Page 58 - TheGoldBug1971-72
P. 58
PAGElWO l1iE GOLD BUG FEBRUARY 21, 1972 Reflections VOTE The following is an excerpt from Glamour magazine: 1960: Less than 1 percent of the popular vote put John F. Kennedy into the Presidency over Richard Nixon. Kennedy. 49.71; Nixon, 49.55. 1968: Less than 1percent of the popular vote put Richard Nixon into the Presidency over Hubert Humphrey -.Nixon, 43.16; Humphrey, 42.73. 1972: 8 percent of the voting-age population will be made up of the eighteen to twenty-one year-olds. Most of us who will be voting in our first elections. can remember the closely-fought race of 1968; a few can recall the last-minute antics of the 1960 campaign. There was drama in both instances, but there was pathos, too: how could a country that evenly divided stand behind either of the men once they were elected? And could either election have been reversed with that extra 8% voting? This went for not only the- national election, but the senatorial and gubernatorials as well. The answer to this question, and the effect of the new voters can be most keenly felt in this Student asks Whither hypocrisy? upcoming election year. in America has been The youth movement growing since the. sixties. Virtually every phase of the mass media has focused in on it; You are a hypocrite. I am a hypocrite. We are all possible or desirable to totally eliminate hypocrisy, thrived on it, attempted to demoralize it, and, bypocrites. The problem of hypocrisy is for real. It but we can channel some of its more pernicious most importantly, publicized it to the extent is in us, from us, and by us. It is alive as long as wer are. Concern is my reason for writing this article. manifestations into constructive ends. Instead of that it finally got its consummate reward; the You are concerned or you would not be reading it. the typical, formal teacher-student or student- vote. It is the duty of each new voter to utilize A good example of hypocrisy will be your in- student hierarchy, perhaps an alternative is in- the only acceptable means of constructive dividual reactions to this article. While many of you formal interaction allowing free-association which change that he has in this country; through the claim open minds, my intended message will elude often brings understanding and resolves issues democratic process personified in the vote. To most of you, in part because of my grammar, but between those involved. fail to take advantage of the vote is to' deny more likely because I have chosen words and ideas deny therefore and Recently, president that challenge your openmindedness. psychological the outgoing suggested what of is a your citizenship, to either to praise or criticize a chance yourself organization If you think conservatively, you will find my needed is a "crap detector." I would offer that each this country. candidness repugnant. You who consider your- of us is aware how closely our individual attitudes selves liberals may relate to my synergism. The parallel the "crap" of society. Maybe, for those of On a recent prgram of "The Mike Douglas • pseude-liberals will be alienated. And if you are Show", John Lennon made a statement to this indifferent you're wasting your time, therefore, I us who desire relief from this type of sick thinking, effect, "Everyone should at least register to recommend you read no further. a good psychocathart!c is more urgently needed. In vote. Whether you caretc vote or' not IS up W other words, we need something which will purge Webster defines a hypocrite as one who affects us of the kinds of petty prejudices that inhibit the you, but at least give yourself the chance. It's virtues or qualities he does not have. Hypocrisy as realization of quality life for all. Nineteenth century the only one you'll get.,;" such violates human integrity. It usurps human humorist Artemus Ward summed it best when he He's right, you know. It is the only chance dignity. The more familiar label for hypocrisy is said, "Tain't what we don't know that hurts us so you'll get. If you don't care enough about your the double-standard. Society creates this attitude much. It's what we know that ain't so." country to charige it, then you shouldn't by placing heavy socio-economic reprisals upon Rodney Sewell complain if and when it comes tumbling those of us who do not faithfully subscribe to its false values, magical formulas, outworn rituals, or around you. If you register and vote, at least antiquated mechanisms. Rather than knock the you can say your tried. system, particularly if one fears reprisal, it is Viewpoint In this issue of Gold Bug is a chart which is easier to assume the type of behavior or attitude self-explanatory. Hiro brought it to my at- dictated by the place or situation. Whether that tention, and I want to thank him for waking attitude represents your personal beliefs is me up to my responsibility as a voter. I hope it unimportant. Failure to conform means at least does the same for all of you. Come November alienation and often ostracism. by Steve Kettells you'll probably get my famous lecture on How about hypocrisy at WMC? Here hypocrisy Well! Your apron-strings have been cut, HINGE, campaigning .. takes one of two forms. It can be very subtle thus because the members of SOS (all five of them) CCN eludes those of us who are naive. The other seems decided last week to terminate their organization. so apparent at times that in the right places it As a result, you can wave good-bye to your cor- becomes selectively permissive. In addition, we poration security, your access to a bus and your have the audacity to sit on our collective posteriors, depending on someone else to foot the bills. The point a finger at each other and say, "You are the question you must answer now is whether or not you guilty one, 7brotherman!" choose to be buried alongside SOS, which seemingly For instance, when discussing the status of has served its purpose. If it's survival you seek, then HINGE, you will need money, a good bit of it blacks on campus, the question invariably asked is, really; and you will need a treasury, some officers, "What do the black students want?" However, I some faculty advisors, and a new, stronger, more have yet to hear someone ask, "What does Western formal type of organization. Finally, you need to Maryland want from its black students?" begin all these tasks now, and show progress by the How' many of us, when confronted with rules end of the semester, or you too will disband and die. which adversely affect all students, seek ways to HINGE, you are an organization that asks only circumvent them rather than work to bring about one to two hours a week from your members for the their needed change? We have no problem iden- purpose of tutoring kids in Westminster who are tifying with those we know and like, but how quick less fortunate, less developed, less talented than are we to stereotype or otherwise chastize the ourselves. Consider yourself worthwhile, HINGE, people whom we knowlittle about? These are' some and tell someone about what you are doing, because faces of hypocrisy. You may have seen a few of without more energenic people, your fight to stay them in the mirror. alive will be lost. Be proud, yet stay humble, for Can hypocrisy be eliminated? It m~y not be there really are kids who think you open doors.
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