Page 167 - Phoenix2001-02
P. 167
SPORTS Wednesday, May 8, 2002 - Page 11 The Best Darn Sports Column Pe- ever, but he won't ever reach that with the law as Darryl Strawberry riod takes a look into the wide Joe Louis, Ali level. His career has will soon be getting what's been world of sports. If there is a topic been a disappointment and he is coming to him for a while. Just like which Chris and Steve disagree on going to get his ass kicked by you said Chris, a good ass kicking. (which is usually every topic), they Lewis this summer. Chris vs. Steve: NFL Realign- both express their views in a Chris Steve: ment vs. Steve debate. Views expressed Well, it's hard to believe, but it Chris: in this column do not reflect the does appear as though the Tyson! The Texans joined the AFC opinions of The Phoenix. Chris Lewis fight will happen in 2002. South, the Cardinals went out to the and Steve may not always be right. Memphis, Tennessee will be the NFC west, the Bucs moved to the but they always think they are. site on June 8th and finally, we will NFC South, and the Sea hawks Chris vs. Steve: Mike Tyson get to see Tyson being pummeled jumped to the NFC West. What Chris: by a far superior fighter. does this mean to NFL fans? Hide your tasty children; Mike After the January 22 press con- Nothing really. Except for the Tyson is going to fight Lennox ference debacle with the two fight- fact that we will not hear that an- Lewis for the undisputed heavy- ers, it was unclear as to whether or noying stat that the Bucs are 0- weight title June 8 at the Pyramid. not the fight would even take place, 858,162 when the game-time tem- two old Central teams in the Jags pervert, I enjoy the sporting aspect Just this past Sunday, Tyson had a but I think that boxing came to its perature is below 32 degrees as and Titans, along with an old East of ir. Nab,just kidding, I can't back lot to say during a Sunday Conver- senses and realized what the rev- much. team in the Colts, and then threw that up. The parties are the only sation on ESPN. Among other enue that this match-up will mean. Are we really talking about the expansion Texans in there as reason to be there. things Tyson proclaimed he is the Over the weekend, Tyson ad- football already? When do they well. You now have three teams Chris vs. Steve: The Best "biggest fighter in the history of the mitted in a FOX News interview start these mini-camps in March who are looking to bounce back Darn Sports Column Period sport." He said he already passed that he did indeed bite Lewis' leg now? from underachieving seasons last Chris: Ali as far as popularity goes. Asked during that nationally televised On a different football note, it's year to contrast an intriguing blend This ts our last issue Steve. It's about his fans, Tyson said, "I think brawl. only May so I guess I still have of youth and experience in Hous- been a good run, but it's got to end the average person thinks I'm a "I did bite him ...but on June 8th, some time before my fantasy draft. ton. sometime. At least we got a sweet (expletive) nut and Ideserve what- flesh will not beenough. I will take Just remember, it does not matter Chris vs. Steve: Preakness ever happens to me." Lennox Lewis' title, his soul and who you realign, Marshall Faulk is Chris: picture for the column, what do you think? You know what Mike, on behalf smear his pompous brains all over still the best fantasy football player This is one of my favorite sport- Steve: of all the average persons out there; the ring when I hit him," Tyson ever. ingevents. It's the perfect guy holi- Well, what can I say? I mean, you are a (expletive) nut! The big- said. Steve: day. It's all betting, drinking and in three short weeks, Ihave had my gest fighter in history? Not a What's wrong Mike? No men- Ok Chris, I'm not too big on frontal nudity, oh yeah and there are sexuality questioned countless chance. As popular as Ali? Let's tion of his kids this time ... I'm a discussing NFL realignment. I some races too, I think. times for our column and picture see how Tyson: The Jail Time and little disappointed. honestly do not see it as being a Steve: together. Earlobes Story does in theaters. The man is both crazy and de- huge deal in the grand scheme of I managed to ignore the com- The man is crazy. Don'tget me lusional for thinking that he is any- things. and I wrong I love listening to him talk where near Ali in fighting or popu- After looking at the realigned ments and criticism though I don't know it. it was all worth and at one point he was on his way larity. The guy who has almost divisions, the AFC South is what know why but yeah, it was a good to being the greatest heavyweight been as synonymous with problems jumps out at me. Here, they took Phoenix Profile: WMC senior track thrower Dave Hose MIKE JENKINSON PhQel1ixSra[f prom. ship meet. But on that day, one of PhQenixStaff the season with 71 points (51,20). Dave Hose, one of the most For some strange reason, at the best in Hose's career, Hose The Green Terror men's la- Brown retires as the conferences successful throwers in WMC's his- right about the same time, Hose's jumped from 4th to first, and won crosse team lost their last game of all-time career goal scorer. tory, has