Page 188 - ThePhoenix1993-94
P. 188
The WesternMaryJand Green Terror Sports YearInReview By JAY HILBERT bid; next season look for fury Poile and O's GM Roland ball, floor hockey, and bas- Fairless Hills, PA, spc'''&/Uw Hemond resignations as well. ketball. Bachelor General from these guys. Easthampton, NY, "Steeltown," Chilcoat goes Arkansas will be around for WMC- Rob Rimmel and Manager (and pro GM for the Shenandoah, PA, Belvedere, 11·0, and other things. the next couple of years as long Dennis Walker aka "Steeltown future) Ken Williams got the NJ, Wallington. N], Harford It's time to wrap this column as Nolan Richardson, my Inc." won the Defensive MVP players needed to win County, MD, Ellicott City, up for tbe season. We have seen Coach-of-the-Year pick, IS honors. QB Brian Van Deusen (mainly IM King Scott Stem). MD, Hagerstown, MD, New· all sorts of events in this aca- around. broke all the passing record as Even though the Bachelors ton, MA. Anne Arundel demic year. What the heck- WMC- For the second he won the Offensive MVP won, the team they beat a County, MD, Baltimore Let's roll! straight season, Rolando Welch crown. WR Alan Pietkiewicz very good Shut-Ern-Down (Charm City) MD, Philadel- Fall- Baseball -The Balti- led in both scoring and rebound- broke the reception record and team (S-E-D has everyone phia, PA, and Ocean City, MD more Orioles showed they were ing, while Andy Dziengeleski Punter Paul McCord may be returning next year, so they or NJ (everyone at this campus truly one season away, Little improved greatly. Unfortu- heading to an NFL or CFL look like they could be the it seems will have some contact pitching success and the failure nately though, Pat Young in- camp by this summer. This team to beat). with either one of these places to produce with runners on base, jured his ankle before the Johns team should be very competi- WMC Track - anyone this summer). put the 0's fate in check. The Hopkins game and was lost for tive next season. I love the fact on this team deserves to be Philadelphia Phillies and the the season. we beat Johns Hopkins, the profiled in here. Bill Tyrrell, Next Year: bruiser style of play made Football- Success can ruin only team in the Centennial I Kevin Wong, Donte Abron, Next Year, I will have more America take notice. The Phils even the best unions. Example. don't like. Rob Johnson, Kent of a staff to help yours truly. were one bad pitch away from a tbe Dallas Cowboys, winners of Lightboum, Julie Cox, Sherry From the second issue on, I game seven; they will be back. two straight Super Bowls, have Other Sports: Albright, Carl Von Tobel have bad severe bum-out. You Frank Thomas and Barry Bonds a new head-man in Barry Women's Tennis-If I had (and coach Kirsten readers deserve more, so I will deserved their MVP's, while Switzer. Jimmy Johnson will more writers and more time, I Borgeson), to name a few. try my damnedest to get you Jack McDowell and Greg probably take over the Miami would profile Amie Chilcoat. Besides this being a great more stories. The ideas are Maddux brought home Cy Dolphins soon since Don Shula Chilcoat, as of April 24th, is team, give credit to head there, but I need the writers. I Young Awards. The Yanks is on tbe edge of retiring. The 11-0 in singles play for West- coach Doug Renner, assis- will bring a new structure to the showed the rejuvenation that Washington Redskins did a ern Maryland's ladies. She is tants Sam Case, Becky Mar- column this year. I will dis- comes with the fear that good job of house-cleaning, but the only unbeaten person or tin, who did an incredible job cuss only one serious topic. I Steinbrenner will sell and move treating Art Monk they way team left on this campus. handling the WMC Invita- will cover only football, men's tbe team to Hartford (Hart- they did is inexcusable. As a re- Chilcoat is like a wall in that tional, and Mike Whitmore. I basketball, and one spring ford-Nah!). The Yanks are sult, I am calling for General anything you hit to her will be still feel both teams will win sport-none of this I'm the staying and from the way things Manager Charlie Casserly's res- returned. Centennials. whole sports page crap. look so far this season, the Iznauon and Bullets' GM John Intramurals - The Bach- Bronx Bombers are intent on Nash's and Caps' GM Dave elors reigned by winning root- The Places Shut-Out: making noise. Re-alignment sucks! Every baseball team by 1996 will probably Dave changed uni- Spring Fling Schedule Of Events forms. Iwas just happy that the Houston Astros and their vomit orange went in the trash can. In WMC baseball, Brett Kehler and Man Marchese did a Wednesday 4/27 great job as 1-2 in the starting s~i~er~~~:~n !~~~~ Movie: Cool Runnings in the Pub at 12 and 8:30 pm ~~~~ntbe rating Ursmus and washington (Maryland). Gary Carter and Jerry Resh led the offensive charge, while Chris Mills did a . Thursday 4/28 great job in his rookie cam- paign. Comedian: Master Lee in the Forum at 8:00 pm Basketball - No more Michael Jordan to embarrass the pro players. In the finals, take the Sonlcs. Robinson should get the MVP. Rodman will set Friday 4/29 the all-lime record for technical fouls and hair color changes. Shaqullle-marua has died down Hypnotist: Ricky Kalmon in the Forum at 8:00 pm but his Orlando Magic are in the playoffs, along with the Miami Movie: The Fugitive outside Winslow Center Heat (if I'm the Washington Bullets or the Dallas Mavericks, folding up the team does not seem that bad). CoUege-Give all the credit Saturday 4/30 to Gary Williams and the Mary- land Terrapins. A team that was Bands and Booths on the Quad from 12-5:30 pm definitely on the bubble for the tournament, the Terps showed that they are worthy of the big Video Dance Party in the Forum from 9:00pm-1:00 am time coverage they will get next season. Loyola, Maryland made the. cameo in the "dance," All events sponsored by CAPBoard but don't get used to it. Coppin got screwed out of a tournament
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