Page 8 - TheGoldBug1966-67
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2 The Gold Bug, Oct. 14, 1966 ''Ah, the memories•••they tlo flootl my mintl anti salt my eyes with tears••." Brooklyn Reminiscences: Fond Refl~ction on Mid·fifties Flatbush Favorites . by Cary Wolfson Catcher Roy Campanella was the Most Valuable Player in the ~he Bombers shelled Karl .Spooner for five. runs. III the October 9, 1966 is a day that a lot of people waited a long . League-hitting .. 318, with 107 rur;s batt~ in,. and 32 ~nd held on for a 5-1 vlct?ry, thus evening things up ~~~eR~~~~l~ll~~~rtoN~~}!~v~r t~~! ~k~~~~ ~~~~edal~k~i~~eh~:ng- as wel~::n~e~~~ ~~~ybe;!l~~~:~~:~ :~r~~:~e~~ . :~~e h:~ t~:~~/~n;~o~:;~fo:e~~o~~I:~; ~~e~~~ ;:~~~; ~~~:P!e;~a~o~~~~u:oi,::e!hi~y~Ol~:r,~~ I:a!i:,t~~ . were ~;t~i~~ t::e~e.~;;e:~~s~:~nbining C?~iCe ~ start. Dod~~r t~~a~~~Oe:d\~~~~eA~~~nC::~e Sb~~k was the break in a fever that has been with me eleven years now. runsi~~!lds in base~~~ t~i~~ a~~.s~~~:~e:::~~l~~ hIS rookie sout;ro~~ct~l~!~ Through Champs of '96 .. in over 100 run~; a youthful Junior 'Gilliam Gil Hodges drove in solo runs in the 4th and 6th innings They say that when you fly over Baltimore the Pilot, vacuum-cleaner Peewee Reese at shortstop; with a single and a sacrifice fly for a 2-0 Dodger lead. Podres you to set your watch back ?-. hundred years. Perhaps thats magical name at third in Jackie Robinson. rapped for eight hits, but managed to hold the Yankees ~:~~u~~:a~y;~~r:th::e~::;' w~~1:1 ~~~~s:S!~:~II~~O~I~~~eC;:~~I~~ h Bi~ N;w~ wa~ the natu~al choice tOy fa~e m!~:n:sgl~at r~~~;~~ieon~~~~~~ ~~a~h°i~ ~:~:c~el~a:~~ te:~:tO~;::I~si~o~r::e~t!~ ;~\!~o~~~:la~~~e,!h;o~.l~ G~:~~~n:~ ~oanm~~; i!l ~~o~~~el~r!~~ t~e~~~~ ~aannJew~tsfi~~ll~eshelled. o~r~~~a~:s!~ !~~~~n~~~~~h~l~es~~~~~~v~~~rt t~~~:\:dr~~; ia;:t ~~~ ~::::i~le ~~. :::~:i:h~us~~~.ack then, but somehow !;~e~:!~C~n~tfh:fst:I:~e~~~~~. ia~~~:~'t~~ ~:~!O 6~ ~:n~~~~ shutout, and the Dodgers were ~he hWorld C~a~ps'1956 b th i! My love aiair with the Oriole.s began, I guess, during t~e ~o:~~st~~rn~~! ~:~ie!~2 behmd Tommy Byrne, and looked like BUm~rl~eovk~r.t~dWt~8t~~i1.t~)do\~a~s~ca~~in~:mb~~. case 'of ~~oke~ UI56 season. It was a rather conspicuous tIme to start, for thiS up-itis and were throttled by tough Yankee team m seven games. was a club that had just finished in seventh place, 39 games be· Sweep Three In Brooklyn Newco~be, who had won 27 games during the season, failed to hind the Yankees. The most colorful ballplayers on that For game number three, the teams moved across town to last a total of five innings in his two starts combined, and wound were leadfooted Gus Triandos, who held. t?e c!ub record Field. Young Johnny Podre.s, who had missed part of up with an earned run average of 21.21 runs per game! But the home runs; and glue.gloved shortstop Wllhe Miranda, a because of Army duty, pitched the Brooks to an 8-3 killer came in the fifth game. Sal Maglie had pitched brilliant swinger who couldn't. hit from either side of the plate. The ~ext day 9ampy, Snider,. and Hodges h~mered to ball for the Dodgers, his only mistake being a pitch that Mickey Dream Team Dodgers the Will for rehever Clem Labme, 8-5, and thlllgs were Mantle rocked into the seats for a two-run homer. His fine effort, The real dream team was the Brooklyn Dodgers. Ironically- up. In ~he fif~h game,. Labine came on to save a however, was more than matched by a previously mcdiocre right- in regard to this year's Orioles sweep_ my first (but not lasting) Roger Craig, while a pall' of home runs by Duke named Don Larsen, who retired every man he faced in love was this throwback to the old Bums. Back then they played one by Sandy Amoros gave the Dodgcrs a clean sweep the first no·hit game in World Series history. The door in Ebbetts Field in the heart of Flatbush. It was small and fall- Flatbush games. had shut was locked by Johnny Kucks in the seventh