Page 15 - TheGoldBug1966-67
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The Gold Bug, Oct. 28, 1966 3 Chapel Schedules Sh 0 rt Stu f f - Open Letter "All They NeededWas The Initial Beardslee, Berry Gallaudet Deaf Group art, ,",ulty of Bridgewater ca- Today, dur-ing- lunch, Pres- Incentive That'sWhereWeCameln" • • Rev. Alvord M. Beardslee will speak Sunday evening, Oct. 30, In ExpressIve Dance lege.. He. ~as shown ex1;_ensivelyident Ensor spoke to the student SOS, thp Student Opportunity Service, will present an as- and were two major In. Ne:-, body. also Virginia There III atIlf;a~:~rdslee teaches at Hol- A dance ~roup fr?lll Galla~- ;:~~~sen~:lr~~enih!ir't~I~~ri~l; ~~:~~dino:~s t:ee~~'fai~~~~; ~~ :::~~I;~::i:~d~:'A?~~~~rH!~i. d:r~~~,t~: ;':f~~;~lite~~h~~~l~: lins ColJege but is cu.rrently onl d~!s::~le;ep~~ ~::h~~g~.~a~~'~~ Southern Sculptors '66 exhibit. the. procedure of ~he students, presented in order to familiarize the students with the SOS pro- leave on a Fellowship at He- ~ T sd g N b 1 actmg then Sec. gram. br.ew-Unio,n ~~lleg.e-Je."'i~h Ir;- a~~~~O p.l~. i~YGill ~;~na~um: Argonauts Induct OndlY,.'he remin?cd the studen~ The film, produced by Dr.I--------- ~~t~~h~~~:~I~;~pl; g~~~~~~:~f in ~~~a~~:~~sd!~~t~~lro ~~I~:7::Associate Members ~~ast:~e ast~~~~l~U~~~te~:X\~~ ~~;:':o~dw:st~Orc~o~~:;yl~~:,e~ll; w~~~n~~::;~~V~~:I::~~ on Lehigh Uriiver-aity, Mr. Bea~ds- tiou of the deaf. Transform- Induction of associate rnem- carry through on. ~he ~gree- be narrated by Dave Carrasco the SOS program in general, lee also ha~ n.dvan;ed ~;~p~:s ing signs to dance movement bers into the Argonauts honor- ment, not the edministratton. and Walt Michaels. Its subject Jeff Ludlow, a participant in ~r~m lYale d niveraity F 1~1~lh~ the group has developed a ne~ ary scholastic society, ~as held The reasoning that seemed to matter deals with the 21 stu- this past. summer's project to s~h~far :~ S;;::bo~rg ~n~~~r- ~:!dfOr~\O~l~U~~:~f~~' ~ss~~~ ~~ 8:00 ~~~ievd~tet~~~~ns~e:'na;~aasre~~ls; ~~~~r wph:e~~lU;i:~r~~ ~~eg~~~ ::oe~'~~mR;~O~~ti~e~a~~:~oS~e~ stracted, making it an art At this time the following sees the college as an entity palachian region.. . come involve~. The stress ~s form. A story, poem, or song seniors were inducted: Clayton unto itself, so his concern was These students hved with placed on SerVICe. The people In can be danced to using this M. Leister, Robert E. Whitfield, for the college, not for the stu- families i!1 these a:'eas fO.ra .six_· the town you visit are. helped method. There will be a coffee Elaine A. Brown, Margaret L. dents who attend it. This week peflod. DUfl~g th~s time, and you come away wlth the hour in the Gill Gymnasium Howe, Aldra 'V. Lauterbach, opinion of the college can only t~ey c.onstl·~cte? hbra~les, as- kn.owl~dge you've done some_ Lounge following the perform- Nancy Gerwig Roberts, and widen the rift that now sep- sls.ted m