Page 61 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 61
, November 20, 19861Western Maryland College/Page 5 60 Seconds on·Campus What was your impression of Alcohol Awareness Week? I think that it en- I think it was a very I think we succeeded I think that it was well Being an advocate of hanced the knowl- eye-opening experi- in representing var- organized and it cap- responsible drinking, I edge of those who ence for all who at- ious points of view tured the students' at- believe that it pro- don't know the impact tended the past regarding the respon- tention and made vided some valuable of alcohol. week's events. And I sible use of alcohol them more aware of insights into the use liked the free bumper as opposed to what's going on. of alcohol. It's a stickers. preaching abstinence. ..sAjlme 'that handi- capped patrons had to suffer with the placement of the dis- abled vehicle. Kenny Boyd Ethan Langford George Poling Karen Pill Kevin Groner _ Kelly Connor Food Sunday deserves our attention Several months ago, our the total distribution for 1985. them and tum their backs on face was pasty white. and his eyes Much needed money is being yet still more He also didn't President said something to the According to Dominic Jollie, them. Students sit comfortably were glazed over. babies of that raised for food, needs 10 be done. act like "normal" effect that there were no hungry Carroll County Food Sunday in their college dorm rooms, wear age. His tiny fists held loosely When you go home for people in the U.S. He further president and director (as reported expensive clothes, and drive next stated that food, money, and other in the Carroll County Times, 10- expensive cars. So, of course, onto my finger, and it took a lot Thanksgiving in a food-filled week holiday, and indulge services were readily available to 18-86), the organization they don't see hunger. of effort for him to smile. He think of those families in Carroll those who needed them. Reagan distributed food to 11,555 people didn't to cry. crawl giggle, out play. his or even County who must rely on such of baby try reasons that if people are hungry, for 242,634 meals by June 30. Well, let me show you some carrier. He just lay there services as Food Sunday for their it is their own fault. They just compared to the equivalent of hunger. A few weeks ago I Thanksgiving meal. In spite of don't go to the right sources for 245,322 meals to 12,815 people helped out at a local soup kitchen. listlessly, staring up at the Reagan's statement, it is these help. in 1985. The number of people Over 40 people came for their ceiling. This little boy was volunteer organizations that are requesting food has doubled, yet weekly lunch at this specific already suffering from obvious Unfortunately, President money and food donations have church. (There are three churches symptoms of malnutrition. wondering how much longer they Reagan is not the only one who decreased. in Westminster, each serving one me? So what can you do. you ask can afford to provide meals for the you hungry. So I am challenging There that you can is plenty feels this way. There are many meal per week, for a total of three do. Many of you may already be to think of these hungry families others who are blinded by the Yet, despite these figures, meals weekly) All ages were aware of the Carroll County food and do something: bring a can of same illusion which led him to there are still some people who represented, the youngest person and drive taking place on campus this food with you back to college old child a five-month being believe this falsity. If only can't accept the facts. Ihave heard after the break. Boxes for the food Campus hunger were that simple to stop! students say things like, "1 don't the oldest being an SO-year old semester. independents, organizations, and collection will be placed near the staff, Greeks, Close your eyes and it is gone! see any hungry people around ... lady. There were entire families, faculty are getting involved in information desk and outside of Sorry folks, but empty stomachs Hunger in Carroll County? Ha! single mothers, widowers, fundraisers, as well as in Englar Dining Hall for this don't get fed that easily. Show me.... There is plenty of teenagers, single men, single community service. Benefit purpose. Please contribute, and All parts of our great nation money and food for everyone who women, and lots of children. a rock-a-then, are affected by this issue, and needs it." The sad part is that child It was the really five-month old events include at Ernie's, several a become a part of the solution. If you have any questions, feel free caught college my night who Carroll County is no exception. they are right (to a certain extent). to contact Holly Morgan, Eric The number of people requesting They don't see any hungry people attention. He didn't look like bake sales. food collections, film Hummell, or myself. foodthis year has a1readyexceeded because they close their eyes to "normal" babies of that age. His proceeds, and meals skipped.
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