Page 55 - TheGoldBug1971-72
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JANUARY 24, 1972 THE GOLD BUG Makosky Students aware, faculty involved by Suzi Windemuth After graduating from Western Maryland different operas, "my ambition is to see 300,but I College in 1925, "I hadn't the foggiest notion of don't think I'll make it!" what I wanted to do in life," laughed Dr. John D. When asked what he felt was the biggest Makosky, acting Dean of the Faculty and change in Western Maryland, the Dean felt there Students. He had previously attended the Naval is a great academic improvement in the student Architectural Marine Engineering School in New body. "It's not that today's good students are York before coming to Western Maryland. better than previous students, but the spectrum Keeping in mind vocations of the people he most is narrower between the abilities of selected admired, the Dean chose English as his major, students." The students have the intellectual modeling after Dr. George Wills, Chairman. of power to do college work if they have the desire the English Department at that time. He or push to achieve. As they apply to a college, received his Masters Degree in English from new students are becoming more serious about Columbia University in the mid thirties and choosing their majors. The Dean generalizes began teaching mathematics at Washington that those students not having a definite major College the following fall term. In 1934he began have a vague feeling to use their talents to save teaching English at Western Maryland. "I enjoy the world - they are very liberal. There are none the process of teaching, the intellectual in- as conservative as those who have decided upon terchange with bright students having intelligent their major. "Kids are much more aware of a approaches to literature." He especially enjoys necessity of a goal - the preparation is more teaching Romantic - Victorian Literature and specific. Professionalization of every kind of Contemporary Drama. career almosl forces the student to make a In 1944 he succeeded Dr. George Wills as decision." Chairman of the English Department, and in On the -subject of new professors, Dean 1949 was selected Dean of the Faculty, his Ma koskv feels there has not been much dif- present position. In 1969, Dean Makosky ference in the past twenty years-younger returned to a full-time teaching only to be teachers can establish rapport with their reappointed to the Dean's position in 1971 after students due to the closeness in ages. The chief the leave of Dr. Holloway. He presently serves difference in the faculty, he says, is a deeper on many adminstrative committees and has not concern in administrative problems. According been avaliable to teach this year. He is still in to the Dean, the faculty, as well as the students. Two inhabit an ts of Elderdice are this charge of the independent reading department. want a say in the administration facet of college An avid outdoorsman, the Dean enjoys hiking life, a chance to criticize and express their week's PROFILES, registrar Cora and camping. He has walked 2/ 3 of the Ap- feelings. palachian Trail and many parts of Skyline Perry and Dean of the Faculty John 0, Drive. Lately, most of his excursions have been Perry M,ko,ky with his family. The Dean gets his exercise music HWhat spare time?" says registrar through golfing, adding that he can be found on the golf course any day except those below 40 degrees. Reading, listening to chamber and operas provide relaxation. Having seen 250 by Debbie Day What student hasn't been confronted with the words. "Please return to the registrar's office by oppttcations and other colleges go out of this such and such a date" at one: time or another'? sarm- office. l~ul the registrar's orfico is best Next time you are fortunate enough to set foot in known as :1 place 1.0run to for problems con- the famous Office of the Registrar, don't be cerning course rogistrauon and scheduling. surprised if you trip over a bassoonand fall flat Miss Perry finds thnt campus life has changed on your face. Miss Cora Perry, Western somewhat sĀ·ince she was a student here. With Maryland College registrar, has played the greater mobility and no Saturday classes. bassoon in the college orchestra. "I wasn't a students ,J)"e able to have more outside, off- musician, but they needed a bassoonist," she campus interests. She believes that there is very smiles. much a place fer it small liberal arts college such Miss Perry, a New Hampshire "Yank," as Western Maryland in the world today. She received her A. B. from Western Maryland thinks that bigger universities are loa im- College and her M.L.A. from Johns Hopkins personal. "A smaller college is more f.ricndly, University. She worked part time in the Dean's with a better studcnt-tcacbcr relationship," she office as a secretary for some lime, then stayed savs on full time in the registrar's office. In her spare timc-vwbut spare time'?" she It is the job of the registrar to keep an accurate asked--Miss Perry enjoys stamp collecting. She academic record and permanent record card is ,I member of lhe Methodist church, where she showing high school and college units for each sang in the choir at one lime. She is a Sunday student. All college applications are filed in the School teacher and an officer in a local women's office of the registrar and all transcripts for job society News Briefs: Of classes, coffee clashes, sabbaticals Freshman class Palmers' sabbatical Coffee clash reaction Jan. 24 - Coffee hour - McDaniel HaJJ - 3:30 _ Dr. Melvin D. Palmer, associate professor of by Jeff Bell "promises to have the largest crowd, soft music, English at Western Maryland College, West- The sophomore class sponsored a Coffee Clash and homemade doughnuts." minster, has been granted a sabbatical leave on Tuesday, January II, at 3:30 P.M. The idea Feb. 21- Slave auction -Alumni Hall-6:30- girl during second semester for study and travel in behind these Coffee Hours is to provide an in- slaves for guys, guy 'slaves for girls, plus two Europe - formal setting wherein students and faculty can special guest mystery slaves. discuss things on a common level. The first Other happenings: Dr. Palmer's wife, a special instructor at the Coffee Hour was held on the first day of the Jan. planting of a tree to symbolize growing of the college, and their two daughters also will go to Term and was poorly attended because it was Europe. The Palmers class of 1975. and say that sabbatical teach World Literature not publicized. leave visits to literary Junior class landmarks of the writers and books they teach But on January 11in McDaniel Lounge, nearly Things are happemng next semester for the a hundred students and at least 6-8 faculty Junior Class. Early in February. the casting of will benefit their classes. They plan to begin the members came. Mrs. Coffey and Dr. Lightner the Follies will take place, and rehearsals will sabbatical period with general travel through appeared to be the centers of attention. Also in Southern France, Italy. and Spain before settling continue throughout March and Aprtl, attendance were Dean Makosky, Dean Zepp, Dr. culminating in production weekend, April 21-22. in Paris to do research. If possible they will Crain, Roy Fender and some other faculty They have a script and lots of music so all they travel through Germany, the Low Countries, and members who left after the first fifteen minutes. parts of Scandinavia. need now is participation and the spirit of unity. Everyone enjoyed themselves. Well, almost The class is also sponsoring the May Weekend Dr. and -Mrs. Palmer are writing two articles everyone. The hot chocolate lasted about a half Party. on aspects of French .and English literature and hour. I don't remember when the coffee and in French plan to continue their research To finish the year, the juniors will pay tribute donuts ran out to the graduating seniors on May 12 at Frock's libraries. Dr. Palmer has published artcles in Undoubtedly, this event was at least a moderate success. It was obvious that after the with the annual Junior-Senior Banquet. this area in four professional journals: Romance first fifteen minutes faculty members were in Notes, The Philological Quarterly. Studies in the * No sa;:~~~:::foo/:~~~:c~~~:s~he * Novel, and the German Romanische For- short supply. But the students didn't seem to schungen. really mind.
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