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ThePhoenix September 29, 1983, Thursday Western Maryland College Volume III, Number 1 Administratiop undergoes major changes Students honored for Eric Greenberg Dr. Iglich will be responsible noticed that there is more work on campus .. One of the advantages of for a new program dealing variety & better quality in our . ..~ attending Western Maryland with freshman advising. Stu- cafeteria this year. This is due Eight Western Maryland presented annuatfy to a mem- is the closeness between stu- dents will be encouraged to to the fact that the school has College students were hon- ber of the sophomore class . dents and the administration. foster closer relationships wI contractedthe MarriottCorpo- ored Tuesday, Sept. 13, at' who during freshman year In a school as small as this faculty members, with the ration to provide all the meals the college's annual fall showed superior qualities of one, the administration is very lines of communication very in the cafeteria & pub. You awards luncheon. Students character and leadership in sensitive to the needs of its open. Faculty members will wilt find that the Marriott staff, were honored for their aca- aUphases of campus life and students. Since the last also be able to participate in (& the Director of Food Serv- demic and social contribu- activity. school year, there have been workshops in order to ices - Gary Stevens are very tiona to campus life. The Barry A. Winkelman many changes _behind the sharpen their skills in this responsive to the needs & Nettie J. Barrick, daughter Award, presented annually to scenes at WMC. Some area. In addition to her other comments of the students. of Mr,. and Mrs. William S. a male student beginning his changes are very obvious, duties, Dr. Iglich will be Upcoming promotions include Barrick of Patapsco, received junior year who has been however there have been teaching Ecology, Baby Biol- Coney Island Day & Steak the Freshman Chemistry accepted for advanced ROTC other changes, which may ogy, Biological models, & will Night. In addition to the Food Award. This award is and has demonstrated ace- stucents are not yet aware. be the coordinator of a new Services, Roosevelt Grandy presented to the sophomore demic and athletic ability, was Dr. Del Palmer is now the environmental program in Bi- will be heading Columbus who during freshman year received by Richard A. Harfst. new- Dean of Academic Af· ology. Services - the new Custodial demonstrates outstanding Harfst, a graduate of Northern fairs. He will be working with' Other changes in the Staff. proficiency in chemistry. Bar- Highlands Regional High department heads, the gradu- Academe Affairs Department In the Student Affairs Office, rick is a graduate of Westmin-- School, is a political science ate program, the library, ad- include: Dr. Lighter as direc- Tom Richards is now the ster High School. . and history major. He is the '. ministrative officials, the tor of the math proficiency counselor for the Office of Stephen W. Coffman and son of Eric and Patricia Hartst registrar's office, & the two program & developer of the Counseling & Career Serv- Wende Diane Reeser re- of Upper Saddle River, N.J. new Associate Deans in order math requirements; Dr. linda Theresa ry1aria Merenda, • to review' the Honors Pro- Eshjeman as director of Aca- ices. Kathleen Kilroy is the' ceived the Clyde A. Spic~r IS daughter of Mr. and Mrs. new Director of College Actlv- award Award. The gram, long range planning, & demic Computing and; Mar-. ities. Another new post at presented annually to stu- John Merenda of Baltimore, the general requirements of tha Gagnon as the new Dean WMC is that of the Area dents who during ttieir fresh- received the Felix Wood- the college. of Admissions & Financial One of the new ASSOCiate Aid. Coordinators. Nancy YQung man and sophomore ye~lrs at bridge. M?rely Award. The Deans, Dr. Joan Coley will be Under the Business Affairs will be responsible for Mc- the college show potential for award IS given to the member mathematics ma- of the sophomore class who Daniel, Whiteford, & Blanche becoming responsible for continUing ed- Dept., we have a new DirBC- Ward Halls. George Poling jars. Coffman, a junior mathe- by his or her development on ucation, the January Term, tor of Physical Plant - Jim will be responsible for the matics major, is the son of Mr. the Hill during freshman year International Studies, & other Balch, & a new Director of Quad, the Garden Apts., & and Mrs. William S. Coffman has most happily justified ad- special Programs. The other Security - Tom Sterner. Rouzer Hall. of Westminster. He is a West- mission to the college com- new Associate Dean is Dr. For those students returning minster High School gradu- munity. Esther Iglich. "r from