Page 60 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 60
1986 Editorial Academia, 1 athletics, ... At the risk of sounding like members of a college in solace, we believe thai this year's 0-10 football team actually taught us something. The lesson: WMC is primarily an institution of academics, not athletics. This statement, mind you, is not intended as a condemnation of the football program at Western Maryland. Indeed, players have been beating their brains out on the field for the past several years despite constant defeat. Such dedication is admirable. Instead, we wish to convey the fact that, in the grand scheme of things, losing in a stadium is a lot less important than losing in the classroom. The unfortunate part about the former, though. is that more people get to witness the failure. The sooner we realize this, the sooner we will stop persecuting Terror football players in light of their team's 0-21 record. We must admit even The Phoenix has stooped to unjustly _ J. Scott Moyer criticizing football squad in the past. We used to headline the typical gridiron brief with something like "Terrors bludgeoned to death by a to employ Swarthmore's Little QUakers." Now, though, we prefer who won and Holiday spawns thefts suaighr-forward style of headlining that simply states who losr. The fact of the matter is that WMC, as a Division In school, As the holiday season rapidly , take a few moments to look your vehicle does not have a cannot go out and recruit expensive superstars. Indeed, if a highly approaches, crimes involving over these following helpful trunk, make sure packages are not talented quarterback wanted a shot at the majors, a small liberal arts vehicle and property thefts hints. left in plain view. college based in rural Carroll County would probably be the last place increase sharply. Stolen vehicles 5) Check that windows are he would want to play. Consequently, the Terror squad must do the are frequently used to aid in the I) Always make sure your car rolled up tightly. This will best it can with players who merely love the sport, and who are more completion of more serious doors and windows are locked and discourage a thief from trying to interested in getting a decent education than playing in the NFL. crimes. It is estimated that the keys have been removed. get in by using a coat hanger. There is no shame in this. vehicles are used as a too] in 75 2) Keep vehicle keys and 6) When using a commercial If, however, WMC continues to support its football program, and per cent of all crimes. It is also house keys on separate rings. parking lot where you must pay we believe it should, the College should consider investing some proven that most stolen cars were Never have an identification tag to park, leave the attendant your more money into it-nor for the purpose of recruitment, but for unlocked when taken. on your key ring. If lost or ignition key only and take all protection. Numerous football players are limping about campus on Like most crimes, theft is the stolen, these tags only help the others with you. crutches. Knee and ankle injuries have plagued the Terrors throughout result of opportunity. WeU- thief locate your vehicle or 7) Park in well lighted and the season. Perhaps some of these could have been prevented by organized car thefts are rapidly residence. busy areas. This is important for additional protective equipment. We are quite certain that the gaining in popularity and have 3) Never hide an extra key your personal safety as well as for University of Maryland doesn't skimp on the extra padding. proven quite prosperous, for they under the hood. Thieves know the protection of your car. If you After WMC lost to Johns Hopkins, Coach Dale Sprague told The especially target foreign where to look for hidden keys. must park a long distance away, Carron Counry Times, "I know one thing. Paybacks will be automobiles. Articles and 4) Never leave your wait for other people to come haJlacious next year." We don't necessarily agree with this comment, packages left in your car are also checkbook, credit cards, or other along and walk with them to your but again it demonstrates a sense of detennination. prime targets for thieves. valuables unattended in a vehicle. destination. We'd like to submit, though, that a winning record is not always To increase your chances of When shopping, lock parcels and 1. SCOll Moyer is the WMC essential in order to have a winning team. Look at the Chicago Cubs. having a crime-free holiday season other valuables in the trunk. If Director of Campus SafelY For years, their record was one of constant losses. And still they are _ Lee Spector one of the most popular teams in the nation. Wilson's Fifth of July offers difficult plot, absorbing characters Ed"or·in-cnief.... . JonalhanSlade Copy Edilor... ._Slac,~ Hempn,1I sports Editor.. .. CynlhiaSchafer The WMC Performing Arts colorful room filled with old Ambridge. Featu,esEd"or_...... .. Cruisl-lowtey Department will present Lanford furniture and pictures. This set Ambridge's role was small, PhOlOgraplrfEdllor ...............•... BiIIMann Nov. 20- BusinessManager, " _ C. LlDyd Hart Wilson's Fiflh of July seemed to suggest the peculiarity but realistic. The character could PlodUCliooTechmcians RavaIWestwaler.AndrewRe"h 21 in Alumni Hall. I found the of the play which was about to GlaphicaAnlsl.... .. ChfiSliIlllGoorge have had more depth, especially Copy Assislanl BelhSpangl81 performance that I attended follow. Sitting on stage is where his relationship with RoportingSlall. UndaAshburn. Phd Blatz. ClaigCecil Sunday evening slightly difficult Kenneth Talley, played by Angela Coleman. MIIrleoa Clemellls. Bill Desc'ak. Kenneth Talley was concerned. • Carol Gaunllall, ROShini George. Robin Myefs, to understand. freshman Andreas Wood. Wood's Jed's most exciting scene occurred RobertPaul.JasonPklrMler,LeeSpectOf Kri$Tvervar The Story takes place on a PnolOgrapnySIaH:.. .. Staceyf'ucci. Nancy Freeman performance was one of the when he flew into a rage after Ad'visor _ _._ Pam Regis farm not far from Lebanon, strongest of the play. His Kenneth was punched by John Tll6PhoenjJfisabimonthlystudenl publicalioo oIWeslern Maryland Missouri. The plot centers character is a teacher who became College. The oplnoons expressed in columns ena leiters 10 lhe ed,'or Landis, played by junior Derek do 001 necessarily retleclll1o$e of the siaff or adm,nlslrllion Ed~OIlals around eight people who get crippled in Vietnam. Wood Woodburn. Compassion a'elhe responsibllHy cr the ed'lOr·in Ch'8!. end ale approved by lhe the ed"ona'board. The Phaeni)f rooeMlS Ihe IIghl 10 heMline. and edit together and realize that their lives managed to make injury overcame Jed as he tried to protect forteoglh. clarity. end libelOlJsconleroi. AtitenerSlotneedilormuSl be are not what they quite expected. believable, and was able to act out siglllld,Auloorshlpwilibevenried his dear friend. Address all mail to: The PhcenlJr. Western Maryland College. In fact. the theme is somewhat his rather snobbish character, but John Landis and his wife, Weslminsler. MD 21157 similar to the movie The Big at the same time reveal that he Gwen, played by senior Amy Chill. cares for his good friend Jed, The first scene opens up in a played by freshman Jordan continued on page 6
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