Page 47 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 47
j ug Wl\1CStudents n i Terror Nine Terrorize t - Starts l\1·D South Bid Early p. 3 p. 4 VoL 43, No. 11 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND April 7, 1967 Facuity Approves Pass-Fail Grading System , ' Interest in Vietnam Sparks Five Day Week Scheduled; Activities ~--~~----_£--~ Physical Lob CourseAdded HamiltonEmphasizes Religious Problems; Concept Renews Interest in Christianity Foundations Award ~ The renowned Dr. William nutems .. But to ot~ers, ~he in this. article that the death Biology Grants Hamilton a leading exponent of event IS one of great liberation of God IS not a new concept. He the Death of God theology, will and joy; an event not keeping has been on television several The biology department of be the assembly speaker on one from something, but making times in the past few years on Western Maryland has been Monday April 10 in Alumni something newly possible, in such programs as "Calendar" awarded a grant of $6,000 by Hall at'll:~O p;m.'. . Ithis case the Christian faith." ~:: :~~o~idUi9:0~~ rt: b~::~ th~h~r~::n:o: ~~o~~cond one rrpose of the ,~!!.~!\~~,~;'.,~;~A;~~~.~/~b,;~: ,,:~~. J!:~ll~~,~ ~o~o;~c ~w~l~ri~~ ~~~ce~~f~~estr~~;:n C~~iS~r:n~~; ;~v~~etOG;~~sb~~.~~:t~~~rf:~:~ ban P.roblem. He wI~1 also without God. These stirred up cent years. The speak ~n,;hapel. on April 9 o~ interest, and in 1966 Dr. Hamil- grant is to impro e the quality ~. the tOPIC.The ~llence of Jesus. ton and Thomas J. J. Altizer of instruction in t department. Dr. F!"amllton IS a gra.duate his published a book entitled "Radl, It will be used ov a three year Ground was broken on March McLea dorm, it will be con- Oberhn Collegti .rece~~edI :~ cal T,heology and the Death of period to underwr , expenses of 1~ ~or the new. me~)'s dormitory, structed on what is presently B.D. degree at dmo.n e~ Og; God. student projects, to purchase ad, dining hall-swimming pool com- the women's hockey field. On cal ~e~l~a~Y!lt dl~ ~~a ~a.e At the end of his article, Dr. ditions to library oldings, and plex and the women's dormitory. the upper four floors will be dor, wor. a rmc~o~ an . e ot- Hamilton says, ". . the ques- to supply labcrat y materials Although there was no official mitory rooms and the lower ver~lt~of St-. id ~~w;,~nDSc~- tion was posed whether the and several itel, of small ground-breaking c er em 0 n y, floor will house recreation rooms Ian. e recelv~ dis f il e_ death of God might be a non- equipment. President Lowell S. Ensor was and a lounge, laundry rooms ~ree from St. P r-ews 0DOw- event, fashioned by nothing The Grass Foun tion is sup- present as the bulldozers started and kitchenettes. There will al- I~~ ;;_or~ ~~der P ~ofe:so~ . ?n_ more substantial than the eager ported by the Gras Instrument digging. Construction is 'pro- so be an elevator. The women's \ f' tl I~ C ~Ior 0JOI~mg and empty publicity mills of our Company of Quin Massachu- ceeding on schedule because the dorm will house 182 women and t e acu~y 0'1 0 gate, h o~ es- day. We radical theologians setts, makers of ipment for work crew did not stop working will have the same extras as t~r, hDrCham~ to; ~vas .it e ~ar have found, I think, that it is physiology Iabora ies. As a during the spring vacation, even the men's dorm. o ted ape a b am~ o~ J - something more. It is a real result of the first rant's sup_ when it snowed. The cafeteria will seat. 550 ~ea~~:e:t ~f ';:~gi~~. 0 t e e_ :ye~~e!~ii~; j:~~~~,ev:;;;o~~~; ~~~~r;\:~~d~~!n) )~~f:~~dt~; De~a~or::~~~~n~oI~:i:::~~ ~~~ ~~~~~:~ ~~a~~~l ~~:i~;h~~~~~; "The death of God has O~ ~OD everything that might stand be- WMC biology stu( s. ban Development is financing, in the kitchen will also be on this i:nt~d~s;O~;;::t.wii~ ~aii~~o~io~~ll ~peak {: ~l~~:~::~~in;,a~a~n~n~h~h:ell!~~ ~~ dai~o~d~;~~~s~oi~ ,r~ls:g~o~:= i::\,!~e bC:i~~i~~:,o:~~u:~~o~e~~~~~I.Wily~~e~~:a~~Yin~:in;i~i~o1 rerent, the cynical a ay. his neighbor. It is a real event partment has rece National is being covered by the Centen_ with dressing rooms and supple_ natical. God is quote is taken from making possible a Christian form Science Foundation nts total- nial Expansion Fund. mentary resources for physical that means, To magazine in an article of faith for many today. It is ing $17,000 in recen ars. The The men's dorm will house 214 education classes. Plans call for ~:ar~ve:~dofthe • byH~:i~:;~d p~~~ilt;~t:~~n m~i~~~gin PoO;:i~~rIJ.~,urch .:~~g=n ~:~~fe:m grants I~oeO~/n~it:~~~d c~~~d o~a~~~ ~~~o~~~h~et:~~ ~~ i~~8~afeteria
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