Page 4 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 4
0The Gold Bug, Sept,30, 1966 The Open Door Policy Wisdom OfAn Exiled Watcher: FromHugin, With Love It may not seem to be the thing to do, but give the chapel program a try this year. Last year, several speakers brought from YGGDR.ASIL-HUGIN 1 dents, probably on the theory like Malcolm Boyd may have aroused, say, over drafting col- about a collision of ideas which afforded the campus and its stu, I watch from the vantage that they are the ;most malle- very sound ideas, and hold Im, lege students, if only because dents the chance to get a good look at itself. One professor went point of years and of exile. I able, having no firmly implanted peccable goals in mind, but the for some of them it is a matter, so far as to call the chapel and its programs, the intellectual cen- record and interpret what I see, attitudes toward Western Mary- way they express their ideas literally, of life and death. But ter of the campus. not in the hope that my words land College. I believe this is a and goals threatens and dis- "shall we have a railing?" and That's quite an accusation. 'But most of us know tbat status shall be taken as wisdom, but in gross error, because the older gusts many people, and blinds "shall we have fraternities?" quo is not among the aims of the chapel programs. There is a the hope that the words of an students:i (1) have a much them to what constructive ideas have no life and death immedi- rare quality about what goes on Sunday evenings. Three reasons otltsider may help you make greater influence on younger these men occasionally express. acy. People will not have their why the chapel program, lectures, etc., carry this quality are- your own wisdcm-c-even if those students than do salaried mem- Generally these other people are lives unalterably changed by there is a variation of ideas coming from the 'pulpit (it ain't all words are rejected as foolish. bers of the institution (Write essential to any innovation be- the presence or absence of these holy)-there is a high degree of scholarship and preparation be, Three major controversies Dr. Philip Trepp, specialist in cause, although .they may not issues. But in one, two, three, hind the sermons and lectures-there is inevitably a collision of annoyed the complacency of Guidance and Pupil Services, take an active part in change, or four years, problems of war, ideas, shaking of some foundations, in short there is a risk in- your college society last year- Basic Research Branch, Division their assent (either as a body race, urbanization, sex, and volved. "" the grille railing furor, the fra- of Higher Education Research, or as individuals) must be ob., family will inundate every stu- The chapel programs take place for the most part on the ternity-no fraternity question, U. S. Office of Education, for in- tained in order to innovate. This dent on this campus. Therefore, highest part of the Hill, but you won't be hearing just nice reli- and the curriculum reform (ormation on several research year, people who outwardly why explicate change with pet- gious talks on high ideals in lofty language. There will be speak- question. The railing business projects that prove this), and conform must be convinced of ty, localized issues when so ers who will represent the conservative, hard sell point of view. and the fraternity business were thus implant the very attitudes the worth of innovations, and many universal and explosive There are also some very down to earth "levelers," i.e., men who more important to those of you these shapers are