Page 20 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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Page 2IWestern Maryland College/October 9, 1986 Sayre announces Preacher legacy lives reallocation plan despite loss of charter continued from page 1 continued from page 1 construction of large ... social/programming area, study administrators hold for them. authority to take a space away. lounges, a kitchenette, and a TV In January, 1984, the The exact criteria that all lounge. "Not every donn is Preachers were again forbidden to Greek organizations must meet in going to get all of these things, "get into any kind of trouble." order to obtain room have not yet because there just is not enough Shortly thereafter they missed a been completed. Some of the space." says Sayre. He adds that chance regain their charter, proposed ideas include having a he does not forsee any abuse of missing the opportunity by one written lease between the group these areas or those to be used by vote. and the college which must be formal groups. The Preachers say they are renewed on a yearly basts, and tired of such abuse. having the group provide-some "I think that 98 per cent of "It's ridiculous," Langraf says. fonn of compensation, monetary the timesmdent organizations are "Why did they choose nine years? or other, for the use of the area. pretty 'responsible," Sayre In 1986 [we'll} all be gone. There The Office of Student Affairs is explains. is no logic behind it." He says also in the process of deciding : One proposal suggests that they have tried to talk to the how to handle the responsiblities the old gym in Blanche Ward be administration, but they are of maintenance. painting. used as a central position for a speaking to "closed ears." furniture, decorations, and pest campus communication center. In Stonebraker agrees. "We are control. These terms, which will this center there would be the being totally ignored by the be finalized in November, witt' newspaper, radio station, as well administration. They know we John Stonebraker, (left), Preacher secretary, and Bill have to be agreed upon by both, as !l televlsi'?PI.Nudio for the are here, but don't acknowledge the college and the organization Prestige cable company. Another it," he says. Griffin, president, pose in front of their fraternity's old before the latter may move into idea, involves using one of the They plan to II}' their luck section in Daniel MacLea. an area. smaller rooms here as a central with Dr. Elban Seidel, an they say, they are at a According to Dahl, they are like a Several proposals for office for all student associate professor of economics disadvantage because they can't brotherhood, closer than any other residential life areas include the organizations. and business administration, who use college facilities, are not fraternity here. will talk to Student Affairs next allowed to advertise parties, and "What I hate the most is what Laser Center opens week. According to Stonebraker, have no clubroom. other students think of us," adds "We can't offer things other Stonebraker. "We are just like Dahl, and Langraf, the group has fraternities can." says DahL "We other fraternities, except that we in Lewis Hall 103 been "clean" for two years. But. can only offer friendship." don't have a charter." continued from page 1 rules which must be followed if Hoover Library looks forward to printing with the Laserwriter. typesetting in the Laser Center. Either Times or Helvetica type "When students need must be used and tabs are a must. major renovation In 1987 something more than dot matrix Carr also suggests that customers they can use the Laserwriter," set top and bottom margins at 3/4 ~L ... says Dr. Linda Eshleman. The inches. by Roshini George ;:~e~~ci~~~~~: :dteft~~tibVa~!~that m~t=:~~as;:,'t ~70er:~ Hoover Library may undergo paying a high price" to get quality to scrape together the last of their renovation in the fall of 1987. printing. Students can drop off money to print term papers on the according to Dr. Margaret their disk at the Laser Center Laserwriter. She says that most Denman-west, who is optimistic where it will be typeset by the faculty members will continue to about the project and hopes to '1.1 next afternoon. accept regular class assignments increase the library's floor space "what you see on !he on the dot matrix image writers 60 per cent. I. screen is not always what you found in the Writing Center and spa~~,ts~i~~ ~~;~d:ndm~~:h~l: IU· get," says Carr. There are several the Power Lab. '-========::::;~;:::=======~library more attractive," explains Denman-west. ""'AIN r- The plans on the board include c.. ~.. "'~ the establishment of a computer , '";J U center in the bottom floor of the ...L ~ library. They also intend to ~ .DELI ,..~ transfer current bound catalogs The library will be accessible average of 4,000 new books every '"' '\?'"~' onto computer disks. In addition, to students and faculty during the year without deleting the existing which may renovation period I!-I more elevators may be installed, extend through an entire year. materialsfrom the bookshelves. The library staff still has no and larger rooms will be built to ~ SHERWOOD SQUARE ~ enable the use of microfilm. Major portions of the work will idea where they are going to stack the books during renovation. be conducted when students are on 17 EAST MAIN STREET rem~;I;~ntati~.!~:rin~~:r:; vacation. Denman-West They are, however, very eager 10 Breaklasa ...... cIl • DiIlMr presents the new building as a acknowledges the fact that get started on the project despite 876-1802 :~~c~o~~~;~~r:~~ :eel~:~ students will experience some the "unavoidably tense and dusty" frustration due to the project, but situation which they will have to "C4I/ A~ W.71H_ II RerIfIy" and the fourth floor will be raised. advises them to think in terms of encounter. D'· President Robert Chambers J7. Cree B,.fJery Some of the stained glass the end result. and the faculty is very supportive windows which are hidden from Hoover Library at present of the project and is giving the ($7 minimum, coupons not valid on delivery);!: contains 131,()(X)volumes, plus proposition top priority, periodicals, microfiche, college according to Denman-west, Terror ID gets you a FREE soft drink librri~ cost of renovation is archives, a collection of rare "The time has come when it's with ANY PURCHASE expected to be covered by state books, and other reference obvious that the need for Increased space is expires 12115/86 Now open until Midnight ~~;3eg~~n~:c=~~nfrom materials. to acconunodate an improving facilities is great," says Denman-West essential
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