Page 43 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 43
Junior I t n i ug Grapplers Follies Finish Strike Again! Season (p.4) (p.2) Vol. 43, No. 10 WESTERN MARYLANDCOLLEGE,WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND March 10, 1967 by Dorothy Elderdice From time to time there has been editorial comment in The Carroll County Times lamenting the lack of contact between our local college and town, All those SGA Voices Stulent Opinion; who still perpetuate the myth is that town. -is town. a.nd gown gown enui nll'Ve1' th.e twain shall .Abolishment Debate Continues 1neet should have attended THE HINGE party held in the West- minster Methodist Church At the Student Government· Court, three proposals have March 4, How different from Association meeting on Monday, been made for the selection of the conventional church supper March 6, a motion was made to members, The Honor Court be- with its beautifully appointed recommend to the Student Life lieves that the responsibility for tables and flower arrangements. Council that required attendance deciding the method of selecting Last Saturday night the check- at chapels; assemblies and eve- members should rest with the ered table covers. with drip can- ning programs be diseontmued ; students themselves, The sheet dIe bottles gave a Bohemian at- a motion previously passed by stating their plans will be dis- mosphere suited to the informal- ~~~ :!u:~,nt body by a vote of ~~~u~~1 ~ecl~eea~t~df:tterb~~[~ ~:et~f dfnn~;~;;fu~~~f-!.?;~~ Basic S~udent. Disapprova~ ;~~c~cfla:'i7Ia~r:~~~ !~v~~:~ ~u:rei~h;~~ !~~~):~o!t~u d::; tio~IO~~d:~~~::~;e~:'~~~:~ :~ program on M 0 n day ,night, ... , the difference in an old c'ounty the.'S~ud~nt Life Councild:",ere ~~ZhS;:~t:tR~~~, ~':tu~~n;h: stage in one .' ,:~~~o:l ~~~b~::.oduchon - ~;~1°:n~~ith ~~~r~~lpo!f ~~~~~~ to ln~lcat;:a:~~ st~~~~!m~sa~~ dtscusslon by Honor Court memo "Mary Belle Goes West," an sisted in directing by Suzanne held before Christmas. Because folk served as hosts to the com- r: ova :-v~~~,tyPe of speak. bers. of t~e four. plane un.der original musical comedy by Lar- Pratt, who is in charge of the of the time surplus, the musical munity children the students eYt~xI:. ~ h; I the way consideration. ThIS IS a time ry r-Eisenberg' and Linda Sulli- choreography. The music for is now stylistically beyond the have been tutoring this year. e~~, de Ime,"'cc Pc\:ed and when every student can under, van, will be this year's Junior the show was written by Kaye point Larry envisioned in the The children were asked to h e a he~hanc~h'~ was reievant stand. what each plan means. Follies presentation. Krebs and Cathy Arick; the summer. The time and effort of bring their entire families with w ~ e; 111 as ed c:tion Som~tJme before .the next SGA The action revolves around a lyrics are by Linda Sullivan. all the people involved in pro- them - and they came - how pa~h 0 co e $ ir dicution by meetmg a vote WIll be taken on young girl, Pollyanna variety, John Van Hart is the technical ducing the show make it well they _came! ..::,_for a wonderful b th e~edw~~ ~nd f~c~lty repre- the four _plans, and the most who goes West to take over a director and has designed the worth seeing. Tickets are cur- evening of fun and good fellow- o t ~.u en f the Student Life popular wJiI be presented to the saloon. She also tries to reform sets for the two act comedy, rently oJl sale in the dorms for ship. ~en a ~~e:h~ .t wa 'm erative student body for referendum. everyone she meets. She runs Ned Landis is in charge of the performances tonight and Those of us in the Human Re_ t::t~eloo~ i~to th: ~u!tion at Literru::y Board , into I?any pro~lems, in.cludi~g Ii~?ting; Pat McNally is super- tomorrow night. Curtain time is lations Com~itt~e who for years this ;ime;. ,th~~e~e~~iz~::ea\;~~ pr~che~s~;~S~~lis~\~g :n Iit!