Page 19 - ThePhoenix1986-87
P. 19
The Phoenix Western Maryland College October 9, 1986 Financial aid crisis due to 'paper work' issued by the Education by Robin Myers Department that require college' officials to verify information on With rising college tuitions many aid applications," and" 2) a and government budget cuts, most new law passed this spring that students are concerned about how requires students to fulfill several they are going to pay for school. _ new requirements before they can And, according to Director of receive a Guaranteed Student Financial Aid Caryl Connor, Loan." approximately 800 WMC The new regulations require students receive some fonn of administrators to obtain financial aid. In the 1985-86 additional infonnation on school year, 67 per cent of all students' family income, the student aid came from the college number of people in their itself, 21 per cent from the federal families, and the number of government. and 11 per cent from family members attending the state. She adds that as college college. Until recently, costs go up, more and more administrators had only checked Microcomputer assistant Susan Carr prints the latest students are applying for aid. applications for Pell Grants. Because of new government Under new rules, they must check edition of The Phoenix on the college's new Apple requirements, financial aid offices applications from each of the LaserWriter. across the country are being seven major student aid In addition, according to The Laser Center offers overrun with paper work, says programs. Connor. According to an article by Robin Wilson in the Aug. 6 Chronicle of Higher Education, Chronicle if Higher Education, "students from upper-ircorre printing services "New Federal Rules Snarl Student families who want Guaranteed Student Loans are being forced to printing and can be used with_ ~'!n!f~~~;o~em?~::~ro: Caryl Connor, Director of continuedon page 2 by Robert A. Paul MacWrite. MacPaint and other two sources: M}) new regulations Financial Aid Macintosh programs. Commission reallocates space Lewis The WMC 103 is now officially in papers, 25 cents a page, term Laser For Center files. student resumes, Hall opened. The new LaserWriter graphics, books, and anything Blanche ward, and McDaniel non-Greek organization can high quality printer will be else that can be put on a by Jason Plummer Halls that could be reallocated for receive an area, though if they are available for use by students each Macintosh disk, can be typeset by better use. not a recognized student weekday from 12:45 pm to 3:45 the LaserWriter. Carr expects the Last spring President Robert "We have made numerous organization r they will not be pm. hugest volume at the Laser Center Chambers and Dean Philip Sayre changes in the last four years-not able to do so. To acquire a room, MIt can do an unlimited amount to be resumes at the end of the had the President's Commission all of them are negative-and the a group leader must talk with of things, W says microcomputer year. However, she adds that on Student Life (PCSL) review reallocation of space will promote Sayre, who is also one of the assistant Mrs. Susan Carr. "I've several professors have written the use of campus space. They more socializing without ,alcohol people invested with the only touched rust base with it" books that they are interested in found roughly 24 rooms in Albert and big patties," says Sayre. Carr says that the LaserWriter Norman Ward, Daniel MacLea, He explains that any Greek or continued on page 2 produces clear, typeset quality continued on page 2 . elights: hat are the four Preachers appeal to least popular majors at WMC? 'deaf' administrative ear Religious Studies too much for his weight and ignore. They have offered by Beth Tasoff passed out n As a result. community services, organized Philosophy Stonebraker and Dahl say, the walk-a-mons, and participated in It has been five years since the WMC administration placed the many "productive" student Preachers fraternity. formerly fraternity on suspension until activities to prove to the college German called Delta Pi Alpha. lost its 1990 and ceased official that they are "more than worthy charter. But John Stonebraker and recognition of its functions. of a charter." One example was a Norm Dahl, two surviving It has been difficult to live crab feast for homecoming last Performing Arts members from the original group, under the restrictions, they year. Soon after, the group was still insist that they are trying to explain, but still they are trying accused by former director of carry on the Preacher tradition, to make valuable contributions to residence life Nancy Young, 234567 8 9 despite repeated "brush-offs" from the school and community. In falsely they say, of stealing Number of people the college administration. fact. Stonebraker, ·Dahl, and Eric furniture from the cafeteria. This, of this In 1981, after a few hazing Langraf, the vice president they point out, demonstrates the fatalities at other schools around "underground" fraternity, claim antipathy that many that they have tried their hardest .. S,;;,u,;;,rv_e;.:y~sa;_m;.:p;_le,;;,:_1;':'.;,.07...;8;_ S_o_u_,;_t'..;,a"Jr ~:dg~~~~t1~!~ aAl~: to make themselves impossible to continued on page 3
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