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Phoeni Thursday, September 30, 1999 Dean and students chosen to attend national conference According to NODAC Pro- flY ERIN S. HOWARD entation Program along with Dean SeniorWriler gramming Committee Chairperson of Student Affairs Philip Sayre over BethAnne Pretty, 89 presentations the last four years, credits this First-Year Orientation is one of will be given at the national con- the most memorable experiences of ference, which is titled "Reflect, year's "This success to the peer mentors. is the first time I have a Western Maryland College Rejuvenate, and Recommit," and ever taken students to present at student's career - whether they between six to eight thousand either a Regional or National Con- enjoyed it or not. It is, after all, their people are expected to attend. ference," said Hcrneff "I am ex- first real introduction to life at Horneff and the team of stu- tremely proud of the professional- WMC. The program, which some- dents originally gave their 60 ism they displayed." times receives "mixed reviews" minute presentation, titled "Orten- Homeff also noted that the ma- from students, is now being recog- ration Rejuvenated through the jority of presentations at both re- nized by administrators on a na- First- Year Program: Mentoring gional and national conferences are tional level. through the Months." at the Re- given by administrators and that Associate Dean of the First- Year gional NODA Conference in Val- student presenters are rare. Program Barbara Harneff and the ley Forge, PA, last April. Follow- COURTESYOFDEI\NHQRNEFF "I think it is more effective six members of the Peer Mentor ing the April Conference, WMC my colleagues to hear [the presen- for. Advisory Board have been invited was invited to submit a proposal tation 1 from the voices of students," Meghan Humbert, a junior. jests while presenting WMC',v First-Year to present the Western Maryland to present at the national confer- said Homeff of the decision to take Student Orientation Program /0 an audience (/1 a Regional Conferel1ce. College First-Year Student Orien- ence and was then selected by students to the NODA conferences. Because of the SIIcceH of the presentation. the program will be taken 10 a National Conference in Tampa Fla. in November. tation Program at the national con- Pretty and the NODAC Selection The members of the Peer Men- ference for the National Orientation Committee. tor Advisory Board traveling to Directors Association in Tampa, Horneff, who has been giving Rosenberg to speak about Florida from November 6-9. presentations on the First-Year Ori- Continued on Page 2 Date rape incidents at WMC parents' executions IIY STACI GEORG£ Executive Director/Founder of rhe Many think assaults go unreported despite options Staf{Writer Rosenberg Fund for Children, which provides children of America's tar- Take a moment and revisit a geted activists and political prison- was one date rape victim that came BY LISA DALE VAN AUKEN ambiguou_sness of many dale-rape special memory you have with ers with opportunities for education. News Editor to Smith House for medical treat- situations. "[Victims] feel that they your parents when you were six- The organization gives students ment last year. were somewhat part of the situa- years-old. From reports, it seems that few Susan Glore, director of coun- tion," she said. awards for such things as college' date rapes happen on the Western seling services and adviser to the Hare believes that this belief is specter Do you think of the magical books, photography classes, and per- among others. sonal tutors, World, the first of Disney Maryland COllege campus. Victims Sexual Assault Information Team, a common misconception among day of school, blowing out your who have suffered from a rape, said that the number of date rape date-rape victims. "Although the birthday candles, or playing on As Dr. Lauren Dundes, who though, often have one thing on cases from WMC varies from year victim may have indicated 'no' she the swings at the park? schedule the lecture, explained dur- their minds: "What next?" to year, ranging from zero to 10, may think that something she did These are the treasured memo- ing the interview: "His lecture is a The options a rape victim has Mike Webster, director of the before the rape made her at fault," good reminder that in any given time, can be confusing and overwhelm- Department of Campus Safety, said she said. ries of childhood, life with no we are always looking for an enemy fears of the government, ing, especially when the victim is he knows of no date rapes that have For the few that do seek help, no WOf- to fight against. At that time. it was feeling alone and scared. . happened on campus since 1995, each organization handles date rape ries about hiding from the enemy, the Communists." Working individually, each of- but he does recall a rape incident in a different way. The Sexual As- and no concern about where your Meeropo! outlines the controver- fice has its own statistics when it last year. sault Information Team, for ex- next dollar and meal will come sial case against his parents, as he prepares to critique its weaknesses. from. comes to the number of date rapes Jo Ann Hare, executive direc- ample, provides information and Because of the witch-hunt atmo- on campus. tor of Rape Crisis Intervention Ser- understanding 10 victims through a Now take another moment to sphere of McCanhyism, the trail and According to Joan Lusby, Smith vices (RCIS), said that five to [0 student-run hot line, active 24 envision a childhood taken out of the pages of a history book, from House physician's assislam, there students show up for help a year. hours a day. the chapter of Communism, and the execution of the Rosenberg's contro- has by much been surrounded One reason the statistics may be Inside so varied among the agencies is history and social work major who the Rosenberg Trial. about the versy. His discussion hopes to show that Gasparo, a sophomore James paragraph lack of communication. has been a member system was justice (3·irrirrlg·I£I;' Date rape, and all rape in gen- over a year, finished of the team for son Although Ethel Robert and Meeropol, the criminal at that time and that Due training last of fraudulent Julius eral, is dealt with on an confiden- semester and anticipates becoming Tara OellaFranzia and Jeremy Keil tial basis, making communication a hot line volunteer. Rosenberg, was young, he was Process was a victim of the political go head-to-head with Pro and Con: among organizations near impos- According to Gaspnro, a mem- still old enough to realize that his context. Should the Social Security System .sible. ber has 10 go through about 14 childhood was not normal. According to reports, students be scraped? Campus Safety is required to hours of training before he or she His parents became the first from California State University •m'iiii " report rapes to Smith House, but can become a counselor. "I know American civilians put to death agreed that "Meeropol had a great speaking He was objective, for espionage style. . only if the victim asks for medical [date rape] is a problem on cam- Malissa Moran exposes the liv- help. Campus Safety must also re- pus," he said, "and this is a way I He will be speaking at WMC thorough, and delivered a powerful ing conditions of WMC's most port all rapes to Dean Philip Sayre. can help." for the first time on Thursday, Oc- message." coveted living spaces, the Penn- Although all the organizations Besides the hot line, the team tober 14, at 6 pm in Alumni Hall. This lecture will be of particular majoring in Po- sylvania Avenue Houses, are confidential, few go to them for also presents a program at First- parents On June 19, 1953, Meeropol's interest to students Psychology, Sociol- litical Science, when were electrocuted said. "It is such a tre- hffGh¥ t' help, sources act of courage to reach Year Orientation concerning the they were tried and convicted for ogy, and History. mendous dangers of date rape, and they co- stealing Due to the fact that there are not Malt Hurffputs Terror football's out to a stranger for help," said sponsor other rape- awareness pro- bomb." the "secret of the atom that many criminal cases of this his- Marvin Deal in the "Phoenix Hare. grams. Spotlight." _. LUSby thinks that victims do The Sexual Assault Information Forty-six years later, torical significance, students of other not come forward because of the Continued on page 4 Meeropol is a political activist, majors are also encouraged to attend author, and speaker, the lecture. as well as the
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