ing apart, but it had Soul. It also had houscd six champions of he hurled a shutout while Yankee bats hammered Dodger the National League. Yet the only thing to come out of six for nine runs. World Series was the rally cry, "Wait 'til next year". Retirements Cripple Club ln 1955 "next year" came. The Dodgers had blown a pennant From this point on things just weren't the same. Jack in 1951 on the last day of the season, then failed two straight Robinson retired when Walter O'Malley tried to peddle him to years in the Series. With one of the most potent teams in the the Giants. Furillo and Reese retired. Campy, three_time winner Bums' history, this had to be the year. Not for a "pitch, bunt, of the MVP award, was paralyzed in an auto accident. The team and steal" Dodger team like the recent vintage, but a block- played a large chunk of its HJ57 schedule in Jersey City because buster of a ball club. This was the year that the Brooks won the of the limited seated capacity of old Ebbetts Field. N.L. pennant by 13% games, led the league in team batting, and Finally, the team defected to L'os Angeles. Super-clown hit 201 home runs. Their top pinch-hitter was Don Newcombe, Emmett Kelly, who had delighted Flatbush fans with his antics, who unofficially led the league in batting with a .359 average and now cried real tcars as he took his last look at Ebbetts Field. also hit 7 home runs. Not bad for a guy who also won 20 games (Continued on page 5) as a pitcher. TheFighting YoungTurks Somebody Up '''ere J Of The SliA II., On the Religiosity of LSD A recent articJe which appeared in the ,""""",.".n Magazine, refen-ed to college student governments as organizations, pawns of the other campus groups unheard-from-many." Nothing quite so labored has been said about our by DEAN IRA G. ZEPP, JR. newly impressed with what sud- On this campus it is either received with apathy or Controversy continues to sur- denly seems ,to him, ~h.e irrele- criticism. It is often the scapegoat for student round Lysergic acid diethyla- vance of hIS actIvItIes, has conflicts between organizations on campus. When the mide. For many years LSD has dropped out of, school a few paper on fraternities appeared last spring, a number of used in treating schizo- weeks before he IS due to, gradu- felt that the criticisms should have been leveled at the and alcoholics and al- ate; soon thereafter he IS drop- for it~ unproductive program'S and "S.G.A. approved" P k R II P t d . has seemed to help, ping.out of life as well, c~ltishly At t~e ~tudent Government assembly i? the spring many of Hanky. an y ea y reven e 7 among therapists. chedelic set are superior becaus~ campaIgn. for the arug is now convlZlced that he and hIS psy- ~~~Id?s~lll~~tt~n~na~~e~~i:n~~:~in~pes~~~l. mac~~~~~st~~~~~~O~~ .• ~I_y ownbPr~s~~bfeal"~.a~d su- ~~e;d~Sa~;~:~tre~~;~~~ ~:~.:~y ~ol~:~~:~~:ew:l:~~l;:~~ ~~it~o:o~~e~~~;~ft~ti~'T~i~s~~~n}s S~1t wi~~:o~~~:~~~ON~h~rr~~\.Z,~ea~:id R~~ax:;~ol~h~! ~~IC~~~~I~t~~e and .~:f~~nd~~r ~~Si~~s~ther name is just as is a little stronger than Jast year's and if el~cted, I'll ,:ork 'h~rd Once again the perennial by it possible for girls ar.e ~~~ dlre~ted a\~~tstp~tet~tJaI But permit the secular editor for further improvements." Not eloquent-not phony either problem of women's curfews is to go one of the larger sCle? Ithc ~~ ue. h ~ r 0 ers to continue. From the Christian There were many others who became avidly interested a;ound under discussion. As before, we cities wl~hin easy access to me I:. at b~ :Y~I e .e/.c .move_ point of view, "'technological' election time. An em;ouraging number are still interested hoping that the fairy campus a d not hav~, ~d l~ave ?lC~h IS so t d a .n. y 1e ~g!o!