Page 100 - TheGoldBug1972-73
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pageS -----.--------~~----~~ Neffers folly • • !!!!!!"ng season ri'seems that just about every Western Maryland team has come up with a winning season this year, and the men's tennis team is no exception. For the first time since 1964, the men have tallied more wins than losses, ending the season with a 5 and 4 record. TI.lree of the four games they: lost were close ones, as tight as you can get (5-4), and their inability to win at what was predicted to be their strength- doubles-cost them what could have been, in Coach Jones' words, "a great season." He added that he was quite happy at the winning season, however, and stncejhe team does not lose a playing member, he prophesied, "if the fellows work hard, then we could look forward to a better season next year." Outstanding in Coach Jones' book is freshman Frank Janson ("the best freshman player Western Maryland has seen in a long, long time.") Seeded c.ombmed scores of 10 and 6, and 9 and 6, respec- H• 'f Terrors won this Inauguration Day lacr~sse game against Wilkes. , number four this season, Janson has completed the year with a singles record of sando, and a doubles tallyof 16 and 2, coupled with partner Dave Cesky. W·" Coach Jones cited the unfeated season as "really !:sa¥I~~al~~I~nro:h~~er:a~~i~thS~:~~s~a;i~~ lively. The fact that almost all their matches this - Ie nes, H augen, ,.son e Jones, for to him it shows that WMC is "a battling- 'AIM C season were close ones is interesting to Coach eTea e team." He adds, "With continued improvement in .... J fo nd ~ f d sea son :r::te yO:a~~;:e~~~;e~tiol~l~e~ :~~ oih~~~k~~n~~a~ U long time." - by Chip Rouse Lexwomen has turned out an undefeated track team. WMC's short distance runner, has dominated For the second year in a row, Western Maryland meets this season, backed up of the' year, biggest surprise Not only did WMC place third in the Middle go unb~aten Atlantic Conference, but the track team also sprinter, the Odd Haugen. In 440 intermediate- qtBlified three of its members for the nationals. McGaughran has won every race but two, Still further, one of the newest additions to the WMCtrack won the Penn Relays this year, which is Lewis in the long and triple-jumps by Chip Rouse the largest relay race in the world. back-up points throughout the season. With only one game left to play, the WMC Such notoriety coming to any team of Western Downes and brian Alles deserve good seasons in the hurdles and women's lacrosse team has come up with a 3 and 0 Maryland's deserves recognition and applause, for tively. record this season. anyone of these achievements is outstanding in Johnson Bowie, one of the three itself. All of them together are practically un· The short season is a result of the fact that they do believable. Yet the trt-coacbed (Carpenter, Case, team, explains that there were alot of and the members really came not yet have a budget, and therefore are not funded Bowie) team, pulling together, has given Western were needed most. It was somewhat to play more schools. However, this year's season Maryland another undefeated season. team, said Johnson, and its wasn't just should provide the much- awaited "go ahead" for One of the newest sensations on the team is Knut pulling the team along. next year's Varsity team. With the addition of Hjeltnes, the Penn Relay discus winner, throwing The effort the coaches are many talented freshmen and a new coach, Mrs. the discus 194feet to break the old record by 14feet. more men in track seems to Joyce Diggs, the women have shown their desire Most records are usually broken by mere inches. people are ~oing out for It-and and their energy for a longer season in many ways. All the major colleges east of the Mississippi were shows the difference. Five Their first game was played in the snow; their third represented, which places Hjeltness as one of the Broackmeyer, was played in pouring rain. They beat UMBC by 20 top six collegiates in his category of tfie nation. The Schaeffer) will be points, and finally triumphed over Gettysburg after gold watch he received as a prize must have looked that with a new crop of freshmen two years of losing to them. tarnished next to all that glory. - team, they should have a well-rounded group Besides Knut, both Odd Haugen and Steve Wilson Outstanding scorers tlTisyear have been veteran qualified for the nationals. All three men have year. They may not necessarily have another ... junior and captain Lin VanName, and freshman broken Western Maryland records, in the discus defeated season, but, says Johnson, "It'll be a Kathy Roach, as well as freshmen Toby Meldrum and javelin, shotput, and high hurdles respectively. team again, I can tell you that." - and Dale T~bit, and sophomore Sue Underwood. They are backed up by many strong field and track men, notably the new freshman distance runner, Steve Vaughan, who has been running the mile and Terrors Mak Com m u n itv continued frurn page 3 the 2-mile. WMC's middle distance runners, Tom Enstice and Larry Appel, have dominated the 1/ 2 mile this season, and in the 440 Frank Schaeffer has audience members "seeing friends and having a won every dual meet except one. Joe Broackmeyer, pro tryou good time with the students. As for as the student audience, Ed feels they were just about ready for an entertaining break from the usual engagement Women tennis by Tom Tresize theater of the drama department. Engagement Three ex Terror football standout will be th~ater is basically psychological theater usually the gridiron experience they gained while U~lDgpla:fs that stress and offer actors practice ends season when they step up to the tougher with varIOUS problems in acting techniques. world of professional football. Odd Cabaret as .a - depthful musical seems to fall by Chip Rouse Brookmeyer, seniors on this year's somewhere between bare entertainment and With a 5 and S record so far, the women's Varsity and Roy Brown, class of'I970, have each engagement drama. tennis team has only one match left to play. the opportunity to try-out with Ed too says "I'd like to see this continued in the Haugen won a berth with the future rather than just falling by the wayside. Total The five varsity singles players - Beth Mc- skins earlier this spring when he involvement: it seems to mean success at WMC. Williams, Barb Kohler, Mary Ebmeier, Sue free agent after participating in on of Wagner, and Cindy Palmer _. have all contributed camps. He was awarded a trophy as best to the winning season, and the freshmen, adds lineman on this year's Terror squad at a Coach Joan Weyers have been a real help. The top held last fall. three placed players have had good seasons, and in Brockmeyer, \y'estern Maryland's The final Gold Bug journalism seminar will be held doubles (Margaret Pulley and Brenda Noble, Cindy leading rusher, will report in . Thursday, May 17, at 8:00 in Miss Winkelman's office. Williams and Sue Stalker) WMC has been quite training camp of the. Hamilton The speaker is Mrs. Betty Oukert, Associate Producer successful. Even though the weather this season Hamilton, Ont. of Meet the Press. All students and faculty are invited has been terrible, Coach Weyers thinks her team Brown will be training with the to attend. has borne uo auite well. later in the summer. He came to . The JV has 2-1 record this season, so both teams their scouts by his hard-hitting play in h"3"" ho ..n .,,,,,......::.,r,,1 ball.
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