Page 2 - ThePhoenix1981-82
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The I Phoenix_ Letter to the Editor A new name and beginning Moral Majority No one can be the sale juage of Over the summer,there have been many changes made on the moralfortitude.Morals are an intangi- ~~~;~~;'i~;:'1~'~~~::~1~~2;i!:b:~"'{:::~£:~~~o: Ref re shin9 tho ugh t ~~ti:::~~~i,::,:rio~:Thl,:;~':09'b:~ ~o~:: I~~d~~~~~~~~ft~:n~ri~li~~:a~~;: i~:P:I:~;Ci:':~; As Western MarylandCollege begins a new academic year, h~~er;::k:~1~:a~~lti~:~~e~fr~~~~ because of these changes ~;U:~~~ ~~.a~;~:\~eC~~:S~~a:h~~~~~;:r;,e~;i:I:~ee~~:~:;~sibility of setting the moral standards- Another change that has occurred, is in the name of this student occurred overt he summer, there has been a change in the attitudes for the country, The name of this ::::~:~f~::Z:'~:::~~~?:~}~E~~a:~=:~~;~!l~ of '~M~~:~~~~~: :':'::"'Og Task FoIO. 10examinethevarious ?2~;;~I:,~~;1=,i£,;:~,~~~£~~ reputation in the college community and OUf journalistic peers. II was ~Sb:t~Of~:~eC~r:~Sa~~~;:~~i'i~~~~:fyk~n~~~~~ef~~~~~~~,h~~ able. In all of the reports, Moral a reputationthat could not be reversed,despite the respectable 10the returningupperclassmen,alumni,andthe localcommunitytoo ~:~r~I\:e';;.~:hi~eC~~:r~ no more jour~~~~cerq~~~I~~I:s~~~r:e I~U~~:~hli~S~~:~e,rather than ~h~~t!~:!~~epa~ii~U~:~;e~~o~~aega:s:~udde~~~n:~n~a~ifCi~~teC~~~~: This issue is beside the point though, The reel issue is that of creating confusion in the middle of the academic year. We regret evaluation process ~~:Ii~;~~!c:~~~;:;~ht~~:~~ ~i~~: :P~~bl~lt,~:,'"~::,,;~'~9:hl~:';:9~~U'~:do~h'"''':'''dd;f'on,~~.~,"m'~.~~:yre!~ar',.~~,i~io'pOo,.~:~,~,sf the ~~I~dem:~iSr~~~~c:~~nal~~;:~irS~~t~~~;~b~i~~a~~ Ps~~~~o~=Yth~; ... "'" v";ovu .....' " " ". 'u.... "U" same environment for intellectual growth and freedom that IS ~~~~An~~e change, and a suitable replacement for the name, ~~~Vidae:mii~i!~~t~:s~:, t~~en!I~~ ar~R~:Si~~n~i~~:.~I~S~a ::a~s ~~e:I~~;epri:e ::e ~:~~~~~ THE PHOENIX is the name by which this publication will be philosophy that justifies a commendation of the administration from ~~tw~rK~~~~ nt~ti~iv:o~~Cch~~OU:~e ~n~~hT:e ~=n~! ~e ~:r:~~~n~~: ~~~~~~~ac;!~~~~I::el~;:~ the:~t:V~r~~~~~~~sa~~eihe administrators for this action, the knowing thaf some of their most and adopted in 1974, under the auspices of WMC President Ralph students of WMC should recognize that those who govern the successful programs were at stake C. John college have realized a need for changes and adaptation, and give Moral Majority then took their cause It is in the spirit of the mythological bird that this publication encouragement to the people who Will effect the. long needed (and pressure) to the sponsors of seeks to find a rebirth, an opportunity to become a publication that is changes. The students of WMC should also recognize that, ~ile these programs. the sponsors in turn satisfying to the needs and desires of the WMC student body, and to these changes are in process, they should be alert to any Situations applied pressure to the networks ~y gain the respect of our jcurrenenc peers: The new name ISonly. a for opportunities to divert or bypass the intenti?ns ar.e the basis of withdrawing sponsorship of certain cosmetic change. however. and signified the more substantl~1 this new philosophy, and strive to keep the ~dmlnistrallOnfocused on shows' changes that will occur in the appearance ~d content of this the ideals that were espoused under the title of "Rrst PrinCiples. ,. No single group or individual can publication It is a time of change, and with that change comes a sense of make moral judgements for a mas- We are proud of the name of this newspaper, and our dedication uncertainty. However, it is also a time of new hope and reborn elve population. The only common to be a quality publication that it symbolizes, We invite the WMC optimism. and the excitement of a new beginning. Jt is with this same moral guide is the laws of the land, In Students, faculty, administrators and alumni to share the great sense hope, optimism, and excitement that we welcome the students, both those gray areas of moral judgement of pride and hope we hold for this publication, ano the opportun!tY freshmen and upperclassmen, of WMC and extend a wish for a it is up to each person to decide for it to be ltIe kind of publication in which the college community successful and fulfilling year to all. what is right or wrong. Thank God lor --.._.._ that American privil:~ can be proud. ~-Po-lmerdirectsdepartment-r---------, MichMwitz Ed Johnson prior to hoped for by Indlvuels like Dr. Walking to the new office of Dr. Del Pal~r, but until now not realized University, and of Boston University. Palmer - now WMC's head of the Dr. Palmer, although administrator In the military during the Vietnam War reorganized Dramatic Arts - Campar- for Dramatic Arts, will continue to he served as a Service Entertainment ative Literature Department,an atmos- teach comparative literature courses Specialist. He has published in his phere of Renaissance envelops one Within dramatic arts he will sponsor field and has a patent pending on a The golden light of an csercest day and develop a media internship pro- design of a plastic lensed lighting instrument. descended upon the capacious paso, gram, a film series featuring Charlie tel room as if foreShadowing a calm Cbaplan. and