Page 14 - ThePhoenix1986-87
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Page 81Western Maryland College/September 25. 1986 _ Linda Ashburn _ Marlene Clements Meet the health staff Health: College diet After you manage to find the had a tour of duty in the Navy. short on essentials Health Center this year, whom For the past 29 years, he has been can you expect to see there? The in family practice in Westminster Nutritional studies conducted Calcium seems to be necessary to secretary-receptionist is Jackie and has been serving the WMC by Drs. Cheraskin and Ringsdorf maintain normal blood pressure Antkowiak. She carne to WMC athletic department for as long. claim that up to 80 per cent of (among other things). Blood last spring as the secretary for Welliver has been teaching in the the population might be lacking pressure increases as calcium Health and Counseling Services. family practice department of the in one or more nutritional intake decreases. Potassium and Marlene Clements, RN and University of Maryland School of vitamin. vitamins A and C also play director, provides primary health Medicine, and is a member of the Fiber: What is all this talk important roles in the blood care on a daily basis Monday Maryland Board of Medical about fiber? Fiber adds bulk to pressure, though their effects are through Friday. Clements, who Examiners. the digestive system. which helps uncertain. is beginning her third year here, absorb moisture and eliminate The amount of sodium, has a BA from Gettysburg Completing the team is Joan harmful substances (i.e. excess however, may not effect blood College and a BS from York Lusby, PA-C. Working with cholesterol) and prevents these pressure at all. In fact, many College of Pennsylvania. She is Welliver since 1974 as a substances from entering the people who eat much sodium currently attending University of physician's assistant, she provides blood. It aids in preventing also eat a lot of calcium and Maryland in the MS nurse primary and preventive health care constipation, hemorrhoids, potassium and have normal blood practitioner program. several afternoons a week, and diverticulosis, and possibly pressure. Sodium is found in In Clements's absence Sharon runs the GYN clinic. Lusby is a cardiovascular disease, colon many foods that contain calcium Skozilas, an RN and a BS graduate of the School of Health cancer, and diabetes. Only fruits, and potassium. Therefore, by graduate of University of Services at Johns Hopkins vegetables, beans, or grains increasing your intake of calcium Maryland. will provide clinic University, certified as a contain fiber. To increase the and potassium, you stand a better, services. Skozilas is also practicing PA by the National amount of fiber in your diet, eat chance of curbing high blood currently an instructor for Commission on Certification 0 more raw vegetables, unpeeled pressure than by decreasing continuing education for nursing Physician's Assistants, and fruits, and eat a salad each day if sodium intake. at Carroll Community College. licensed with the Board 0 possible. Whole grain breads are Here are some Dr. Daniel Welliver, MD, Medical Examiners. also good sources of fiber. These unused lipids to accumulate in suggestions for healthy serves as the college physician for Now that you have met the should be accompanied by plenty the coronary arteries. diets: the Health Center and the athletic Student Health Services team. of liquids. But don't overdo it. Robert Levy of Columbia • Good nutrition alone will not program. Welliver is a graduate stop by and introduce yourself. A sudden sharp increase in fiber University says that the number make a person slim and healthy. of WMC and the University of By the way, the center is located can cause painful gas, nausea. and of deaths due to heart attacks Exercise is essential to good Maryland medical school. He in the Smith House, the while vomining. Fiber can prevent the would decrease 20-30 per cent if health and prevents problems received his medical training at house behind Harlow Swimming absorption of certain nutrients people would eat 10-20 per cent later in life. Regular exercise the University of Michigan and Pool. such as iron and zinc. And less cholesterol. A void if such as swimming, walking, or possible, then, too many fat and bike riding will make you feel r '-::=================~ bewareofbreadsthatmaycontain cholesterol-rich foods. better. wood cellulose fiber. lea. and Cholesterol beer, soda, WMC Bookstore presents: Coronary Heart Disease: in CHD, however, role of cholesterol of chocolate. potato chips, and other • Coffee, The exact is a matter a Coronary heart disease (elID) debate among nutritionists. junk foods are -fine when not claims many American lives each Many believe that the amount of taken in excess. But remember, SIDEWALK SALE year and people in this afflicts 29 cholesterol and that instead the is most of these foods value. have little Be ingested currently unimportant, nutritional true country. million The "diet-lipid hypothesis" states type of lipids that accumulate conservative. be the point This is Fri., Oct. 3 llam to 4pm that an increase or decrease in risk should study shows of concern. • Eat a variety of foods. tip because high- on a person's often depends diet. One that the best nutritional Sat., Oct. 4 9am to 4pm Someone who saturated too much carbohydrate exercise, diets and with modest many of us eat the same foods all eats much different cholesterol, eating the By time. niacin, fats, in the Forum ... calories, refined sugar, and fats, not amounts of alcohol is the best nutritious we foods, are we getting can the be certain enough polyunsaturated prescription against CHD. 40 - 700/0 fiber, and trace minerals will have number Hypertension: This vitamins we need. Even if they abnormal serum lipid levels. • Eat vegetables! too much This means of one one killer in the U.S. can taste terrible, these foods are high and important also. nu~ients in another, off original prices lipoprotein which not causes enough some of be blamed on the lack of certain in vitamins. Fruits and salads are many Clothing (some with Books (Fiction, WMC logo) non-fiction, texts) Jeans Art supplies Women's Blouses Posters Beltlets are here! Sweats Jewelry Men's and Records and Tapes The latest innovation on' the accessory Women's socks Stationary scene is the clever combination of a belt and a bracelet. It's called a "beltlet," and Winter jackets Cleaning supplies you'll be seeing tons of them this fall. You can wear them one at a time or stack 'em Rain slickers School and office on, as shown at left. Suffed animals supplies Beauty Items Electronics See them during Fall Fest at our booth on Gifts Longwell Ave. and register for free daily door prizes. Come Join the Fun! (and get a bargain while you're there) 141 West Salon 141 West Main St. WMC Store MCIVISAICHOICE "Home of the Electric Beach" 848-1199 848· 7000 ext. 275
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