Page 5 - ThePhoenix1983-84
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ThePhoenix }!lunday, October 13, 1983 Western Maryland College Volume 3, Number 2 Staff members recognized Western Maryland College cation to the college. cer, central services; and Carl rewarded the loyalty and ded- Also honored with pins for G. Cole, physical plant ication of several staff mem- their years of service to the Three retiring staff members bers at its annual Recognition college were: Ten years of were also honored: John M. Reception on August 26. service -- Ralph C. John, Baumgardner, physical plant Dr. Ralph C. John, presi- office of the president; Elinor (1956-1983); Mary V. Smith, dent of the college, presented J. Dollenger, infirmary; Lola R. food services (1972-1983); recognition pins to four staff Mathias, economics/foreign and Earl S. Utz. physical plant members whose combined languages; Mary V. Smith, (1964-1983). time totals 115 years of dedi- food services; Ruth Ann H. Thomas Kimball, Jr., vice cated service to Western Stultz, food services; Nancy president for business affairs Maryland College. Connie B. L. Clingan, education; Mary and treasurer, awarded Dr. Anders, alumni office secre- C. Haines, office of the regis- John his 10-year service tary, was awarded a pin for tar; and A. Carole Arrieta, award. Dr. John's wife, Dot, 25 years of service. B. Irene academic affairs. was there to present him with Young, post office clerk; Hob- Fifteen years of service -- his to-year pin. President ert E. Brlqhttul, physical plant; Katherine M. Falconer, library; John has announced he will and Charles C. Cooper, food Raymond J. Louey, physical retire at the end of this aca- services, received 30-year plant; Vera M. Ommert, cen- demic year. A view of the new parking lot and gym service awards for their dedi- tral services; Beverly J. Spen- es On the Rise Beware "Woody" honored Each year, as part of West- College; his distinguished The communicable disease, HSV is a double-stranded contact with the diseased ern Maryland College's tradi- leadership as chairman of the herpes, seems to be on the DNA virus about 100 nanome- person, such as kissing, or by tional Homecoming activities, Board of Trustees from 1971 rise, according to current in- ters in diameter-approximately using for instance, utensils the award for Alumnus of the to 1982; and his prominince formation on the occurence, 700 at these -will-cover the previously used by the car- Year- is -presented at halftime and distinction in the legal spread and control of disease area of a needlepoint. It can rier of the Homecoming football profession." Preston is a part- amongst the U.S. population. multiply and grow only in Type II infects anatomic game. ner in the law- firm of White- This trend is usually attributed living cells. When infected, it parts below the waist, the On Saturday, Oct. 8, the ford, Taylor, Preston, Trimble to changes in sexual mores. manifests itself as clusters of genitalia in particular. This halftime ceremony honored and Johnston in. Baltimore. He Its sites of infection on the blisters of the skin. type is passed on to others Wilbur Day Preston, Jr. ;s past president of the Balti- body are not precise. Some Generally, HSV type I gives through any form of sexual "Woody" Preston was hon- more City and Maryland Stale understanding and a little rise to the all-too-intimate in- contact, and also by contacts ored in recognition of "his Bar Associations. care may help curb its fection, the cold sores, with contaminated materials enthusiastic and abundant Preston has served the col- I growth. usually localized about the Cont on 7 services to Western Maryland Cont on 7 -j The disease, depending on lips and mouth, as well as its type, occurs either on fever blisters. It also causes Rouzer Cries Wolf: Administration Alarmed body parts above the waist, inflammation of the gum, le- or below it and is caused by sions of the cornea in the Laura Kle_b_er disaster could strike. When an fenders must be put into use infection with the virus of eyes, eczema and reappear- No fire alarms were pulled alarm is pulled, whether false Somehow they must learn that herpes simplex (HSV-Herpes ance of cold sores. last Saturday night after the or not, the C.A.'s are sup- pulling fire alarms is not funny Simplex Virus) type I or II. A Type I often infects areas of Homecoming dance. That posed to check each room to for anyone involved including virus is a small, microscopic the body above the belt of came as a surprise because make sure that it is empty themselves. causative agent of infectious adults and older children. In- the weekend before was rela- vet. if there is a fire, a C.A diseases. fection is either by direct .tively Quiet in terms of bells might accidently miss a room ringing, and the underlying where the people didn't beds INSIDE feel GSA Contract Bids thought was that Saturday people's like leaving might their not find out it warm most in minds night and they is a real fire until it is too late would up for this lack of make The U.S. General Services ices, mechanical maintenance noise in T~eri!~k:~~aP~~~~et~:~lvs~~ Freshman Setting off fire alarms Administration (GSA) and the services, elevator and escala- to be a major practical seems joke at Baltimore Federal Executive tor services and others. ~~tanba~ar~a~h~l~t~~~rr;ii~:: Barbarians like to get their People Board's Minority Business Attendance will be limited to WMC. out of waking others up time, they are likely to be 5 thrills Committee will be sponsoring the first 100 business firms at the most inconvenient caught if it becomes a regular page a workshop on Wednesday, registering. To register, inter- hours of the morning and habit. The penalties can be October 19, 1983, at the ested firms may write or call watching them file outside a fire 0 F· Id Fallon Federal Building, 31 the GSA Building Manager, wearing almost next to noth- severe because pullIng an leer alarm is a felony. In addition, Hopkins Plaza, Baltimore, Md, Mr. Edward Harman; George 6 on how to bid on GSA build- H. Fallon Federal Building, 31 ing. (Being rudely awakened the offender is given five page the points and must go before that ing services contracts Hopkins Plaza, Room 317, tends to make one forget is not Disciplinary Hearing Board outside the temperature The workshop will cover Baltimore, Md, 21201, (301) All this hassle for a couple as inside.) same how to market to the Federal 962-7611. the These pranksters do not :~~e!O~hl~tUghter does not Gridders Government and will provide The workshop is free of the potential specific information on the charge and is specifieally ori- realize causing, not only harm they What will stop these early St-- are to oth- bidding and performance re- ented to small and minority ers, but to themselves as well. morning wake-up alarms? Ap 0P quirements of GSA's building business firms interested in First there is the obvious-if the parently the rules enforced services type contracts. Build- doing business with GSA and fire alarms are pulled too ing services contracts include the Federal Government. many times then the one lime ~.::~~ft~~t ~t~~~~~: ~~~~k~~ Juniata janitorial services, guard serv- page 8 there really is a fire no one 'get a full night's rest, a better will believe the alarm, and method of catching the of- '- __ -='-...::~ _ __,