Page 49 - TheGoldBug1966-67
P. 49
The Gold Bug, Apr. 7, 1967 "Distance no Object" in WMC Spring Vacations ,.Where the Girls Went: Students Charge VirginIsles Reeketl Protestant Ethic Greenleas Daytona Scene P!lt~"~'d~~~!;~!i!~ehWhile Muncheros Islantl Spout~tISoul .of h!:~ee~~e~O~~~r~h~~:g~r~::;~\~%S;~t~;i~~~~~~ae~~t~o~'~ !~~: 23,1967, several youn~ Western by Walt Michael lif this IS where Pogo lives-it stinks!" ... miles of cypress trees, Maryland men left thea comfort; Jeff Ludlow an~ I stepped silver Spanish moss, live oak, and desolation . getting into able abode in the Cocoanut Grove from the plane which had Just Jacksonville and finding out I still had to wear my coat because section of Miami, Florida, bound ~~pped ust·o; ~n ~uan to St. ~i~a~:~~~~~:t '" ~h~~~ peop~~l~::i~~n~O~~h~:~~:~:l:~ 'air~~~; f~r an evening. of -: and ex- Th~~;sm~nu~e: be~o~l~!;~a~:i~ crowded bus to Daytona. . but 3 years of pushing into the dining cttement at the Illuetrtous Beach our goodbyes to Dave Carrasco hall paid off, and we got seats. . seeing the magic of old Saint dance in Fort Lauderdale. an~ . Cresson Bare \;ho were .~~~flt;~~fc~~!~~ ~~~~!so~fr~~r~~~t~~o!~w~~~~rb~~~~~Ydr~h~e~'I:\~~:~:~t t~o~:~;~n r.!~c:~ou~hi~!~ ~~dt~~e~:a:~;. ?a;~e C.:~:~in~t: Friday morning the pilgrims waiting to catch a fhght back Augustine with its dignified Spanish buildings, shady courtyards lE~~~oe:;~saand~e~~i~~n~P~~~~~sI~~;:ri~~k~~fo:n~~~e~~:s~:;e S~tc~l~~ ~:tt~:r::te::o~~~ ~e~~en~:~w~ las the bus raced along ALA ... t.he.bus station and Daytona at public bandstand. When more woul.d never have believed !Iast--complete with pseudo-Hell's Angels there for the Daytona people began to cross the street posslbl; to learn so much abo~t ;,200 motorcycle races ... Harfey-Davidsons all over Ridgewood from that part of Fort Lauder- a foreign land .and culture III :;:e~~:e;t' .. If J;~~:i~~ ~n~~~~~a~~yU:e~~~'~~it~::~sl~~~~:: t~~ ~~~s w~::e l~:~!ct o~o~::rdni~~! ~~~~e: t!h~~tq~;~\ ~~ide~a~l~ 'traffic-choked street to get a sandwich ... wonder if my money bandstand section of the beach, fact, I saw a~d experienced ~o lY-'iJ] ~~dmoo~~~i~to an apartment with five girls from Wisconsin. r:l~t~e~iel~S!o c:!~::et;a~;:\~~ ~aay:~.t;::~vi~h~~~~ Wt.t~o~:m~; !:Weez and I promptly received grief from all sides about "your the beach. Suddenly, with un- American ~...ay of life to make funny Eastern accents." "Nice scenery around herc---look at all canny precision, a large crowd me appr~clate all of the~ . ..the guys!" With a ratio of 15 guys (at least) to 1 girl, we came out into the street and sat Expectmg to find a leisurely weren't kickin'! (Statistics courtesy of Newsweek), no locks on down.. that's correct ... little island in the sun, we found l\tUNCHERO PADILLA poses as the Puerto Rican Pancho ,the doors, and Weez and I got the bed in the living room. In an everyone was sitting in the mid_ instead what Jeff constantly re_ Villa. ~ut the man has a ~oul, and he put it in his soul-bag and unbelievably short time, the apartment was strewn with cigarette die of one of the biggest inter_ ferred to as "a ruse." Indeed, passed It around . .butts, Bermudas, loafers, bathing suits and cosmetics ... even on sections in the town. The few St. Thomas was a ruse: There And I thought about Junior, Isongs. :~et~!~V;I!~e:he kitchen. You just couldn't keep anything clean ~~~ic~o~~:~ ~~et~~d~:I:.e ~~~~~I!~~~ ;;;r~~~~nr~~r;~~r~~!s o~~~ ~.~~~~~~~~~ ~:/~~o o~as so;~ da;s l~~k:;;e ~~~o~~, ~~:eri:~~ ~y t:a~~t~Oew;o~~~:ti~~i~~da;o~o~!