Page 28 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 28
Page lOtwestern Maryland College/October 9, 1986 _ Andrew Raith Validine, meal plans need serious review BLOOM COUNTY Have you noticed that we are two meals a day, which comes living in an age where out to be about ten meals per 8A/6H/I technological advancements week. (Warning: This is bad dictate our behavior? Even nutrition and you should not try Western Maryland College is this at home.) And yet I pay for slowly being taken over by those nineteen. 'Let us figure this out, ~ modernistic machines called Board costs are $645 per semester. computers? There are computers At nineteen meals a week for all around campus. These little twelve weeks, board costs gems of technology exist in approximately $54 per week. I Hoover Library, Memorial Hall, figure I should really pay $350 Lewis Hall, and even in our per semester for the ten meals I do cafeteria. Some are learning aids, eat, Now, wouldn't you rather but one in particular I feel has buy that new album or maybe become a setback to WMC those shoes you saw this summer students. It is the Validine with the money you save? Why System in the cafeteria. are we required to pay for meals Last year the college we know we will not eat? purchased a computer system to Perhaps you can tell me, or monitor admission to the possibly an adminstrator. I'd cafeteria. However, I have not yet really like to know. discovered its purpose. If the Initially, I thought that this purpose of the Valadine system is computer system would provide to make sure each student eats no students with a choice of meal more than his allotted nineteen plans. However, that does not meals a week, then I assure you appear to be the case for the that few (if any) students take this boarding student. Ironically, it is liberty. Perhaps the Valadine the commuter student who has the system is used to allow only choice of a meal plan. those students who are on board Something here just does not to eat, The only argument I find work for me. Why can't boarding against this is, why not just issue students have that same choice? I a sticker on the ID of every would be very happy to have the boarding student. Then ID cards option of eating in the cafeteria could be used to control this only once a day. And if you feel problem. This seems like a very that you are being cheated, then inexpensive way of controlling drop a letter in the mail to The those hungry mobs that Phoenix. Perhaps if we organize congregate at the doors at every this a bit, something might be meal. And what good does the accomplished. And you might Validine system do when the get that new album or those new lousy machine will not accept shoes you want your card? I really enjoy Finally, Jet me leave you with watching everyone else eating a few questions to ponder while while for fifteen minutes they you wait to eat (or have them check the validity of my ID card. check your card): Why does the Wouldn't a sticker be quicker and cafeteria stop serving dinner at six cheaper? o'clock? Don't they realize that is when most of us are accustomed Next, Lam wondering why to eating dinner? And what about . WMC students are required to that thirteen hour interval between =~="-......-.::.".....~i"-""""' ......-.::.:::I ...... ..L...I-... uc:.L...J .... "'-"'-.._.....l. .....~ pay for nineteen meals a week. dinner and breakfast? How many of us actually eat all. I wonder if it's really worth nineteen? Persona1ly, I eat one or standing in line. _ C. Lloyd Hart The ABC's of WMC All of us at Western Maryland days. can recall vividly our first few B is for beer. Because we no days here. when it seemed as if longer have a liquor license only everyone but you knew just where fraternities can sell it. B is also to go and who to see to get for Bernice Beard. She runs the something done. Maybe you're school. are still caught under this black C is for Bob Chambers. He cloud of campus illiteracy. thinks he runs the school. For those of you who are, and D is for Daniel Maclea. for those who may have forgotten This hall has only recently been the ftner points of campus trivia, liberated from occupying we go back to the basics. Here, barbarian tribes that were then, are the ABCs of Western responsible for the rampant, Maryland College. wanton, destruction which almost A is for Admissions. They completely devastated this campus decide who is qualified to come to landmark. school here. They have their bad continued on page 11
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