last year, many have ate. Reeser, a junior Michael D. Armacost and Journalist to speak mathematics and computer Jeffrey D. Goettee received science major, is the daugh- the Harry C. Jones Award, to ter of Mr. Daniel W. Reeser presented outstanding and Mrs. Helga M. Stoner, chemistry majors. Armacost, a Three prominent Maryland president of the Maryland from the Maryland Commis- both of Hagerstown. Wende is graduate of North Carroll High journalists and historians will chapter of the Society of sion for Women. She is a a graduate of South Hagers- School, is the son of Mr. and discuss "Maryland Women in Professional Journalists, is a contributing author to Notable town High School. Mrs. Russell F. Armacost of the Media: Then and Now" in former education editor of the Maryland Women, Tidewater Scott D. Austensen, son of Hampstead. Goettee, a grad- a panel program in McDaniel Kansas City Star and was a Publishing Co., 1977, and has Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Austen- uate of Francis Scott Key Lounge on the Western Mary- staff writer for the Washington written a chapter, "Women in sen of Woodbine, received High School, is the son of Dr. land College campus on Post. She is co-editor of the Media," for the History of the James B. Moore Memorial and Mrs. John G. Goettee of Thursday, Sept. 29 at 8 p.m Women in the Media: A Docu- Women in Mary/and -- 1660 to The discussloo, which is mentary Source Book, Voices the Present, to be published 'Award. The award is New Windsor open and free to the public, is of Change: Southern Pulitzer by the Maryland Archives. CAPBoard executive scheduled in cenjunction with Winners, and One Third of a Sharon Dickman, who will an exhibit of the early 20th Nation: Lorena Hickock Re- address the topic, "A Suc- century photojournalism of ports the Great Depression. cessful Professional Looks at committee named Sadie Kneller Miller. "Mrs. Her most recent book, The the Present Situation," has Miller's Maryland," a selection White House Press Confer- worked her way up through experience and involvement of about 200 of her nearly ences of Lorena Hickock, is the ranks at the Sunpapers western Maryland College 1,000 "lost" photographs of being published this fall by and now, as assistant metro has named the executive in the planning of major cam- pus events. CAPBoard func- life in Maryland, can be seen Garland Publishers. Or. Beas- editor,-TIolds the highest posi- committee of the College Ac- in Decker College Center ley's articles on the history of tion of any woman on 'the tivities Program Board f9r the tions under the direction of from September 26 to Octo- women journalists have ap- editorial staff. 1983-84 academic year. Kathleen A. Kilroy, director of ber 14. The exhibit will then peared in a variety of schol- In conjunction with the eve- The CAPBoard is organized college activities. travel to six other sites around arly publications. She holds a ning panel discussion, a to bring events and activities Bonnie Banks, a senior, has the state during 1983-84. master's degree from the Col- slide/lecture entitled "Mrs. to campus which will enhance been named chairperson of The Thursday evening panel umbia Graduate School of Miller's Maryland," will be the quality of campus life, this year's executive board. will feature Dr. Maurine H. Journalism and a Ph.D. in presented on Thursday, Sept. complement the college aea... . Ellen Wolf, a senior, wilt Beasley, an associate profes- American studies from 29 at 4 p.m. in Memorial Hall, demic Vberal arts program head the Lecture Committee. sor at the College of Journal- George Washington Univer- Room 106. The presentation and expose .students to a Lectures bring to campus the ism, University of Maryland; sity. wHf be an overview of the variety of educational, cut- controversial and the current. Sharon Dickman, assistant Dr. Andersen, who has photojournalist career of tural, recreational, social and Both educational and enter- metro editor of the Baltimore been a professor of history Sadie Kneller Miller. community-building activities. taining speakers can be Evening Sun; and Dr. Joan A. and political science at cca For more information about The 24-member Board found on this fall's lecture chairperson of the since 1965, has done exten- the photography exhibit or the strives to offer a comprehen- circuit. of social sciences sive work in oral history and Sept. 29 panel discussion, sive, on-going program de- For further information about College of in 1977 received a commend- call 848-7000 (from Baltimore signed to realize leadership upcoming activities at the col- ation for outstanding contribu- 876·2055) ext 426. potential among its members lege, contact College Activi- tiona In historical scholarship while offering them a unique ties at 848-7000, ext. 265.