~~ i~~s~~dbrs ~!;:~~~1 :!d;I:~a:~: ~;sl~~ern::a~~P;m~~~;:r:h~~l~; 8:30 p.m. . ~~~~eb::;et~::'lfl;~ '~~~~fko:;~ ~se: ~~~e:~:~ce at these events, ary board, A meeting was h~ld ing h~ro, Mary Bell~'s eXperi- Tarbu~ton is in ch.arge ~f propSj Choir Presents Mass com~" witnessed our dream ~he ou feels that out of class on Thur~day, March. 9. The IIt- ences III the town are III the true and ~~ck McCall IS chairman of • • commg true. Our young. people 1'0 ~m: need investigation- erary editor .and busmess ,ma?a- soaphox Western style and the publiCity a~d finances. FeaturIng SolOIsts have 0l?eneddoors that WIllnev_ ih' g , lace to start The ger of each lIterary orgamzatJon other characters add to the PreparatIOn for the show be. er agam be closed, ISt~S a I h w v I'd th'e stu_ on campus will be represented, melodramatics. gan last summer when Larry The Saint Cecilia Mass wiJ1 Many of us who attended due~ IOn.0 o'n a~ t rmining along with their advisors, to in- In addition to having written put it into outline form. He be sung by the college choir dur+ THE HINGE party went from t: n ~o~el.waso; s :a:ers and sure that each organization is the comedy, Larry is the co· finished it soon after returning ing chapel on March 12, there to The Town Meeting of e sc utl~; are pb ought to functioning at its highest poten_ ordinating chairman and is atl- in the fall and auditions were Originally the c hoi r was The Arts at the Junior High programs :gain rai;ed As a tial and to provide for the best scheduled to sing the Requiem School. The support given this camf~s was b_com 'tte~ was allotment of finances for each Mass in C minor by Cherubini, project hy The Carroll County ,'oe~Qd :ithS~he ex ~~ssed duty organization: ... The editor is considering writing an editorial con- but Professor de Long m~de the Times was amply justifi.e:I by change because the chOir pre_ the of citizens number large t th Pet "''''' l' meet-. The SGA IS antIcipating elec_ ? , repor~ngiI a t:e nr:Sults of tion of officers for next year. cerning the elimination of Saturday classes, Arguments ferred ~o sing Gounad's St, Ce- who attended and voted over_ ~~g. o~ p;. 3 tion This is the By Wednesday, April 12, peti_ stated pro and con were mentioned in the article above, cilia Mass. whelmingly to support the es- fi e~r ~~::s ;:':'ard . looking into tiona for SGA officers must be ~~~ ~;~~::~~~~~~:errie~~ :a~i~~~lj:rs t~: !:r!~~~e:fFeatured soloists for the per_ tahlishment of a Carroll County t:~ matter. .. ~~et~~s t~ii~l~~m;~ldi~:; n~~~~ Delta Pi Alpha-the matter was discussed 'in a recent ~~;:r~~es:;!~:oe; fh,:::a~c:e~~ ~:~e ;~~n~~m'Plet~ ~;:;e:a~~~~ Honor Court Plans Re"ision nation of officers and May Day meeting. Then give us your opinion- also a freshman, baritone; and between the college and the The Honor Court also present- representatives. May Day Court 0 YE;S 0 STUDENT Harry Loats, tenor. Mr, Oliver community. ed their plans for the revision elections will be held on Friday, DNO 0 PROFESSOR_ADMINISTRATION K. Spangler will play the organ. I Let's change our paraphrase of the Honor System, In order April 14, and class and SGA COMMENTS The first chapel service after to - town may be toum.. and that the students might have a elections will be Friday, Ap_ Return to the labeled box in the grill. spring recess will feature Dr. goum.. tlULy be gown but eve?' the representative H 0 nor ril 28. Carl F. H. Henry. twain shall meet. .........
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