attempting to must express their approval- ones are available? speak gut-level, don't put me on words. Most points of view need who dwell on the Hill than were change ; (2) possess all the pow- particularly those who are uni; Perhaps things will change to be heard and interpreted. (There will not be anyone like Mal- questions of war and peace, of er in formal and informal stu- vet-sally respected and hold po- this year if the colloquia are calm Boyd, sic.) There will be men, however, whose commitment race conflict, and of the course dent organizations and nssucia- sitlons of power-if any change any indication. However, these and responsibility don't stop at 5:00 and don't reflect the numbers and shaping of our country's tions; and (3) have acquired is to take place. discussions must be expanded to on t~~~ ~~:;~a~~~~~~;ea p:~~~s~rt~~s~h~a~~~it7;\!~~ie~:ni~B'im_ ~~:ue~~m~;~g S;~ee;h~~~ i~e~t ~~~llSm~!iv~~~~\hf;;;o;~~c~.~~ . Petty vs. Ex~losive . ~:c;~~ s: ;:~~\~rst:c~~~~ ~~~~ presstve. 'I'hls Sunday's Joe Mathews is a good example. His people on campus in one small that ecme only With maturity Th1J'd: The subjects picked to have any lasting effect. Other Army chaplaincy, professorship and directorship at tbe Ecumenl- organization (S.O.S.) seem to be and that cannot be taught. for dissent, outside of the cur- adjustments s h a u I d also be cal Institute hint of a man who means business. Drew's Will concerned with the world out- Second: They seemed to seek riculum reform (which, at this made. The most productive ve- Herberg whose books on Eatholicism, Judaism, and Protestant, side the school, and when a pro- support for and expressio.n of stage, has only potent~al impor- hide for such adjustment;s may Ism IS another example as is Rabbi Stanley Rabinowitz, as is the posal for an East Asian seminar dissent from rather starhngly tance) were rather Silly. Stu- be-almost must be-curriculum Death of God Theologian William Hamilton. The exciting fact does not include the vitally im- overt nonconformists. People dents co u I d have be com e reform. ========....,.:,========....,.:,========= ~~Zi~tr~~~;~O:e~O~I!~~!!~~; ~oa~:s~~: ~~C~~!YS~~i~l~e:~~~O~i:e_:~~1~~~L.~:~~~~!~~SIno:o~~~- Wh' Af °d Of A M lit PI moral upheaval of this decade. and Malaysia. ' - ' 0 S ral ora I y ay ? Last year saw the initiation of the Blake Lectureship which Set Own House in Order br-ought. the prolific writer, speaker William S. Caffin,J, .. to the When I approached seve"I • ° campus. The intellectual breadth and power of Mr. Coffin is still faculty members Iaat year with by Suzanne Pratt stumbles away confused, scared, question as to how much is real bei~~ fe_lt and interpret~d, T.he year's l~ctureship (the only one the previous statements, they "All right ... what do you alienated. The screen version and how much is acting. One is of It s kmd on campus) IS deslgne? to brmg Dr. O. Herbe.rt Mow- replied, "These issues are more want me to say? Do you want maintains a certain amount of always tempted to ask if Miss rer to the campus for tbree days In March .. Dr. Mowrer IS a top- important than external ones me to say it's funny so you can the same alienation because the TaylOr isn't really Martha and notch, world respected research psyc~lOloglst who has taught at because we must put our own contradict me and say it's sad? characters are still essentially George Segal really a bit of a Yale, Harva:d, Northwestern, an.d Prl~cet?n. house in order before we repair or do you want me to say it's the same larger-than-life-titans real-life Nick. Whether there .. As p.revlOusly state?, there