Page 12 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 12
6 , The Gold Bug, Oct, 14, 1966 Mum's The Word for the Hampden-SydneyGame, Roundballers Drop Opener; From The Sports Desk: .Terrors Ready lor Homecoming Engineers Outlast Terrors The recent gripe on the West- our school. You "stars" have 1yeos Hand Us Second DeleDt MICHAEL by \VALT idea of how much your talents sports ern Maryland by the are 110t stars. You have the tal- been one of non support scene has are coveted by those of us who By FRANK BOIVE Nabali, Waghelstein, non-playing students. This, ent to be a top rate team; _you Last Saturda~ our soccer a,nd Speth to create a gripe, heretofore, was well were a top rate team agamst team opened its season against uon zone and founded and needed H cure. The Wagner. You played good, hard, highly favored Drexel. and gave fense th~t cure arrived in the form of the heads-up baIl against a team the Engineers It real scare 00- ~hreats uma and class. The Juniata that was supposed to have it all fore bowing 3-1. mg t~em. up was had more support over you. Through true t oam Drexel was certainly the C.aptaln Rl?k Coburn, back. . football cooperation and epir-it, you made favorite. Their soccer team has his ?out with mcnonuciecsis, field. The soc- a tough Sea Hawk team look been in the national finals seven goalie. with Morgan sick. times in the last seven years. Good as our defense was, quite a turnout. Its not a matte}' of Even coach Homer Earll was ,was destined to crack under Ron Jones stated that a you won or lost against cautious about his teams relentless pressure of the r of the effor-t in the Wagner coming; it's a matter of chances. "This will be It hard, attack. Again and again game was sparked by the cheers you lost. 'I'hct'e is not a thing I tough game; I doubt that we'll threatened. Finally, from the stands. No more evi- the world wrong with losing win." Although awed, the boys through the dence is needed; the fans have game, but when you lose Dana HALFBACK were far from ready to give up. dam broke. been doing their job. partly because of petty gripes against the Wagner "Flash" Huseman maneuvers 19-13 in WMe's Sea Hawks Now I have a gripe to make. and selfish ball playing, ther-e's opening day. It needs making. A few days a hell of a lot wrong with losing. ago, the man for whom 1 have You are a young team. by MIKE HElm the most respect on the Terror year and the next can be bIg Tomorrow afternoon, the football squad mentioned to me ones on the Western Maryland Green Tenors will host the that he wasn't playing on a gridiron. Win or lose, you. eml Hampden-Sidney boys in the an- team. He isn't. The majority of be a good team. Will you be~ nual homecoming---gridiron con- our football "atar-a" are Jiving The powertto make you sud'll a test. in the past; a Bast composed of team does not lie solely ill t~e This week, the 'I'errora have high school glory. Don't take me hands of Coach Jones find hIS been preparing to even their re- I wrong. There's nothing wrong st~lr: The power cO~les ~ro:11 cord against a tough Hampden- with high school glory, but now within. That power IS within Sydney team. Hampden-Sydney we are in college. everyone of you, and you know featur-es a hard hitting defense There is a lack of pride in it. which is ranked 15th in the na- tion. The defense is led by cap- 255 lb. a Goggin, tains Pete Sportlight on Beach tackle, and linebacker Jimmy . Also standing out on are Ray Dotson, a tackle, linebacker- , and sophomore defcn. Russ Palmore, who in pass inter- two. Big O'sElean Up L.A. Flames Out by MIKE WARD Anyone interested in a man- ~f~;;j~o~~~t t~~e S~CtC:I~i~~u;!~ par-tment as soon as possible. The managers will travel with squad!
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