Page 3 - ThePhoenix1982-83
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October 7, 1982 Page 3 Biden chastizes Reagan foreign policy Steven Rossman called strategic consensus, the House Committee filed a The points Senator Biden nuclear non-proliferation. Speaking on American For- "Casper Weinberger was report that the administration outlined for a better foreign The final questions the Sen- eign Policy, on September 23 flying all over the Arab na- "at minimum pumped- up the policy are as follows: First, ator let rest with the American in Alumni Hall. Senator Joseph tions telling them they need danger" in EI Salvador, an although the ·U.S. needs the people: "And so where are A. Biden, Jr~ addressed the this new weapon system, or" action, Senator Biden be- military, it can not be used in we in terms of Latin American major question: Does the - that new weapon system, lieves, which was in direct other countries to create relations?_Are we better off United States have a foreign "Senator Biden explained, response to lack of U.S. initia- peace, as vietnam has today than we were two years/;:t policy today and what is that "and we started to sell tive in the Poland situation. shown. Second, the adminis· ago? Is there more cohesionlAJ in the. Western Hemisphere policy? AWACS, and new missles..." •... we started 10 sell tration should develop a clear today, than there Was two of what The Reagan administration The Reagan administration's understanding the ~:a:t~a~~ab:S~:~~~~~~~~~t'~~~I~:!1t~6t:~i~rO~~~ - and what objectives are im- years ago? Do you feel more United State's interests are AWACS. secure than you did two years consistency, reliability, and confidence that ·the United. and new ·..... 1...... portant. ago? balance." From the outset, it States would remain faithful to The Senator praised the intel- Third, the administration Senator Biden was elected was officially declared that Israel. So, stated the Senator, ligence of the American peo- should adopt 8 more sophiS- to the Senate in 1972 and "detente was dead," unoffi- ·the U.S. "unintentionally...un- ple for sending a clear ticated view of third-world na- again in 1978, and serves on cially, Senator Biden ex- dermined the confidence of" message to Reagan that they tions. Finally, there is a need the Senate Intelligence Com- plained, "a permanent Israel." did not .want involvements for cooperation with the Soviet mittee and the Senate Foreign .moratorium [was placed] on Concerning Latin America, with war in EI Salvador. Union and the continuation of .Relations Committee. the notion of arms control." With this "tough talk" came "tough action," which began with the Soviet ambassador being denied his parking space in the State Depart- ment, causing a halt in talks with the Russians for the first time in fifteen years. Key spokesman for the ad- ministration took rather sim- plistic and "two-dimensional" viewpoints seemingly placing the Soviet Union at the center of the conflicts in Africa, Latin America, and the Middle East. Some people who were as- signed "Positions of responsi- bility" in the Reagan administration, such as Na- tional Security Advisor William Clark, lacked familiarity with foreign policy. "Every time they {high officials] open their mouths, they subtract from the sum total of human knowl- edge," the Senator quipped. NATO is in a terrible state. In a press conference, Presi- dent Reagan said "he was confident we could limit a nuclear war to Europe." Cas- per Weinberger talked about the start of U.S. production of the neutron bomb for use in Europe during war, which would "kill more people and damage less property." Such statements frightened the "liv- ing hell out of the Europeans" and demonstrated to Europe that United States control of nuclear weapons was not its top priority. The next subject Senator Biden discussed was the problems in the Mid·East. The Senator, who is considered one of the strongest support- It all me- is you spend less of the package. You also get ers of Israel in the U.S. Sen- Ifthere's one thing undergrad time calculating, and more a book that follows most _ business students have always ate, was opposed to time learning. One keystroke business courses: the Business Reagan's plans to sell needed, this is it: an affordable, takes the place of many. Analyst Guidebook. Business business-oriented calculator. AWACS aircraft to Saudi Ara- The calculator is just part professors helped us write it, bia. When the United States The Student Business Analyst. to help you get the most out Its built-in business formulas announced a new pOIi<;:'y of calculator and classroom. let you perform complicated finance, accounting and A powerful combination. Movie: statistical functions-the ones With the Student ~ Think business. that usually require a lot of ON GOLDEN time and a stack of reference Business Analyst. POND books, like present and future TEXAS value calculations, amortiza- tions and ball5_'Onpayments. INSTRUMENTS Friday, Oct. 8 O[ll'lfllT..... ln.. '"""''''. $howtimes: 7:00 & 9:30 p.m. in Decker Auditorium Admissk>n: $1.00