IS a rIsk Involved because a. ~ol_ the houses of others." sad so you. can turn around and of self torture. But the aliena- has been extensive type-casting ~~~o:~!h~~et~~~v~odr~:n:~iI~~c:a~;~e~:;a~~~kTi~~;: :~:t s~~;o~~t~~~ w::erd~~~:te~o:e:: :~p~~~:l~; ~;:ni~:~f:hn~i'~~:~~~ i~at~:dq~~Sd ~;:ct!:asr b~~~v~~~:~i:~!ostT~~ ~~rt:~~. ?;~~~:sct a~:;:!nsU~~~t be forced to.belleve any certain way, or sell-out to any dogma. teapots last year had a goal in exasperated guest hurls at his shamed at eavesdropping; no there is evidently much method B~t.there Will be an attempt to help ;::tudents, faculty and ad- mind _ to awaken your staid host George. It also seems to be longer as a paying theatre-goer, in their madness. ~~~:~;:~~~s G~~~n;'a~~:~d rt~~:: ~f:t~O~~h~~u~~h~u~o~~~';~~~ !~:~c:n~/t~~~~:o~Z::/o 1~s~ ;~~~s::~:gO~h:u~~::c~e~~C:i~~ bu~~~~ea;~k~e:::ss~o~ei~~br~~ In Mr. Burton's cas~, an hon- an~ ~~~~ B~rk.eley with Love, to Raymond Berry and the Fellow_ :~~ ;~~o~u~;~e~eS~~I~h~/~~:~~ ~~~~;i?::~~~si~m:fth:;:f:~~ ~~~::e~;u~m!~!~~~ ~~:tb~~b::~ ~:~~!~~;,a~eee~:ao:;!mab7 p;:~ ShIP of Christian Athletes to Cardinal Shehan mean that it's itable with the'se masterminds need for a resume of plot char- to two. More important there cruclal ele.ment ~n transformmg y m open season on doubt and faith. because they rM seem to be a~ !'.cter, or cast. Only that George is a new clarity both 'tn the ~:r§la lmt~ ;;: fih . !,,\~or r w! of the outside world this and Martha's night of fun and characters themselves and in I . ~ga ~n ad I'~~bl:n~~~ e~ President's Committee Meets year; witness ~he theme of this games leaves their. guest:;, them- their objectives. They have be- ~e~~ap~: mor;n~ifficultJ one a: e _ ~~::s~e~~ ~t~:i~~~~~c;o~f o~~ ford in~~;~rshoad~:e~s br.~:~:g: :~I.v~~:n~a~~eq~~:;i~:c~;,~~:~: ~:tn:~~ ~::~e~ :~~Ii~~~~o-;;; To Decide Frot Question ~:J~i~~kkesthl~tm;::r s~~~:~ ~h~u~~ f~:~e a~: ft~bl~~~/; ~:~!~~'~:!c~~SOb~~~~~~e~~ro;~~~rth:"cB~ton. an s1wuld not be repeated thiiJ.yoar Sad? Meaningful? Or only and Martha, which soften their Obscenity Not Sensational by ROBERTE. WHITFIELD in question. Either of these al- in their decidedly commendable sensational? acid repartee, have been em- Director Mike Nichols in his and RICHARDD. McCALL ternatives requires more of us effort to reshape -Western Thanks to the director's and phasized. One prime example first film attempt has'shown W;s~~srnw;;~;YI~ned~:~~!~~n~o~~ ;~ft~~~':f~v:r;::ne;Si~ju~! fi~~Maz~~~ a~o~~;:~g Students ~::~~~~:~~;~ t;:ss~;~;t ~~~a~~~ ~~~~rsi~~~rg~ei:eg~~~~ng g';;~~ f::~~S~~~~~;i~o~fd,,~a~l~:'? vened a committee t? study ~he the v.:ay it is. . J First: They seem to be ori_ essentiaJ!y the. same, if not im- h~rseplay, foils guarde~, cla,,:"s there is no trace of condescend~ place of the f:atermty-sororlty It IS now posslb!e_to respond ented toward the younger stu_ proved. Even In the fih,?, ho,:- Withdrawn .. But .even thiS .frollc ing esoteric exclusiveness. On sys~em on thlS campus. The more freely and cntlcally to the ever, the characters retam thelr seems a lImbermg exerCise, a the contrary there is an acca- se~lOu,sness of this undertaking whole question of fraternity· allegorical proportions. George, preparation for the evening .a- sional hint ~f Hollywood • is mdlcated b.y the relati,:,ely i.n_ members.hip. The ~uestion is no A !l' Ia weary Petrllc~io; Martha.' n head: Th~ changes of scene, not tainly in the cast, and to a ie~::r frequ~nt calhng of preSidentIal lon~~r Simply ,,:h~ch fraternity 'i'RDD more than shreWIsh Kate; NIck, prOVided In the ~tage play, help extent in the style of the music commlt~s and by the v~ry to Jam .. ~ather, It lS n.owwheth- a cerebral you~g wolf;. and to ease. the ten.slOnand c?ol the and understated camera effects. ~~:~~;~~~~:t!