career Services, bur Hih's new posi- and better equipped facility juSt down by the the- job is to focus on tion outside 01' mat deparrmem gives the school an ater. Her job now is to go out In:o the communi- employee whose sale job is ro focus on such work. ry and find studtnrs oppor:~ninc:s for service. " community outreach. McDaniel welcomes back Siri Hilrz and an- ~Ilove the job, so far ItS gomg reaUywell, ticipates the good work she is alre
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