~ :V~~~~i:l~:;~~e t~et~:~~~ ~~r~t~:;t:njt~::l:~e ;:~:~se i~i~~pr!~: u!~Il~n!ou~~;r;b~~ ~; ::~:e·~h~i, ~~ e~~~~~~,~~l~!~~ ~n!!~:~~r~~c~~a~o~~~::~ :i~~ ·.population, and you are overwhelmea by the myriad of sweat_ riot. A soda truck was emptied finger on what both~red me me from house to house in a was an island with a warm soul. ,t!hirt-clad college kids in packs, droves, and gangs, wandering but not one soda sale was made. a_boutmy fellow Amer~cans un- slum and introduced me to the_ And then I wished that the from motel to motel looking for parties and for a member of the The same fate awaited a bakery tIl one warm, br~ezy mght, Jeff people as "Tom Brewster, the [AmericanS would get out of opposite sex. TKE, Kappa Alpha, Theta Chi, ATO, Kappa Sig; truck. By this time the mob had a.nd I wandered Ill~Oa bar and hil'bil' singer." and in every their chairs and share a little it looked like a walking, talking directory of college fraternities. turned on a public bus, more po- hstened to the strmns of a steel house, we sang each other's Isoul with that steel band. Then I knew. Only the soul_ A , 'The Riviera ... this motel was something else. "Hey, baby, lice had arrived and heads were band. wanna go to a party?" I walked into one room and counted 4 being knocked together. The po- 1.1. ," {!~~~e=.n~3;e;0~~sp~;:e:::;~ol~ri~~m~t~~ ~~db~:r~~~~ ~n! ~~~~ ~;~~;~ec,en~u:i!f:i~~et~h:;~s~O~~! ;!.~c~at:~ti~~ec~~~fe~h:~~U~~d n ,,,,,,: The Good South {:~':mh~~~ i~~~~~:il,L;!~~:~y~O~iC';;:~ ':~oo;r~~~e~a!~odn~S~~~ ~!~e~i;~r~~:l~o :~:h~\:::\~~k ~~~~ ~~?mp!~::s~!~~l~t~~~ ~~:~ ',nie where I went to school. There was a palm tree growing about with his night stick. The girl's the Americans wore smelled up 3 Inches froni the balcony and I was tempted to climb over the boyfriend, protesting, made the the place intolerably. For ten by Cary Wolfson Ithe beauty of his natural endow_ raPing and shinny down it to the ground but the fuzz were still mistake of touching the police- minutes I watched a middle_ Florida is a beautiful state,lment to the fullest. You are there. _I heard that later on in the evening guys were jumping man, and without a word, the aged man and wife hunt for a crossing the border from [lo,:,eand God wanting to bestow ~fro_rt the fourth floor balcony into the swimming pool. I was officer smashed in the left side place to sit down. The hunt was is nearly orgasmic. thIS phenomenon on all your fel- sorry I missed that move. of the young man's face, knock- a long one because all the seats which look like those low men, as if you did not de_ m;l;e~ ::;fn~,P~hel:s:~~a~~~rt~O;~c~a~mii~g tht~e~r~~t b~sf~!~ :~~ut~.ur every tooth in his ~~·:ri:;~~d S~~h rather lustless make ~~a;l~r:i~: e~:~; ;~::e~;. ~~fs~~~~u~l;~:~ea~~ My countrymen ~eo~gfa Tech, Michigan, Rutgers, Tennessee, Wake Forest, Ohio By five o'clock peace reigned tOf !~::l ~~~doi~l~o'~:~c:~o the sun seems to you will carry it with you to Stat;V:~~n~Co~\he beach is an experiencc---if you don't mind w~t.hhonly ~~ ~rre;tsl~o:t clearer s~~~s~:as~::~ the ends of .the,. e~rth . 'sh!ring it with -Mustangs, 'Vettes, XKE's, Hearses, Hondas, and ~hlC .w~~ebIg ~~ 00 S u e~ts. then, I imagine that they there. - South of Jack- As you ride back through the Gamaros. .-People are allowed to drive cars on the hard-packed e tlllgH roug b m~re eX~l;- all pooped out from touring St. there is nothing but South, you are surrounded by '%lind'by the water's edge, and it's like 0. continual sports-car ~~n. t uge mO ~h o~e l~ Thomas' horde of gift shops, your east and after the warm glow that seems to f t ~ll'y.