/~eD~~~~e~~~li~~ ;rho~~ ~~~ ;eefr~~=~~;~y a!o~~~ Go/atea I~~~~~' b~c~l~~r~~fan~eds!~!~i~ ~~~~Wl~eon~tlt~~S ;;;:~onjU~! ;~eed~:~~i:~~Sa~~:~I~i~~~\~! ;r~~id~~t !~~h;~~~~re~~~~,s, ~~: ~ft; fihna~:Ut~~I~I~~!n~~i~ef~~~~=0 /y ~~LD ,In t l.~ARKS 0 I ~~:::~Orrsal~:; ;~a; sort of ob- ~~aa::?:~;~eW~il;;r:~~lI:r::ft!~~ ~:ei~t:;;:l ~i;oo:C~~S:it~::nn~~ president of the Argonauts, and maining independent. A'person n .un\ uge~e, ~~- Less Audience Alienation emphasized in the film v~rsion, sensationa{ overtones 'His :x- five faculty members. who joins a fraternity should ~onh ClrCUl2~our roor;:i nne e There is one primary differ- certainly helps to make them ceptional sense of th~ apropos The value. of the fraternity feel tba~ he has. done so by his in~c e~~::; of t~~a~~iver~i~;a~f ence between stage and film ver- more credible and often pathetic. as shown by his tasteful cut- s~:~~:n~ th~ ca;~us ha~ been ~:~ cho~ce. H~ lS better able to Oregon newspaper, Th6 E'TTWr_ sions. After the three hour en- How Much Is Type-Casting? tings, has turned the fearful e ~old BlIg, 'by riSC:!~~~~, ~~dt~; have b~~~ f~~~:v~~: ieea;:-~~ll~ a.ld, ~as held in contempt for durance test, a theater audience As to the cast, there is some ~~~et:do~v~~!~er~sors to unwar- student protest in last year's though one still is given the im- ~efusmg to reveal to a grand . ,P . L 'l'L, May Day parade, the value of pression that fraternities are Jury the names of .~even stu- Someuody Up Illere. The message, still somewhat the system bas been challenged the only way. den~ who used mariJuana. obscured by the profusion of fun ~~~a~:1e~~e~be T~~a:t~~~t\;UI~ ca~~~:~~t~~n~~:a::::e~:e ~~: !o ~.::~lo~eUCt~~n~~m~~g~~~lt:! ~I:~ifi~~me;; ht~~ a~Oil~~stw~:~ number of campus leaders of a opposition to it will conti~ue as In ':lOlatl01!of one.of the can?ns people offer sllggestions as to ~;;[n;tatt!~~e!he~~ere;r~Ot~~n~~; ~~~gt:: :~:;i~il~~; ~;o~lebe7t~~ ~~n~o::;c~~~mOar:~I:~t l:~ea~~:~ Jesus vs. The Beatles ~~h~~i!ua:~s"~:~n1;'b:~I~e~~~hi~~ system. abol.lshed a.n? calling for campus life without it. But it is n_ot g I Ve newspapermen the tended .that any s?eclfic message ~nr~~~decnot~~:n~:~~~o~fc~~~~rn~ ~~~dr~~~~~si~i1i~~ ~;e e~~ry~~: ~I:~ti!~ rie:f~Sr~!~io~~tratw:~~~ ~~t d;;~;~~i~Se~lt: l~:ida~~~,~: system on this campus. This campus who will not feel the states have p?s~ed ~uch Jaws. the ~Im pr~du~t~on of Who'8 document served as the impetus influence of the system) to ex- . Jou~nahs.l.Jc~Ights . Afraid of V1rgmm Woolf? haa for the formation of the com- amine the criticisms whi h h It IS thlS edltor s consldered by DEANIRA G. ZEPP Iadults? proved to be as moral as the mittee which has been convened been raised Lest a ~ a~e opinion that Miss Buchanan A notoTious bit of Beatle-ese You can be assured that when contemporary attraction to vol- th~h:~e\re two possible re- ~~~r~;dli;e~t~nking~F !nt:Sthi: !;o:d ~:~:;!~e;vi!h~~~~r i~g~!~ ~~;!e or;~h~h~e~~:n~e~b~~r;~~ ~:~~~es:\t~If06:1:~ e~as~~~ garity will allow. lated, watered-down sponses to questioning: justifi_ of tbe debate e r:;us h e. ~~B:~e breaking the ties of traditional tion that the Beatles are "more the non-conformist· Gal i I e a n P II Sh N d version of cation of the present conditions ual must mak'e ~~s eac m IVI - journalistic confidence. To have popular than Jesus." This rath- or the demise of the institutio~ Ito it. 1 own response ~~~~:; !!~l~ac~:~:r~:~~~t!