sam~atlon pr~J.e~ts·and thIng. . . Doris M. Weaver. arates the administration and bUilt recreatIOnal faclhtles. On Monday evemng there wlll Junior associate members are: the students, inhibiting the dia- Fifteen Volunteers be a meeting for all students in_ Solo Art Exhibit Richard V. Boswell, 'V. Leonard logue necessary for education. During the past summer fif_ terested in the SOS program. Hill, Steven IIi. Jones, Richard The- lack of understanding and teen students volunteered to be I Due At Callery One ~~CII~~~g~~~~!;ie~~~e~c~~~~~ ~i~~t~~: ~~~~e;bl~fc~~~em:fni~:; ~~~:e, t~he:l~il~~~edRj~~'r t~:h~!~ Alice Griffin Part of M~.~\I:~~ c~fe~e ~:ill~;:~tei~~ ~~i.n,~t~~~~.~BBr~~:lto~: ~~~f!l~~~':~~:~e ~sisl~~~e:ss~~~~n~~ww~~~~~~:~er?~c;~ P~~isC~;:~~'in ~~: TV Panel Discussion fil'st exhibition of contemporary Susan C. Griffin, Katherine W. the college exists, creating new SOS program reported that the Miss Alice L. Griffin will rep- sculpture in wood and metals Henley, Lynne F. Howard, Gail and similar problems. people in these towns started resent Western Maryland Col_ su;~:y~~i~~~;~:;~n6iing .aone- ~~fe;i~~O~~~~~~~i!i~~i~~~~~: E~~sro'i:?~o~~~~.~!~?"a;:~~h '~i~'i~v:~~~i~:~n~So;.o{~~t~~~~w~e:~;engde~o~~e :~ri~~~I~:T~;ll~~~ ~;i~ge~~~~r, I~i;g~~:a. K~neewfl~ ~~r,T~~~naas,RLi~;:e;V.' ~~~te~ re~e~~ o~ dth~ ~~~~~istl:~tiO~, P,Z;o~he:~:e:el~r~~~;at~te si~~~:i ~~b:rs!~ie!9:tsi~~~1:~fs'~0~s pOr~~ _ Rev. Beardslee, a re-now.ned be present on Sunday at the 3 :00 head, Barbara Zimmerman. ~old elfs t~ en sbl~ 't I~ v~e~' :~ incentive. That's w her e we grams sponsored jointly by speaker, has lectured extensive. II p.m. to 5:00 p.m. opening. The Following the induction, Dr. e i .fl t pu ICly /\ a , If came in." WBAL-TV and the Association Iy at home and abroad_ display will continue until William Ridington !I h owed ~~us die. e.ct o~. some d al u\ebo Although it was the third trip of Independent Colle ge s in sity. He has done extensive November 23 Gallery hours are slides and spoke on "Excavating rea t~I~I~hra don. T t°;'o e- to Puerto Rico, it was the first Maryland. Miss Griffin will dis_ work with young people both in 9:00' a.m. to'4:00 p.'m. daily. Roman Ruins in Britain." .~eve bt't e 'lf~OI1; ~a.lon tO~ to App~lachja. Six of the 21 cuss the topic "Successful Ad_ this country and abroad and was The artist is a member of the The 1966-67 officers for the ~s th U I~i y WIIt e 'llebnm~n a students were sent to a small justment to College Life" in a co-editor of "The Christian Argonauts are Carolyn Seaman, th t et~o efe j ts \~I et~ 0';"11 town called Panther, West Vir_ panel composed of two upper_ Faith and Youth Today." (Continued from Page 1) President; Joyce Ferguson, Vice Tat' et! U( e~ a~;. e m- ginia. Here, they attempted to classmen from other colleges "T~:' ~:~~~Sleoe;s~~:~Cti~~,I}~~ sa!d th~\ th~~ co~;i~~~o~e;e~~ ~::;;d::~;J;C~r:~ ~~~~~, ;:~:~ :.