- I never had to watch for cars before going into the water t~e e;~~iceP~:csa~e m~r:1 :ru~~l. buyin~ presents for Tom, Dick, off to\'~:~~stC::ed~~:~; ~~~~::~ i~r~~rr~~~d:~~ s~~l~ OHo!;h~ week galloped on in a collage of sand, dirty towels, par- . co~ld no~d~n~ that th;. sit- ~;~atH:r;~se~ack at the office. is red, hard, and ing "Hi y'all" faces; the welcome ties, dancing, and postcard writing. The sun was fiercely hot and ema~. e ~ ;:n g a; Ions, In my depression, I the life seems as if mat seems· to extend from the from l~ to 3 you st~yed on the beach, feeling yourself getting of 1~:sp~I~:eme:':~;c:~ ~~ b~ck to the six days in . from the rest of the road into infinity. Suddenly you ~~a~~~~~~:~.s~~3p~:~ ::du~o~f::s~sa~de:~~e~~!~ ~~et~~u~~llg;;~:; ~he~hat:.ende.~ to their ;~~ty." ~~~~~, :heth;aut~~;:rX~er.~~~= world. GOodSouth ~~~~:~:C°:~thwi:~es~he b~:~~if~~ :Motel (where'd they ever get that name? There wasn't a pine yt ~ ~m~1 was ~verS _ar; dren, the man who opened his Ah the Good South! The sun people, children of Eden. You ..t~e·.in sight!) t~ t~ke a shower and wash the sand out of our ~~: ~eo;le t:~~nn;~ '~~re ~~l~e;e h~use to us, shared his bread is so'strong, you can smell "it, pull onto a si~c roa;! and up to hal~. Our place dldn t have a shower so we hatched an ~~~ee:r:uitnj:~~ti~ ~:e t~~;~ :~~ u~t~e u~a~ten:;~~ :~~ ~~tt~:r:e~~~~e~o~I~~m A;~:~~~~ =ea~~~~~·~~~k~~~nt~lrn~~.a.~~~~~ ~~~~eb:::~:!e~he7:r!e;~edOl:t:~~ I~~~~edH:s w~se ~:;e ;:~ds w~! :~~te;~~u~~ednl~tc~~~O~~~~I~w~~~~~;o~f::,e h~! ~a%a~a~ISs;~~~ ~~:y \~~~i~~in;~c~~~e~ne:~:~~ ;~~!h~h~Ss~~a~U~~n!h.~t~:.rr~; ~:~~ :~~\r~n~o ~~~n~~l~ei~nt~~: J;!;~~~sIffe~~iSaess~~ik~;~:'c:~~ :~:he 1~~!i~O1!::cnU:~i~~!de;:~W; 7o:~t~h~~~~, e~~~~t~~~ b:~~m: ~~~~~ y~urs~; i:w;;~~~~·us !~l~ ~~~~ngi:;~t~~I~OI~~~l~:.~o~ihi: had something to worry about the foreman of until you can actually feel white please? that you love thiS coun- was no one to help ~~~l~:~~~~~~~t~~ ~~~Sth:l~:: ~~:~~ t:~i~o~U:~~~~. ~~!'~~d!;~la7~~ ~~U;~~Y'ths:t.~~c~:o~~ . who struck the comical pOSefor blows off the water and you secret IS that the lllggers and Finally returned, stu- the picture ~bove. He :-vas the stand, facing it, legs astride, kikes know their place around left, pohce left, spectators ,man who enJoyed teachlllg oth_ defiant. The sun sinks lower and here. You do not understand, i.n.f~~~~nlYone question '~~: ~:r;:~ ~~ ~~~!~hhe sucked :~il~:~I~ ;::~d~~~:i~~det~:p~!~~ ~~~t~; ~:il;a~~~n~o~~Se;~: and on the from under them such a perfect SpeCImenof such ~---:,...~:-.... Dawk's Crew Wings to Nassau' ,m d.. -ken;ng ex~"n'" of bl" n p,,[,d pmd;" onn be w,"ng 1,;d hS:i~'~:u b~~~~ ~~~~~;~:rt~I~:~e !~~1::r.::~USlY Buys Turtle Meat From George ~:g~~~~I~~g:~i~~~n:~ee;eIO::~ y~:e~e:emaen~:~:~:~eB::::!ing, . .. . ly, laughing mermaid who, per~ and once you reach your car you by Bob Ymghng durmg our. ?pproach. While haps once, used to sing for thee. feel that warm glow returning. . Oh, that's where the th~r; we VISIted a two-ro?m But the sun is down, the wind You are curious and you drive for Nassau, and Bntlsh governmer.t school, With turning colder. The tide pulls further down the road. The ourselves March s~udents from kindergarten to back to the sea, and with it her sweet salt-smell is gone and is a seven-hour wait at hIgh sch?ol. Thursday we . lost to the waves without replaced by a sweaty-earthy, Airport, to Par~dlse .Island for not at all pleasant one. The , Tom Fowler, and bndg? m the are other days, and smiles outside, however, seem , Runge, a