Page 26 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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Page &'Western Maryland College/OCtober 9, 1986 Agnes of God _ Marlene Clements debuts Oct. 10 Health: Calcium intake Agnes of God will be scenes and locations) and this builds strong bones presented on DeL 10-12 and 16-18 detracts from the intensity and by the Dramatic Art Department density of the original work. The John Pielmeir's play. according to play is recommended for adult director Tim Weinfeld, is a fierce audiences, not because of the examination of man's conflicting content as much as the intensity. Calcium, an important day for anyone. Too is not necessary needs for rational certainty, and Agnes of God has never failed to mineral, is needed by our bodies much calcium absorption can lead """- for mystery and faith. This strongly affect its audience. to form bones and teeth. It to calcification in the kidneys, exploration is done with "striking moves in and out of bone. liver and other organs. lyric beauty and dramatic force." The production will be held in fanning anti reforming the Read the label. Calcium Many people have seen the Alumni Hall, and curtain time is skeleton. Bone contains 99 per movie by the same title; Weinfeld 8 pm for all performances. cent of body calcium; blood comes in combination with other as a calcium Try elements salt. stresses that the film is not the Tickets are $3, and seating is by contains the other I per cent. to determine the milligrams of play. The screen adaptation opens general admission. For tickets, Blood calcium level remains calcium per tablet. For example, t up the play physically (with more call extension 599. . relatively constant unless there is a 100 mg. tablet of calcium a medical serious problem. 40 per cent t contains C on ras reorganizes Calcium must be ingested or carbonate calcium . .40 x 100 mg elemental obtained from bone to maintain a = 40 mg. calcium. blood level. store with a presentation-a prose! constant calcium, releasing The bones Long term. deficiency of it when continued from page 3 poetry reading featuring needed. Too little intake of calcium can result in the onset of written submissions. These selections from the 1986-87 issue calcium results in loss from bone osteoporosis: porous bones. people were selected due to their to prove that WMC's literary tissue in order to maintain the Bone calcium is reabsorbed into to maintain unbiased judgment--in the past magazine can be a productive and blood. level of 10 mgJlOO ml. the blood level and bones become an optimum some material had been "trashed" visible force, says Williams. Circulating calcium is important less dense, weak, and brittle. because of personal views and to maintain the proper heartbeat. Often the first sign of weakened lack of understanding. Williams Mangan, a three-year muscle contractions, nerve will be working closely with Coarast liason, says the transmissions. connective tissue, bone is a fracture or compressed vertebrae. New procedures such artwork supervisor Amy Ratcliffe, magazine is an "exciting and blood clotting. Eating as well as with a yet unannounced challenge for students" interested beginning. calcium is only the it as dual photon densitometry allow diagnosis earlier of osteoporosis head of publicity. '=================== must combine age, fortified Many Vitamin eating are D. guidelines for the calcium needed It before physical a diet rich in calcium, is calcium or any type of creative in writing To absorb signs are apparent. The year will close work. academic with r Besides and good Sunlight sources. milk factors bearing weight exercise FAN'S CHINESE RESTAURANT American D 59 W. Main St. patterns, and It appears exercise absorption. diet of recommends for teenagers. mgJday 1,200 to extremely activities light jogging, an including stay to in ethnicity, order healthy. This Important, for 800 and may includes walking, Hunan children and adults. and Downtown your absorption influence bicycling, skating. and dancing, The latest ._ Szechun calcium. Westminster that too much mg.lday stimulate These fiber have the protein in recommendations NIH Cantonese increase in bone mass. the intake for women with calcium increased interfere 848-0919 Polynesian It is true that men need to be Excessive 1,000 consumption mg., 876-3166 phosphorous. a ratio greater than because they 3: 1 of phosphorous 10 calcium, of menopause. and 1,500 mg. after less concerned have than larger women and What does this mean in terms more denser bones; most consume Cocktail service Quickey Lunch & Carry Out may reduce the availability of of foods? Getting 1,000 mgJday calcium than women; and most do 11 AM - 10 PM Sun.- Thurs. 11 AM _ 11"PM Fri.-Sat. calcium. This means replacing requires 3 cups of milk, or 1 cup not experience the hormonal yogurt, 1 oz. cheese, 4 oz. r ~=======:;===~i====~high drinks and foods with high as salmon with bones and 213 cup changes of menopause, such cola phosphorous meats calcium sources such as milk, broccoli. Or try 1 cup milk, I pregnancy. and lactation. cheese, and green vegetables. cup broccoli, 2 oz. cheese, 112 So don't give your bones a Excesses of caffeine, a1cohol and cup ice cream and 1 orange. break. A healthy diet rich in The First smoking also interfere with A calcium supplement can be calcium plus daily weight bearing calcium absorption. taken to insure adequate intake. activity will help to keep you fit The RDA has provided It appears that over 1.500 mg. a and worry free. SGA Senate Meeting WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE DEPARTMENT OF DRAMATIC ART AGNES will take place Monday, October 13 in McDaniel Lounge OF GO at 7:00 p.m, by john pielrneiera Plan to attend October 10-12 & 16-18 8 pm Alumni Hall Tickets: $1 campus $3 off-campus Phone 848-7000 ext. 599
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