/.sl or 'chemical' mysticism is either evidence by the fighting Student Activities Committee. of WMC will reform earl~, to ~ee.t the ~I mght I~ e mos e~s~ve a~d r;~u - blasphemous 01' absurd. Thc the creative leadership of Richard Burris and Linda Sullivan, the last and let all the little Cin. hOUl:. As It. IS now, girls can sive ~en~T~~' ~ ~ COl. ~o~ man who gcts to a mountaintop committee is aiming to provide interesting and provocative pro- del'ellas stay out just a wee receive special latc leaves on Bari. to A I IC. d Jox-noth' in a funicular has the same view :;;~~:i:~r ~t:~e~~~h O~sth;i~~~hn;nle':~d oi; ~.S.~~sfa:~:ct(~.:: ~~tp~i~s!dm~~n/;~~eSp~~tas dis- ~~~e:t~n~~~:~,:;~~~e:hi~~o~~~li~ ~~~~t~~~ynh~Sn~~~nal:~a~~:~u:ri~~~ :~tt\eh~l:7r~~~O o~li;:t~i~h; ~~:~~ "Somebody Up There") One problem facing the young Turks on The word is out that curfews Jar at a distance from .school. To ~'el.gI.on, I.e., sa va lon.o ~ is important too; the vision is' the Student Activities Committee is -MONEY. may be revised to one a.m. on d_oso she has .to Obtalll I?ermls_ md.~vldual SOUl: co~ve.rslOn ex not all, and manuals of con- Blot.C(~~~~b~~~rf~I~;e)~b~g T~~~~~}~~n:h~ilr~~r':o~:r::Ot~eO~o~~~ ~~~u:~:;Vi~lig~t~biei~~. ?nj~~a:~ ~~h~v~~~n~l~~e;t~~:n:a~;r~~:~ ~:~il::l~~~~~t;:~~;olldh.ness, and ~:~r~~ti~o!~~h a~~~~t~~~in:! ~~!~ogna%:~~~~t~;h!~~~.~r~ho: :e:;~n:~dd~~:i :eea;~~~.cth:~ ~:~~:l~g~nda~~l~ll~~: ~:i;~o~i ~~oen;ulerather than the cxcep- of N~~: w~e~~~~ll:~.~~~~le~~~~~~ ~~~~~i;'o/;~:~_:~:ve?h:~~~i:d~ improve activities on campus. But as one committee chairman 11:15; start the fraternity No Dorm Freedom speakmg III fan~stlcaJ~y othcr. never under man's control- said, "You can't run an S.G.A. on 'buttons and parties at a more sophisticated After all, we are. duly rcc- worldly and SOCially lrl'cspon- seems to nullify the idea that a criticism. You have to have the greenies. hour than 7:30; or maybe even ognized :'college ,,":,omen" (it siblc language. man can attain a mystical ex- 1 Discussion in the Senate has included the idea of raising the crowd in a discotheque or two in says so nght there III the eata- An Episcopal priest, Alan pcrience by taking a pill. Psy- Student Activities Fee five dollars, per student, a semester. D.C. We would wclcome the lo~ue!), rcsponsibl~ enough to Watts, who has bcen very much che_delicmystics tend to look to- Presently the Student Finance Committec receives 12 dollars from ehangc. s~lft ~or oUI·selve.sIII any other turned on by the chemical god, wal'd the Eastern religions, in the 45 dollar activity fee. From this amount the committee Oil the other hand, howevcr, Situation. What IS there about says, "LSD is quite emphatically which as one puts it, 'You rap make allotments to the Gold Bug, Aloha, Contrast, and the more than this onc change would eu.r~ews ~hat so a?p~lls the ad- a new religion. The God-is-dead (have rapport) with the world; for their respective budgets. That's slicing it too thin. It be necessary if we arc to be al- that It IS unable-or thing is not unconnected. The you rap dogs and trees and a paralysis in any planning session. Five dollars more a the freedom that the ma- unwllhng- to make a change? standard brands have not been everything makes sense.''' would mean a significant difference (like 4,000 dollars of our fellow students are As o,!e co-cd poin~ out, "We delivering the goods. This is This is reminiscent of Frall- in the programs for the whole campus_ students, faculty at other respectable are given freedom 1I1 the class- technological mysticism." ny's pre-occupation with the administration, and for the community of Westminster. schools. Girls at Hood College roo~ (by the Honor Code), but Timothy Leary, the High Jesus prayer of the E_aster With all the talk about the mickey mouse S.G.A.-Iet's in Frederick are allowed to be not In the dorm." Priest of this new way to salva- Church and her affinity with the down and put up! out until one a.lll. on both Fl'i- It's hard enough for a fresh- Lion, said in his recent Playboy "spiritual" teachings of Jesus. =====c:=":"'"=~"",,=-=========I~"',;;e ;~~n~i~i~~d:;on~~~I~s~~:F~~~~~~a~~~~!