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WMC Makes Plans For Viet Commitment by Cathy McCullough WASHINGTON --The Vietnam November, three days In Decem- 25,000 and 35,000 Americantroops tor-turn Is NOT a confrontation with Icans--students, soldiers, public Moratorium, a series oC national, ber, escalating until the war is would bring the total to 50,000,the the administration. They want to omcteis, clergymen, businessmen, escalating anti-war actions, will ended. number former President Johnson modify the Vietnam Moratorium housewIves, etc.c-orccee the war. begin October 15. students at more The nanonm ornce ts starreowun said. could be brought home with- Committee's suggestion of sus- Thousands worked for the anti-war than 500 colleges are already com- veterans of the McCarthy and Ken- out damaging the war effort. pending classes by asking profes- candidates, McCarthy, McGovern muted to spending the day In the nedy campaigns. Among those are "We will continua towork against sors to devote all or part of their and Kennedy. However, Western community with door-to-door cam- Sam Brown, 26, one of the prin- the war until United States policies class-time to a discussion on the Maryland has remained silent. Is paigns, teach-Ins, raUles and ciple organizers of the youth wing have changed and the war is end- Vietnam War. "Our primary con- the security of a U-S deferment a vigils, ed." cern," states the position paper, of the Mccarthy campaign; David rationale for silence? Accompanying the campus-has- Mixner, 24,anotherMcCarthystal- WESTERN MARYLAND COLL- "is to provide an opportunity for "Walt Michael, who graduated ed actions will be organized efforts fer who currently serves on the EGE--A rally, panel discussions, commitment at Western Maryland. from WMC In 1968 and who was by businessmen, clergymen, com- Democratic party reform commis- and class periods devoted to dis- We would thereforebewrongifthis editor of the GOLD BUG, told me munity groups and labor. All acti- sion headed by Senator George cussing the Vietnam issue will be degenerated into a 'student power' (Jerry Hopple) last yearthatWMC vities are directed against con- McGovern; David Hawk, 26, a drart the mediums of expression for the issue." had an excellent oppor-tuntty-vto be tinuing United States action in Viet- resister and former southern civil western. Mar-yland Vietnam Com- The committeeplansforOctober creative rather than rormatlva, I nam.\ rights worker, who was an all- mitment. On Tuesday, September 15 an early eveningdebateorpanel Some students have already ac- The Moratorium has the eo- American diver at Cornell; Marge 23, the campus coordinating com- discussion between members of the cepted this challenge--by agree- dor semant of the National Amer- Sklencar,23,theformerstudent mitteeforthe Moratoriumreleas- college community with varyingor ing to support the Western Mary- ! tcans- for Democratic Action, the body president at Mundelein Col- ed a position paper which explain- opposing views on the war. Tenta- land Vietnam Commitment. Will National Student ASSOCiation, the lege who is a veteran of numerous ed the Vietnam National Mora- tively, an outside speakerwilliead you join us?" I New h1obilization Committee, and political campaigns. ~ torium, Western Maryland's en- the 8:00 p.rn, rally. In addition to Hopple and Rud- the .Nattonaf New Democratic Rejecting recent announcements visioned participation,andencour- Encouraging student involve- man, the coordinating committee coaunon. by administration spokesmen of aged all students to join the Mora- ment, the position paper question- consists of Craig Schulze and Jan Coordinated by a Washington token troop withdrawals, the co- torium. ed: "The war in Vietnam has artact- wetdo, publicity chairmen; Cathy ornee , the one-day October action ordinators said: Jerry Hopple and Mike Rudman, ed the quality and goals of Amer- McCulJough, program chairman, would' be expanded to two days in "The announced displacement of co-chairmen, insist that the Mora- Ican society. Thousands of Amer- and Dr. Keith Richwine. The Gold Bug Vol. 46 Nu.7 September 26.1969 "Hey people. smile on your brother--everybody get 2nd Track., Black Courses together. try to love one another right now," goes the Introduced Into Curriculum papular Cber Powers song urging compassion for our ...,. Second Track, a new academic lions, and personal interviews. summer course, Black Theater Is fellows during these prob- program designed for Incoming A similar course Is offered se- now part of the regular currtcu- lem-plagucd times. This is freshmen, Is probably the most- cond semester to juniors and sen- lum at Western Maryland. This revolutionary change introduc- tor-s, Led by off-campus aumorrt- course is an examination of Am- the theme for the next ed into the Western Maryland cu- Ies , the subject of thIs Inter-dtsct- erlcan Negro playwrights and ar-, Sound Happening slated for rriculum this fall. Other major pltnat-y Colloquium will be "Black tlsts with special emphasis on the in society Culture: position Sunday. September 28 at changes Involving all students oc- .Amertca,'! The Negro in Africa and black man's history. Guest speak- Interested Students cur In the rmlltar-y science, dra- throughout 7: 15 in Decker Lecture Hall , ma, sociology and biology depart- must apply before November 15 to er-s will provide a further outlook • in Baker Memorial Chapel. ments • a member of the starr, Again a on the Negro's position In socIety. A third change in cur- major The happening, a "celebration After three and one-nair years maximum of fifteen students will -<- riculum this year occurred In the be chosen for this course. ad- of the God of love In the form of a of joint research by faculty, West- Another major change occurred R.O.T.C. Department as a result and students, ministration chapel service," according to 00- ern Maryland is offering to Inc- in the drama.department with the of last year's eontrovesy, In pre- sponsor Jim Bean, will consist of omlng freshmen a program call- Introduction of a course in Black vtous years, R.O,T.C. was a re- t d At C folk and popular songs, spirituals, ed Interdisciplinary Whereas empties- A d P designed as a (Continued on Page 8) t' Colloquium or Initially Theater. and selected poetry reading. Par- Second Track. war s resen e onvoca Ion; ,1I"oI,£.."II"""-b""-,'b"",-"",ud",I'",",""",',,-,u",,..,,,d,,,.--,,=,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,'-"'=""'- is In the regular curriculum is SGA Schedules A rmed Services ;:::;~'~;~~:",~",o::;:~':,l~::~~~Ensor Reveals Campus Innovatl'ons Track • ,Alternatives Panel For Oct. 1 ledge seeks to interrelate know- Special awards and scholarships Memorial Award, Neil J. Messick, thrOUgh. independent study and seminar cnscussron. Teaching were presented and academic re- '71. The SGA on October 1 In Decker Finally Walter Michael, wholsa this semester's Second Track cognition given to students at West- The Hugh Barnette Speir, Jr. Hall at 8:00 Is presenting a sem- graduate of WMC, class of 68, ar.d course, "Man as Maker: A Study tern Maryland ColJege during the Prize, Susan R. Phoebus, '72; The inar entitled AlternatestoSer:vice also a graduate of the four year of Man's Attempts toStructureHfs fall convocation, held Wednesday, Jim Boyer Memorial Book Award, in the Armed Forces. R.O.T.C. course, will explain why world," are six (acuIty members September 10 at 7:30 p,m. In Alu- Calvin E, PlItt, '72; Th'e Margaret he did not accept his commission 'from the fields of cultural anthro- mnl Hall. The ttrstspeaker is Paul Lauter, in the Army. pology, Uteratul'e, the arts, math- President Ensor Introduced new Wappler Memorial Scholarshlpfor who In 1960 as a polItical science The planning lor this seminar emaUcs, physical education and members of the faculty, who In- Professor at the University of began last year, when letters were theology. Inthlsway, Second Track clude Dean Harry Holloway, Dean 1 :\ Massachusetts became involved sent out to the various branches involves the studentlnseveraldis_ of the faculty, and instructors In for an elective in a demonstration education, modern . psychology, not as IndIvidual unrelat- of the service asking them to send cipllnes Because of his t R,O.T.C. course. Lauter was tired, representatives to the seminar. ed course~, but as a unit of know- language, sociology, as well as many other departments. Only two replIes were received and ledge. stand Professor asslgn- written Several but two years later R.O.T.C.dldtn Students with l!:lllora.ble mention fact become anelectlveatthe Univ- both of them were negative. Mike ments and one major paper art! \\Cere announced. Individual award in a semester, Rudman, President Vice In this 01 the required erstty. He is now the national Dir- SGA, says, "In my three years at way, Second Tract is an alterna- winners for the school year 1968- ector ot RESIST, an organization WMC, I have never witnessed one ttve to Freshman EngUsh. From 1969 were: Chemistry. Achieve- to resist the'Vletnam War. attempt on the part ofthe R.O.T .C. the forty-five who applied for this ment Award, Cathy L. Van Dyke, The second of the speakers is or the administration to balance course this semester, fifteen fre- '72; Mathematics Achievement A- Bob Clark, Mr. Clark Is a draft theIr discussions onthe advantages shmenofvarylngmajorswerecho_ ward, Allee L. Kenady, '72; The counselor for the American of R.O.T.C, with speakers of anU- sen on the basis of college boards, Clyde A. Spicer Award, Gloria E. Friends Serv:lce Society. militaristic points or vl_." academic records, recommenda--- .Phllllps, '71, The James B•.Moore Dr. Ridington