Page 48 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 48
2 The Gold Bug, Apr. 3, 1964 Too Far Too Fast? Curtain Up Focus On Literature Change IS the agent of progress, and It IS perhaps a healthy. Book Review: "The Centaur" sign that Western Maryland has finally become interested enough A Funny TIling Happened by M1ke- Schlee Joyce did In UI eeee U dike In progress to make some changes In our traditional fratermty h8 ted th fi~t ' P Id ~~s~~~q~~e7e;::~I~~1~:.e~~!~~~n:;r~:~~~nl~~~:tu~~dm:on:l~:P~~~On The Way To The Forum boJn~~nB~:kd~~!r~df:~rfi~~I~::rla fgf~~sldera0e!;~~~t~alaO~~ sake and little thought IS being given to the consequences by Neleon: Sheeley this show the success that It has 1963, The Centa.lIT, Ij Integra- =:t~~~lr~~dl1;sldel~~~ t~V~~IS Much of the responsibility for this headlong rush mto transi- "Something appearm become The object of A Fun- t.ively telling a three-day frag- reviewer, and well shown In the tion must be given to Dean Robinson, whose admitted goal It IS somethmg fOI ever o~e m fly Thmg IS to bung comedy ment m the lives of a high lines, "I enjoyed at this age a to change (I am almost tempted to say subvert) our present sys- eight," These are th: open ng back to IIIUSlcal comedy which school science teacher and hie strange innocence about suffer- tern, and to IFC president George Knefely These gentlemen, linea to one of the longest I~n- It does They use almost every hell, a fifteen-year old school- mg, I believed It was necessary along WIth a few others, have managed to railroad these changes rung shows on Broadway to- Max Sennett, slapstick tr-ick In boy 'I'hls Janus-f~ced novel, to men" Yet, Updike in tem ~~r:gh the fraternities and the IFC almost before anyone noticed day, A Fl~nny Thll~g Ha.ppwed !he book, short of pre throwing, :~~a;n ~e~~~t~v~~~~s 1~~:Sc~a!- permg Peter Caldwell to fit e It IS true that the grad1(a~ elimination of paddling, except ~~e~h~o~~:~t1~o ~~:d~rr~:' :;e~ n!lf~~u~~a~:v~~~tl~ct IS slow nutwmes th? lives of the P~I; ~v;~:n:r ~~~en~~~!tm~l:te~t~~~ as a token, and an extended pledge period are needed reforms, fling's outcome starting-which IS true of f.w pr-incipal characters through strength of this character, With ced ~~~eiu;~~n~sf~;, o~~e:~~:;e~o;;:t!~n~t~n~y~~~:~ considering some ThiS show, now gomg on Its ~~:n~~~eSa~~hee ~h:: t ~a!~~r; ~u:l ~~::;:s~:s~~I~:e t~:~~1a~~ b lseem~ng~ ft ~as~l ~ym- To sum It all up, do we want thlS kInd of a pseudo-rational ~~Ot\perfolfma~ceRls based o~ reache~ a hystellcal fever pitch via the sphele of mytholog~ tl~~S~~ the ~~yt~~~~I~al\~r~ra- l ~~~~ert~l!r:j;S~~s~;~h~~a~~~a~~s;r;t:::'t;O~~:d~;I:St:I1e s~n~e:e w~ghtY~e~en~ee T~~s~n ~I:~s su~~~~al~Yi ~h~\\eSh~~Cht~f :~le ~:~~rare~~so;:s~~IP~~e ~~:~~el: Updike, m thlS hefty bId fOI and searchmg look at the whole Issue of fratermt "1'0 ress" t~ were fUn~y In l?O B C and they Geolge Abbott, the dllectOI a leal charactel WIth a myth- a PuhtzeI, finds Ins greatest separate the chaff from the wh t th y Pig are funn~ toda) Ml Abbott IS one of the bul- ologlcal palallel, as the overtly mtenslty IS hiS lfltncate de- ea m e newL~~~~:~~epp, Jr. sJ:e~~~~.ySfOad!:;lllw~~~e I~~:~ ~~a:k:n~fh~n:~~a;orthaeant~~l~:; ~~fd~~!~;c~! th!e:~~~~ar l~;~~~~ ~~~!fr~~:t~v:n!i~~~0~1\r~e c~~~ the words and music to this of decades. In A Funny Thing ary centaur Chiron. An ex- tral characters, the sacrificing Intellectual Thought Stifled; ~sta:~~:~tR~~:n °t~: :o~.~h·th~~ !~.:un~b~O~~~::~ni~~e h~ ~:~; ~~~:~~ei~:~;~~~i~~ ~: t~heer~~d:~ ~~~~!a~fo:u~~~~~;~ a;~e t~:V~I~~ success. expects to comprehend Faculty Students To Blame Mr. Sodheim should have stuck up with another the show is run- th~ sy.mb?lic counterparts any of originality in its integral use of in. both the re~1 and At present which characters Iy.rics ar:d never at- to writing , t~mpted mu.slc. With the pos- ning in New York, on the road, ~hlS slgmfi.cant 'yet fresh Amer- th~ mythologIcal realms IS cer- . . Sible exceptlOll of two 01' three and in London. If your taste IcaII novehst tl'les to create. tmnl? apparent but often per- by Dw,ntle Brrggs and apathetic stage set by the numbers, most of the music is runs to burlesque slapstick and The young son, Peter Cald- plexmg to the lay reader. Western Maryland has the students are many faculty mem- unappealing. The music, how- good unwholesom~ fUll, see "A well, is Byron's youth "of life There is no doubt that it is both unique idiosyncracy of having bers who- in their own uncon- ever, is really not what makes F1Inny Thing." and death and knowledge and II patently impelling work with the extrinsic but not the intlin. scious and devious manner also desire," the thief of divine fire, an intelligible. construct. Both sic characteristics of intellec- ~tifle any cr~ative thinking and '400 Candles' Prometheus.. This is Upd.ike's this novel ?nd lt~ author deserve tual superiority and interest. lr:tellectu~1 mterest. By pad- best pOl'tl'alt, the YO~lth l~ a deep conSIderatIOn by all st~- Students here are carefully dmg thclr cours~s. with b~sy rural .back~round .whlc? ~hen- dents wh~ have flou~deTed m screened from the cream of the work, by emphaslZlng the Im- ?t~s him, ~I~ked WIth hIS Ideal- the Amel'lcan educational f..r~ .:::~. ~d!,e:rdA~~h~i;}:rti.~ E~~:\~:~~e~.o~~;r:!:~~~!,:i:;y.M~~~~a T$~~~: ~~; a,~~o~:n~~~:ttants were ~~~:~o~.e b~~\~~a;~~~~~fti~~~ ~~.o~!~~~o{nt~~e t~ae/a~h;:~~~ ~~l~e::c~!~m~~~;e~~e °fn;~~ ReJ>ort'1~1~~:n~~~:~E~~;~~I~~~:~;:J~:e'~}itn~~Jl:t~~i~~h~O:'''~irl~::;The fa~;t~:r ~I:ted Stratford ~~a~;e;!;c!r~~e ~;~::~i~e~~d I~ ~~~' see~rl~ke ~~!o~~ar~O~~yo~i ed to participate in this op- Carol Barke~. Bft!hara Barnickel. June Bro;;lder. JoyceKuyat.BaThra was a thriving town of about certainly cannot be thought of of a problem, but in the end it ~~~!~,~it~urt;en'~~~ar one an_ Marlatt. Lou,,,,,SImmons.Panlette Williams. two thousand people at the cen- as steady, however, as the will be the easiest way out. ''- -'
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