was a hohday, so all the heach, filling even brighter, perhaps because Drexel, and I shops were closed. with sweet, salt- they contrast so well with the a Pan Am jet for was a go~d day for It is somehow eu_ black faces on which they are -groovy songs for an ultra-groovy week. a comJ?li- ~nd ~hat mght w~ chose are fi?ating, not pinned. Here the welcome mat hgJ:.: "It's Sunday already? We're leaving~?!! You gotta be DaiqUIri and a qUlck t; FI~dle, Nassau s largest open the exertIOn of your looks well worn, and often it kiddin'J" Reluctant packing of dirty, sandy clothes, that last customs check we grabbed a eab aIr mght club, w~ere we saw It is like that One leads only to the burned-out <$olir'on the beach, tearful goodbyes to new friends, vows to come for the Little Orchard Cottages, the Orlons. O.ur flIght left S?n- year that breaks a shell of a house. The~shadows i:i>a'cknext year, same time, same place. about two miles outside the city. day, but we did manage . spell, and you must are longer here, and their tops; A::e~~f~::~I~~g~r~:~n~~,3~01a:;: !~t~O~r~~::s~r~'r~;:f~~~t~ in:u~dea~i~~;h!h~~~n!V~:y;~~~~ ~~;oro: gt~~/~~t~h~nai~~:rt. a~~:~~h~~gW~~l~:~:ni~~:~~~~!;g ~~~n~:d~b~e:~:~~ and memories of a fabulous week. But where are the was closed. Early Monday we Our most noteworthy reflec- if it were your steps of the First African Bap- ? hobbled into town to rent bi. tions include: sailboats every_ Finally you re- tist Church cannot erase the 'P'-'------------------, cycles, and ended up with a 1963 where; the limbo at -cheJunka- ex h a u s ted, blood stains. Tonight, a Be-In is a crazy idea that germinated in Valiant. That night we had to noo (under a fiaming stick atop sandy, hut Can this be the same rich land the demented minds of three of the more creative (and visit. the clubs and decided on two small Coke bottles); the blanket. which spawned the handsome lIlierein anonymous) members of the campus intelligentsia, the Junkanoo, famous for its native fire dance at three differ- are cool and your man in the diner? Or is it he most recently renowned for'their Super-Weekend antics. show, and Dirty Dick's, just ent clubs; Rawson Square (the the pleasant sting of that has spawned the squalor in llheir plan was for a wild and wonderful outdoor hulla_ plain famous. Tuesday after- native straw market); the Ba_ the day's bout with the sun. the midst of Eden? You cannot under the stars to celebrate the advent of the warm noon we decided to go water ski_ hamian dream; the extremely The drink flows freely, quench- answer. lusting season. r;rgo, they contracted two bands ing off Paradise Island, and warm, clear, blue water; the ing and exhilarating, and you The ride back from the South, prominencc---Th{ Amazing Tyrds and the Master rounded out the day with a trip "friendly natives; George, a tur- smugly enjoy the feeling of be_ no matter what season of the pre-empted by semi-legal means the Baker for conch shells and fresh pine- tie meat· salesman; Myrtle, a ing able to live the life of the year; is always cold. Your hands steps and adjohing mall for a psychedelic concert apple in the harbor. Wednesday vegetable -salesman; the Bossa happy rich, although your wal- tremble as they grip the wheel. You Perhaps this time it will be a we took a jet to a nearby island -Nova; and the Zombie, nick_ let tells a different story. L stars. tonight. -'- _l where we saw sharks swimming named "The Walking Dead." pure physical man, enjoYing little colder.
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