Page 58 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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Page 2/Western Maryland College/November 20, 1986 Doonesbury lures Mixer breath tests end prospective students Alcohol Awareness Week continued from page 1 by Robert A. Paul indicating the time and date when THE CLASS a college representative will be The Forum at WMC played visiting their school. To ensure host to a drinking experiment the prospective's presence, they OF from 9 pm-l am last Friday are reminded by telephone the night. At the dance which marked night before the school visit, he 1991 the end of Alcohol Awareness says. Prospectives receive 13 Week, CAPBoard provided the mailings during the period from --------- free beer to those in attendance their first inquiry to their "hopeful "This narrows down into the while the Maryland State Police enrollment" at WMC. actual applications," Rigel! conducted demonstration continues, "acceptance, and final breathalizer tests on volunteers. To further assist prospective enrollment." The Doonesbury "The students consume beer at students in overcoming the campaign and his office's other their own pace and are given a financial barrier, Rigell explains programs, he says, have not preliminary breath test every 45 that the Admissions Office works changed the process of admitting a minutes," said Sgt. Hubert. The hand in hand with the Financial student, only the volume of breath test is a device which is Aid Office. people they must deal with. used to measure blood alcohol Content, he explained. He compares the admissions "My aim," he says, "is to Only a selected group of procedure to a funnel. At the top bring in a graduating class of students took pan in the of the funnel, he says, are the 1991 in which all freshmen will experiment, but free alcohol was SGM Donald Boore, Ret. signals "no beer here" in inquirees. Beneath it is "WMC's graduate together." With WMC provided to all students of legal action," including the high school attracting more and more students, drinking age. WMC's dry pub. visits, the college fairs and a he suggests this may be a very Before Friday's experiment most of the participants. student's visit to WMC . difficult task. began, Hubert predicted how the be followed by those who participants would respond to the "They were all feeling pretty participated in the experiment. good," said Sean Stephens, WMC Each person received a blood alcohol. He explained that he student and bartender for the SGA allocations expected handwriting, in personality of event. Stephens verified that pressure test and had their medical the changes history reviewed prior to sluring and predictions speech, slowing of reflexes, and Hubert's and that most had of been the experiment. drinker In addition, each accurate designated had to have a total almost $20,000 drinking loss of control. As the subjects were intoxicated by the "buddy" to make sure he or she an overall progressed, these symptoms did in fact appear in end of the evening. Several rules, however, had to continued on page 11 continued from page I Omicron Delta Kappa, $400. Dauer explained that once Alpha Nu Omega, Alpha Psi these groups informed the SGA of Monroe strives to spread faith Omega, and the Ukranian Club all monetary needs, a budget hearing received $200. Kappa Mu was held at which a committee each of Epsilon and the Spanish Club reviewed the requests committee through newsletter, Peace Week received $100 a piece. organization. This consisted of Dauer, Liz Fox, Other recipients included the Tracey Kennard, and Lee Schiller. by Kimberly Morris / Elderdice Peace Week, Trumpeters who obtained $150, Roshini George tentativelyscheduledforMarch30- the Ecology Club which received After examining the April 4, will be his second major $250, and the Women's organizations' expenses and "Doing the traditional in a project of the year. Focusing on Concerned Alliance which proposed fundraisers, Dauer and non-traditional way." "relationships between races, obtained $450. The Student Art SGA President Blake Austinsen This is how the Rev. Kirk racism, and racial issues in Gallery received $320; the decided what amount of money Monroe wants to approach his job America," events for that week Systems group, $225; and would be allotted to each group. will include a guest speaker, as religious co-ordinator of films, and a forum for discussion. WMC. Monroe, who says he believes Monroe believes that the ,~ lAAIN 8»~ that he must "go out and make aU WMC community an oppurtunity the the provide Peace Week activities explains that he does disciples," with the secular to question the of conversion not seek the eyes of the religious. It allows students to befriend those around WMC students a way to give but instead on campus, wishes ~*' DELI ~ him with a "large brush sweeping of "peace a chance, for peace like anything else does not come from In the spirit across an area." a vaccum but from soil planted, this philosophy, he ~ SHERWOOD SQUARE 1-3 distributes [he WMC writes and fertilized and allowed to grow. religious "Elderdice Peace Week is just 17 EAST MAIN S'rREET newsletter without limiting it to a small seed," he says, "but for faith. Bratt ... L.. c11 • Dlnaer the Christian his attempt This, make he the student who opens his heart is says, to 876-1802 "religion available for everyone, The Rev. Kirk Monroe, and mind, it can grow into a great cedar of compassion." WMC's Religious Coordi- even atheists "(All AH~ w.w H_II RMIIy- [allowing] by the hand of God." to be nator works to spread Next semester Monroe will touched Free ~el;f)ery But the newsletter isn't faith through his monthly also be teaching two sections He of East World Religions Monroe's only project. newsletter and campus explains that the class is "a quiet ($7 minimum, coupons not valid on delivery) Two other programs he is envolvement. passion because it allows an organizing include the Christmas opportunity to cross over and Terror ID gets you a FREE soft drink Program and Elderdice Peace trying to involve as many campus come back enriched." with ANY PURCHASE Week. The Christmas Program organizations as possible. Indeed, the course, he says, is 12 at 11 will be held on the Dec. in which way it will be expires 12115/86 Now open until Midnight pm in a Candlelight Service. He Monroe says he hopes will be glad just one more the secular to the he something "everyone "sensitize can and the group planning it are to be a pan of." reality of the religion."
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