~t:'a~j~s~ l:!e:~~ ~~~~g~:~:~i~eth=it~;'~~Dai~ ~::~::~ ~~~~s s~~~s~~~~~g\~~~~~~:nl~e; The Universities of Maryland curfew, but how about the up- religion, like the aim of LSD, is is offended by Jesus' remark and Pennsylvania have one- perclassmen7 Junior and senior basically to get high: that is, to that people are, after all, more thirty a.m. curfews on Friday women arc just that, and are expand your consciousness and valuable than lilies and birds, "'.".'.". '""'",.<"and Saturday nights and eleven treated as such elsewhel·C. A find ecstacy and revelation Salinger has Zooey say, "That's p.m. on week nights. At Boston junior complains, "If yqu're within." where little Franny quits ==~~~~~~~~~~~~~==:lunivcrsitY'CUI'feWSgetprogres- given the responsibility of de- This theme recurs in LSD the Bible cold and goes straight sively later as a girl achieves ciding your own hours at home, literature with disturbing fre- to Buddha, who doesn't dis- sophomore, = standing. junior and senior why should you be denied this quency. And it reeks with re- criminate against all those nice responsibility at a college which ligiosity. fowls of the air." No Perfect System middle-aged that Admittedly, there is probably is supposed to mature you7" In A college sophomore is quick I know the world is rather the same vein, one of the pro- to observe how many people es- messy; bore- no system that is right for every minent men on campus believes cape reality by taking refuge dom and death abound. But the JOHN DALY school. A system such as the one that it would be more logical to in religion. But this is precisely Biblical precedent of God's in- AdvertiSing Manager at Boston University would pre_ encourage seniors to live off· what we find Tim Leary doing. volvement in this sticky wicket by way of Exodus Cross DOROTHY ATTRIDGE sent some difficulties on a small campus, in conditions similar to He begins the above-mentioned "I forever remains a and prophetic campus like ours. But many of those they will face next year, words, the interview with Business Manager us were permitted later hours by than to place restrictions on was a middle-aged man involved protest against religious escape Paulette Arnold Joyce Ferguson our parents when we were in them which are in many cases in the middle-aged process of artists, Tibetan sages, magic Harold Marks Cary Wolfson high school than the curfews we even more limiting than those dying. My joy is life, my sen- mushrooms, and hallucination. News Editors Features Editors must keep now. Certainly the in high school. sua I openness, my creatiVity Just when Bonhoeffer was cele- Walt Michael Sports Editor curfews at the University of Arc the students at Western were all sliding downhilL" So, brating man's "coming of age" Publishing Editor: Donald Heath. Maryland cannot be considered Maryland less responsible thalli now when you are down alld and the "era of no religion at Assistant EdItors: Susan Mason, Da,'id Harper, Carol too lax for a college campus. those at other schools? Or is it out, you turn to LSD, the new all", thq: world is burdened with Piezonki, Rick Boswell, Gordon Shelton.. They could be applied here. just that the administration DCl!s cx 1It([china. another one. Typing and Copy Editors: Susan Mawby. Larry Whitney. In a town as small as West- here is less realistic? Maybe it Time, sensing the implications Let us continue diligently our Photographers: Sam Phillips, Bill Chasey. . weekend entertainment is too much to ask, but must weIof this latest form of escapism, research into the therapeutic Exchange Edltors: Margaret Weis, Carolyn Henson. . an evening at stop the wheel of progress when editorialized last summer: and scientific uses of LSD for Distribution Manager: Gail Gracey, clubroom, or it has just begun to turn? "Many a youthful LSD user, (Continued on page 5)
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