a dance group (with Tim Weinfeld and Max Dixon have yet exciting revitalization of an aca- instruction from Debra Robinson of planned a full season of plays. This demic department seeking to improve the Baltimore Ballet, including instruc- lall Max will direct understage. Wait- itself. The diplomas and recognitions tion on ballet barres purchased by ing for Godot, and Tim (in connection interdispersed among the paintings of the department for Alumni Hall). with a national emphasis on the French ImpreSSionists remind any He had been in correspondence handicapped) will do A Day in the acquaintance 01 Dr. palmer's of the with aproximately sixty radio, televi- Death of Joe Egg. on main stage. In experienced educator and artistic son and various performing arts spring Tim will do Uncommon Woman talent he is. The McGovern pin, groups, and has already received a· (understage) and Max will direct The a big mUSical on main though used as a mere paper han- large number of internship possibili- Boy Friend, stage ger, appearing prominently on the ties. Hopes to tie these in with.current Over the summer, Tim taught and wall beside his desk; spoke of his oHerings on campus for a second took courses. Max was with the music human concerns. The room'of simple track or a major in Communications and drama festival at Ipswich, Mass yet quaint taste definitely represented Studies exist The Dramatic Arts De- a new beginning partment has already petitioned the where he studied techniques of co- Dr. Palmer~spoke gleefully of what stale higher education agency for media del I'arte and played Pantalone in their workshop performance. He is an added dimension to his already such a new program, A file on was asked to perform with the com- I"==!~================I sixteen year career at Western Mary- internship information is available in pany there next summer. Max will use r land. "Exciting" was the word Del the Dramatic Arts oHice. The kept repeating as he described the The dance group will be a contin- a lot of what he learned there in his Ph . new challange. He explained that the uation of last year's plus more. Ms January Term course, and has combination of two departments inio Robinson has agreed to conClude ~~a;n~~~~~ :i::" ~~~t~~as~a~~u~~~ oenIX one is not a new concept at liberal each semester with a student per· early February. Editor arts co!leges. Western Maryland has formance for the campus, Palmer ....... Robert Holt its own Economics and Business hopes to get Dance for Performance Rnally. the department. the college, We would like to express our gratitude to the following persons, Administration Department and For- approved lor credit . and the whole community are fortun- without whose contributions and assistance this issue would not have eign Language Department compris- The Chaplan film series will include ate in having Ernest Thompson agree been possible ing five different languages. for two films on early comedy (ChapIan to come to Western Maryland one Ed Johnson, Sue Herbert; Jeanne Higbee, Office of Counseling example and others) and three feature films of day this fall to meet with drama and Career Services; Rev. Charles Wallace, Campus Ministry; Joyce Del added that the Comparative Chaplan's City Ligh/s. The· Great students in the afternoon and give a Muller and Ed Mc Donough, OHice of Public Information; Dr. Del Literature Department was always Dictator and Modern Times. Begin- public lecture in the evening. Thomp- Palmer, comparative literature department; Dr. Keith Richwine, small and provides a good combina- ning next year, Dr. Cipolla has son is the author of On Golden Pond, English department; Dr. Ira Zepp. philosophy and religions depart- tion with Dramatic Arts. Dr. Palmer agreed to bring his special interest in which was performed under Tim ment; Dean C. Wray Mowbray, DHice of Student AHairs; Tracey Lee has always had a close worKing films to the department to teach Weinfeld's direction in Westminster Maxwell, Class of 1981; Bemice Beard. Office of the President; and relationship with the Drama Depart- Introduction to Rim. last spring. This fall Thompson wilr Dr. Ralph C. John ment He conducted many joint Joining the department to replace have his worK· either opening or A special note of thanks to Mrs. Selma Leonard, and Dr. L projects with the department, includ- Christian Wittwer, wil be Ira Domser, playing in Philadelphia, New York, Stanley BowiSbey for his inspiring trust and timely advice ing film series and certain compara- who has considerable experience and Washington. A former Westmin- Published by and for the students of Western Marylan,dCollege. The tive literature courses. l will provide a myriad of worthwhile with light and sound systems, and ster resident and son of a former opinions expressed in this publication do not necessarily reneet For the students the combination those of the staH or administration WMC laculty member. he is one of with design and technical production. new opportunities. Now WMC will Ira had taught most recenlly at the most interesting young play- We welcome comments andlor suggestions. Please address' all mail Plattsburg in New York. He is a :t~h~r~~~ ~~:~~n~~iCt~~~~~ ~~~~~.Phoenix, Box 1. Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. have the freedom to do many things graduate- of Utica College, Syracuse Board in sponsoring Thompson. L.~:.:,;:: ..