Page 7 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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September 11, 1981 Tn. Phoenix page 7 Molesworth to lead '81 Terrors from page 1 turf can have time to . sodded I a strong root system cheski started last year. Despite the Though the stadium will be used The 1981 western Maryland Col- loss of starter Mark Chadwick. the beginning this fall. it will not be totally lege football season features a new Terrors are deep at wide receiver completed until the spring of 1982 head coach, three new assistants, a with three lettermen--Frank Connell, Included in the planning of the $500,- new offense and a new home field Mike Gosnell and David BogdansKi-- 000 facility is a building under the Jack Molesworth, a 1952 graduale, returning. grandstand that will house the home returns to his alma mater after a Defensively. Western Maryland ap- and visiting team rooms. along with highly successful tenure with the pears solid with eight starters return- public rest rooms. According to Yin- Frederick County high school system ing to a squad that was fifth best gling. once this portion of the stadium and a stint with the state education nationally in Oivision III against the is completed. the present building department. He was a member of the run in 1980. There were two Key contract will be fulfilled. last undefeated Western Maryland losses on defense, though. Harry The new stadium is named for Scott football team, in 1951. Peoples and Joe Menendez, the two S Bair, Sr., an area resident and Molesworth brings wiij1 him three most freq_uent tacklers 011 last year's who donated $180,000 new assistants, including classmate team. have graduated of the facility. He Walter Hart, who will coach the The molto for the defense will be as a devoted and receivers. The other new coaches "Swarm and Sting," and the starters supporter of the college by include Richard Gray, a 1974 gradu- will have a green hornet emblem on alumni newspaper, The Hill, and is ate of Franklin & Marshall, wtio will their helmets. Using a college 4-3 a trustee emeritus of WMC. coach the defensive linemen, and defense, the prebackers, cornerback- The dedication of the stadium is Michael Gamer, a 1974 Frostburg ers and safeties will be prepared to planned for Saturday, October 3, State grad, who is in charge of the ftip-flop according to which side the during the half-time period of the linebackers opposition directs its strength. Green Terror football game against The new offense will be a multiple The special teams might be a Gettysburg College. During the cere- open-end T, featuring an unbalanced question mark, since the talented foot mony .. there will be an introduction of line and a sprint out pass. The team of Craig waeer has graduated. He Bair by WMC· President Ralph C will also use the I formation on averaged almost 36 yards per punt John, remarks by Bair, and the occasion. "The offensive system will last year, and added 16 points after unveiling of the plaque that names be all new," Molesworth said. "It's touchdown and seven field goals to the field. Wilbur D. Preston, Jr., quite a departure from the wishbone" score 37 points. Punter Mike Gosnell Chairman of the WMC Board of There will also be two different offen- . and placekicker Rich Johnson will Trustees. will also participate in the sive units; the power offense will run have big shoes to fill. On the bright ceremony . sweeps and off-tackle plays, while side. Rick Conner, the fifth best punt aen Stadium was designed by the finesse offense will run more returner in Division III in 1980 returns Inc. 01 Baltimore, and built intricate plays He is~penciled in at weak-side cor- A. F. Kline, Inc. of Frederick, Md. While this offense is new for the nerback, though, and the coaches Terrors, it is not new to Molesworth, may not want to risk injury to a who had great success with it at starter. L__!!:~~:=.!!:=~=..::;;.::.._...........=....._...:........"'"",======I Frederick and Thomas Johnson High Schools. "It requires a lot of extra be~:n :~e~:a aa~~o~~fe~~:ti~~S~~~ preparation by our opponents," he 1981 Terror squad. The defense said It will also take extra preparation by frequently determines where the of- Assistants also new to WMC J the Terror returning. which the "backnerd, fense gets what the ball, and do otfensively,"' \.. of Franklin & Marshall, will coach the for the football team and head base- position "field has only five you can dictates offense, starters In assistant an line. promoted been Bryan Bain will move Irom fullback to according first to three Molesworth. fouf games are two Western head Maryland College has filled - defensive Diplomats. He and was also at Buck- ball coach, staff has member of the physical to a or and for the coaching positions "Our full-time tailback and Dan Fielder, a starter at crucial," the coach said, and the added a number of assistant coaches nell. Michael Garner will work with the education department. A native of halfback last season, moves to the schedule backs him up. Three of the to its athletic staff linebackers. A graduate of Frostburg Palmya, Pa., Seibert graduated from new slot beck position. Leading the Terrors' first four are on the road at a Three new assistant football Stale. he has been a high SChool Western Maryland in 1978 and re- offense will be senior quarterback Jim time when the team must gain confi- coaches will work with first-year head coach in Frederick County ceived his master's degree in 1981 Selfridge, who was 15th in the nation dence in a new offensive system and .coach Jack Molesworth this year Dave Seibert, defensive coordinator (NCAA Division III) in total offense coach "We·ve preached and Walter Hart. a 1952 graduate 01 WMC r-------------------, last season, averaging 164.6 yards preached enthusiasm," Molesworth who played with Molesworth on the per game. said, "and most of them are really last undefeated Green Terror team in Our Desk Lamps The offensive line will be largely anxious to go. I'm very impressed 1951. will be in cha(ge of the receiv- untested, as only tight end Bob with their attnude." ers. Richard Gray. a 1974 graduate Are Light On ***************** Your Budget! -+c CQ!.<,~1U1'div ,.. Put your studies in the right light with the very latest in decorative and efficient lamps. ,.. Choose wall, from bed hi-intensity, table desk lamps. *' fluores- cent and ir.condescent ,.. plus. mounted or ,.. styles. Prices start as low as 6.95 largest Selection In the Areol ,.. ,.. ,.. crossroad..SS,u~:~.S~~~g Center ,.. 876-1630 ~ ~ a.:-. Wfl8kdayo 10 to 9; Satudoy$ 10 10 5 -_~ __ 'w_._~_~__ ~_~__ ,.. ,..~~~------~=-----~~ L_ __ .i'?1~9~ ,..l'J, Co';;:~r l westmmeter Ceca-Cola ------------.---- ,.. ,.. CarroU Plaza Shopping Center Sandwiches Salad-Bar Bottling Co. Inc -tc: 525 Old W"tmm"" Pike - 848-2028 Call Ahead for Takeout Orden 876-3551): *****************
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