led not only successful, lime on the diamond dropped dras- the meet. the year to Washington College, Although Brown and , but interesting career to achieve his tically. His consistent hitting Hose wasn't the only person 12-8. Nottingham will be hard to replace, many accomplishments. hadn't dropped, but his playing surprised to see the great perfor- The loss leaves WMC's record along with the other seniors Jason Not the least of which is a three- time had. mance that day. at 12-2 on the year. More impor- Wiles, Mike Coleman, Steve Ma- time Centennial Conference Cham- With baseball looking less and The success continued the next tantly, it leaves them out of con- son, Mike Griffin, Scott pion in shot put as well as a con- less attractive, and his throwing year, and Hose brought home not tention for the conference title and Armstrong, and Pat Danahar, the ference discus champ. Not to men- career looking promising, Hose only the shot put title, but the dis- the NCAA playoffs for another Terror will make another run at that tion the school record he holds in decided to not play baseball any- cus championship as well. year. elusive conference title next year. the hammer throw. . more during his junior year, and His senior year was another From the beginning of the sea- Sophomore Mike Korba will Hose started his throwing career instead concentrated on his throw- success. son, those were the two goals the replace Nottingham in goal. Korba in his sophomore year of high ing. Hose came up a bit short of team set out to accomplish accord- saw the field in several games this school. Hose, believe it or not, was Soon Hose was also throwing qualifying for nationals though. He ing to the coaches and players. past season, and will help to anchor a lifetime baseball fanatic and he discus, and success mounted. His needed to throw 50' 4", but was When the season started out with the defense next season. played baseball since he was very senior year Hose set school records slightly short with a best throw of II consecutive victories, the Two other young players look young. in shot and discus, and finished 49'6". He did win the conference chances of achieving one or both to take over leadership, as well as In the winter of his sophomore second in the state for shot. title again in shot put though. of the goals looked good. goal scoring, for The Terror next year, Hose ran winter track to help It was about this time that he For those who appreciate Hose, But the team finished the last year. get him in shape for the upcoming realized he loved the sport, and he won't be going very far next three games with two losses, and a Freshman Rob Weaver was baseball season. when asked why Hose says, "Until year. In fact, he'll be right here at third- place finish in the Centen- third on the team with 44 points. The beefy Hose started out run- this year, I've been the smallest guy WMC. nial Conference. ning long distance for the Clear in the conference. It's not just size Hose has accepted the invitation Goalie Brian Nottingham al- Weaver started on the front attack line with Brown and Ellis this sea- Spring winter squad, until the track and strength, it's a combination of of Coach Doug Renner to be a lowed 12 goals against eight saves son. team hit the weight room. In the size, strength, speed and fonn. You graduate assistant as a throwing in the final contest against Wash- Also, sophomore midfielder weight room, Hose managed to out need all of them. It's a finesse coach. Hose is excited to be coach- ington. Jeremy Freed contributed 23 points lift the entire team, including the thing." ing next year, but it's not something Despite the disappointing fin- in a break out season. adult coaching staff. His freshmen year in college, new to him. ish, Nottingham. who played his From that point on, he became Hose threw for Hagerstown Com- Hose has been a unofficial last game for WMC, can leave a thrower. munity College. After finishing up coach of the team since his junior knowing that he is one of the Trh'ia Answers Clear Spring High School al- there, Hose turned down many Di- year. winningest goal keepers in Green lowed their athletes to play two vision-I and II offers and decided "We had a throwing coach my Terror history, and was a big part . USC, Wlth five players matte sports during the same season, so to throw for Division-III Western sophomore year, but she was gone of many of those victories. Dave continued to throw shot while Maryland. last year. I took over the job since Junior Joe Ellis's stars were n the first round playing baseball that spring. In His first season at WMC was I knew so much about throwing down from last season but was still fact, Hose, who was starting for the mostly successful, and found him both shot and disc. I'll be doing a second on the team with 69 goals. Trent Dilfter went 6th to th ampa Bay Buccaneers baseball team, ended up taking the ranked 4th in the conference head- lot of the same things next year, but Senior Captain and expected fresno State University fron baseball coaches daughter to their ing into the conference champion- I'll just officially be the coach." All-American Tom Brown finished
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