~e~ :~d~~~~~Ib~eon~~o~~~~:s'~hifc~r~~I~b~~ie~et'~:~~dhat~a~ v~sA~~~fel; 0 ows ee a blow to each individual jour_ go first-rock 'n' roll or Chris- netted him the cross. in di,dpl", Of N°,te Var",ety ' THE GOLD BUG nali,t. promise of secrecy to tianity." the Beatle not fans~ in responsib!e love, i, intm,t,d J"u, The Th.i~ is apparently pUblg~~a1i~!~~kl: ~~wWria:; f:O:S:;t~m~la~~nd ~ol~ge, ~i~~siss~~:c~~~~heof~~~:o~~s~~~t :~~d~~~i~::nt~~~u~~~t~o ~~d;c:~ ~c~tt~~~~:~~a~~~:e~~~;al~i~~:f ~esults of. a rec~nt student ~~~~I~~da21s1e57,n~n~l::sA~a~ie~f:~c~h~,~~~t.offi!e, W~~fminst~~; :e~t~;;w~~~r t:~:s~~:t~ i~e~i':d ~~:;~~~Ythe~rh~~ss~~~mw!ft;r~: ~~~~i~~~n~s~~pi:e :r~~lsa~~~t h~ngs s~~~ut l~~~~:~t~~~ o~rutr;;~ ----;:;SU;;;;BS;;:C;;:R:::I::P=T::IO::N:-::P=R::IC=E~$3.:-,0.:-0.:-A-Y-E-A-R--- :~;;:s~~~tr~::~:~~~ is~~eSr!fe~:: ~ohfnell~:bi!~!:is~:;;~,n'in~~::r- ~~:ai1;1~~St~c~isitorsfrom across ~!~d:~:l~~;e~~: I~~kono~~:= -------=.::..:::=.::..:::=:...::.:....:.:::.:::_-- ~~~m~l~;s;:~~~f~it:r~~ le!~~ ~~~~I.wouldprobablY agree with ::;:~t;::t Jle:~O~~:p:~a:ut ~~~rrl~~~~~o~~:s:oc~:ine;e~~; DA;:i~O~~~~h~!CO ~~v~~~:e~~nth~O~h~~~ytr::~v~; Tha~ei~~:en !:a!:::!~:I:,OUld :~~!:de~lit~~!~;in~o~~it~;:: ~l~ m~r:e:a:::~iewed were two many news stories, but is one cause such a stir is incredible. truth and justice, taking up a to one in favor of holding this ALICE CHERBONNIER of the cherished traditions of (Would YOll believe the right- cross, and otherwise makes de- year's Homecoming Dance at Managing Editor journalism and goes hand in eous indignation of some disc mands upon us, there will not the Downtown Tavern. Consen_ glove with Freedom of tbe Press jockeys who advocated Beatie be thousands of youth in semi- sus of opinion was that "It's DOROTHY ATTRIDGE Business Manager as guaranteed in the Constitu- record bq.rning sessions 1 They orgiastic shrieks and tears sur_ really different ... it's got Paulette Arnold Joyce Ferguson tion of the United States. had to be putting us on!) The rounding him. So, Mr. Lennon soul." Also cited was the DTT's Harold Marks Cary Wolfson New Laws 'Velcomed lad fromrLiverpool was simply is credited with making the un- "down - h 0 m.e" entertainment. News Editors Features Editors This is not to say that there reiterating what every sensitive derstatement of the year. Many female students seemed Walt Michael are statutes on the books of Christian and honest theologian But, in spite of his unpopular_ to favor the Star lighter Teen Sports Editor every state in the Union that, knows in this post-Christian ity, I have a strong suspicion Center, noting the uniqueness Publishing Editor: Donald Heath. in effect, protect newspapermen era. The truth of the matter is tbat Jesus will be around long of a theater marquee, and a Assistant Editors: Susan Mason, David Harper, Carol from having to welsh on tbeir that the English swingers are after the Beatles are gone. floor tilted at a forty-five degree Piezonki, Rick Boswell, Gordon Shelton. sources, but perhaps a law like manifestly more popula.r among However, it will not be the ac- angle. A minority vote was cast Advertising Manager: John Daly. this in every state would serve our teenage sub-culture than culturated Christ of popular for the Bent Nursing Home in Typing and Copy Editor: Susan Mawby. a useful purpose in defense of Jesus. But when was Jesus ever Christianity, ~ut the Biblical Reiste~st?wn, but. a recent fire Photographers: Sam Philips, Bill Chasey. Exchange Editors: Marg~ret Weis, Carolyn Henson. I the professional journalist. popular among young people or Jesus of commitment and cross. has ehmmated thIS prospect.