~:p~:~ibility~C on elr own ~fo~~:et~a~~~i~~;!~S;~!y re~~::; ~;~Sh~~;to~e~:ll:;e. M~~e f;~~ which he will relate religion to ~~a~r~~e ~al~:~t v.:as bad for urer. The sponsors are Dr. Isa_ ~~n;:I~~elYB.Wall ~ven successf~1 in starting a gram will be aired from 4:30 to ~:;Sce~i~f a!~~:~tve~yea~xC~~~~ ~~:/;!~~~i~u~nt~h~n~:~sa~deJi~~ bel Royer and Mr. C. P. Darcy. small commumty center. 15:00 pm. ~!{~;~J:~:~~i~~~:~g:I::~P~:~f.~~\:~;:':h;rE~!u~;w::::~~W' T TR Phone 848·2848 ELDERSBURG AM. FM RADIO ~~~~;:t~~::;~~~a~:~o!~l~~:~.~~ ~:r~:~d l::t s:_~e~~lei~di~~~u=rCh 85 W. Main St. Westminster, Md. 21157 ANGELO'S ~l~~:re;~~'r~:h~i~::, ~:~~sn;,~~~ wa~SP~b~~~~t~r!aosft~:~~ .~n~~l~ RCA VICTOR DINING ROOM Colt ~.nd NFL records for pass ~oo~~en~~?'ot'~~c~en~o~~~~~oe~o~ - - - DU~la~~~a~o ~rt:~~:ON re~~.I~neS~ry is associated with dining. hall food. WESTMINSTER ITALIAN & AMERICAN FOOD 185 E. Main 2t~J~;:~I:~~oh:~ ~~:t~e~~~;.~t~~~ ~:~o~~:~~iirJ:I:~~:~~~~d~~17! MARYLAND COCKTAIL LOUNGE Eldersbur:IS!:::i~g Center throu-gh-Qu!;th-ecountry. - ~~~il~;a~I~~i:s~yS~h:~:~~;in; PIZZA 795~0210 conditions at Western MaryJand ;ome, you young hungry- was made. The protestors were eyed females, and feast your different, and fewer ill number, BOWL ·oyes on the next best thing to but their complaints {ollowed FINE tho GrcM Kahool1a! the same lines as this year's With PATIO Sandwich See Pa-ul New-man starring demonstration. DEPARTMENT STORE in SHOP THE LONG HOT SUMMER Chief COFFMAN· Friday at 8:00 p.m. Featuring in Deeker Auditorium Pokomoke CARRIAGE HOUSE FISHER CO. Thick Milk Shakes 15c Hamburgers Pizzas _ Subs Tenpins 11 E. Main Street French Fries - Shl'imp Boats GOOD HEALTH BEST of SPIRITS Homemade Do-Nuts TO ALL Westminster, Md. Inside Seating Plui'!!Other Sandwiches from WESTMINSTER Rt. 140 E. of Westminster Phone 848-5860 LANES REXALL DRUGS W. Main & Penna. Ave. in the Shopping Center SCHMITI'S "AT THE FORKS" Students - Until 6:00 p.m. $t.20 3_Games Including Shoes WE APPRECIATE Mon. - Fri. 848·6570 YOUR BUSINESS Russen Stover Candy Charles Lindsay's HOMESTEAD INN SIEGMAN'S 15 Washington Road TEXACO SERVICE Order Your Westmi~stel' Westminster Shopping CREPE PAPER, Serving the Finest Foods Center DECORATION and Pizza - Sandwiches Westminster TI 8·3460 PARTY GOODS Platters TEXACO HAVOLINE in STUDENTS WELCOME GASOLINE OIL Your Club Colors at P. G. COFFMAN XEROX 914 PHOTOCOPYING Company Perfect Copies On Ordinary Paper From Bound Material Or,Single Sheets STATIONERS Prompt Service - Reasonable Rates Times Bldg. Westminster, Md. MARYLAND BUSINESS SERVICE, INC. 257 E. Main Sf. Md. 'Vestminster, Tel. 848-7155 HEADQUARTERS FOR HEAGY'S IN WESTMINSTER JOHN MEYER SPORT SHPP SHOPPING CENTER OF Full Line of SCHARON'S NORWICH SPORTING GOODS BLACK EAGLE MATHER'S 16 W. Main St. EARLY AMERICAN GIFTS 31.35 E. MAIN ST. JBlJlJB1tJ WESTMINSTER, MD. 848-5515 Phone: 848.2760
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