Page 46 - TheGoldBug1963-64
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4 1'he Gold Bug, Mar, 13, 1964 ~~~h~~~~!~uJ!I~,!,~~",~~r.~tSp'r~~!,~~~!~~!1~h~~~~~p~~ u~~!~~,~!~Cinder Outlook Improves ruundbal l season has come to loi-s and the Gamma Betes. org~mzatJonal me e tin g for ball know-how while working The 1964 Western Maryland and up from the dashes. Dark a close, it is time to analyze the Following the All-Stars with a s~nng football will be held in into fine physical condition. Ex- t~ack team will cO,mpete in horses to watch, with no previ- past action. This year provided 6-3 record was a well balanced Gill Gym for the purpose of perience, the limiting factor in eight dual meets this spring. oua collegiate experience, are many thrills, some surprises Freshmen team, featuring Carl describing and evaluating the many sports is definitely not Interim Co~ch Ronni';_. Jones Rick White. and Gary Kulick. and a few innovations. This Baker, Les Carter and Bob 1964 Football program. All needed; and many "discoveries" and co-captains Frank Ktdd and Long Distance: Co-captain year, as last, the Bachelors of Hutchinson. The Animals, after Spr-ing f 0 0 t b a II participants have been made in the spring. Fuh~mann see impending Cal ~ullrmanll leads the most Alpha Gamma Tall emerged as losing _!heir first three games will ?,O.on a two week regimen From 1951-57, spring football disaster in four o~ them and experienced batch, of r-unners champions completing tt),e sea- by wide margins, won five of o!, dining. at 5 pm and prac- was forbidden at WMC, and a fifty-fifty c~ance ill t~e other WMC. has, and Will see double son undefeated. The Blue and their last six to finish a sur- tieing- until dark. C~ach. "~al- over that 6 year period the Ter- four. The thill-clad~. Will ho\~- duty ~n the mile and two mile. White clad five was paced by prising fifth, rounding out the d.orf extends a cordial l~vlta- rors won 16 games, lost 31, and ever have new uniforms this Charlie. Wheatley and Ed Hol- the shooting of Bob Hollywood first division. bon to any male (sorry girlslj tied 2, winning slightly over year. They ma! be the best land WIll .team with Cal in the and Dave "Cat" Reger, while One of the oddities of the student at Western Maryland 32% of games played. In 1957, d~essed losers _ ill the Mason- deu~e with Alexander, Dan the rebounding was ably han- competition this year is the fact to take advantage of the oppor- when Mr. Waldorf began as DIXon C~n~:rence. Bohi and .Lee Bailey will round dled by Pete DeWitt, et. al. that each team lost only to a athletic director, an agreement The initial personnel call out the distance events. While posting a spotless team which finished above it in ball towards the Intramural was made in conjunction with yielded thirty men, a figure The field events will again record, the Bachelors did not the standings. Another unusual Cup are Alpha Gamma Tau-4, Dr. Ensor, the Athletic Coun- which should be influx during c~rry the track team and pro- breeze to the championship. happening was that the Preach- Gamma Beta Chi-3, Delta Pi cil, and wobbs to initiate an. the season due to additions and VIde the bulk of the points Their steps were dogged all ers were defeated by the Ani- Alpha-2, and Pi Alpha Alpha informal spring football prac-] drop outs. While the team as a scored. season by the Gamma Betes of mala, who may be considered -1. The current point totals tice, which would not be com- whole may not have a better Shot put: Probably Western Gamma Beta Chi, who were in the second team entry of Delta in the cup race are Bachelors pulsory and that would 110t con- record than the 1963 edition (2 Maryland's strongest event with contention until being defeated Pi Alpha. This year also saw -8, Gamma Betes-6, Preach- tttct with other spring sports. wins, 6 losses) it will set at Art Renkwita, Karl Schuele and by the Bachelors in one of the the introduction of uniforms el's-4, and Back and Whites- For the next six years, while least as many records. Karl John Dailey. A sweep of this last games of the year. The which were worn by the Bache- 2. this spring session was being Schuele predicts record board event will not be uncommon. __~vn~:e~;~ic~~d b~n~h:I~:a~;~:~ 10r;h::~e~;:;%:g~:t~:;liCh fea- Bac~~ro~'~ ~~~~~.~_.~.~~~.~.i~~~12_0~~vnel~~;1' ~~\~~~~ v;:~~~ t~~:~~ :~~~I~~~!~nA:~rRet~:w~~S~~SgO~~; GO~~~~~:s~o~~rID~~~~~I~Se~:i~ Bachelors. The Gamma Betea tured 10 teams offered an op- Gamma Betes .... ._10-2 36, lost 10, tied 1). to be I?ushed by Schuele to see M~Cready. will do well in the were. led b~ the shooting of portunity for between 70 and C. C. All-Stars '7-2 With such statistics ill mind, who Will br~ak the reco.rd fi~·st. pomt SCOl"lngand record break- Denms Qumby, and _ Ralph 100 men students to take part Freshmen 6-3 one positive conclusion may be The broad Jump mark IS bemg mg .department. "Slammer" Smith, and Bruce in organized basketball. It is to Animals 5-4 drawn one which Mr. Wal- sought. after ?y Piet DeWitt . Hlg~ Jump: A~ this moment Faulkner shouldered the ma- be hoped that all participants Preachers .._ 5-7 dor! must constantly reiterate: ~vho dId. the dIstance last year hlg~ Jumpers WIll be Ralph jO~~~i~~i~~e t~~~~~~!I~~~hc:~::: t~:Ug~n ite~~~~~?~e P:!~~~le e~~~ ~~:!il~..~.~~~~..=~~ :.::i:~!~eo;~~~i;~n h~;\~~Yf:l~c:~~t~~ ~;~;:tc:lci~ b~~l~~;~a~:el~~~~~~t\~ ~~i~IJ~en~,~d some "women and roll County AU-Stars led by every tcam to win each game. Black and Whites _2.10 (2 weeks practice in Septelll- tlOn be~ause of NCAA transfer Broad Jump: Piet DeWitt Skip "Head-Job" Shear, whose The point awards for Basket- Spastics ._ 0-9 ber) it is imperative that an. re~ul~tJons. Event by event and Ed Daniels bring experi- ~ ~:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~:IF~~,;"",,;,,,,,~~~~nual spring sessions to the body shapes IS up: how With the no track returning ence Pole Vault: with This new e~ent comers go to are team held. thIS while Ballard Jack and Laurence. These practices, offering will a mild introduction Dashes: the "century" ex- and have and of KEEPSAKE "Everybody \Velcome" BOHN contact football strategy amateurs, col· lettermen dashes will be run by ~ept for a lack of expenence Dan- 220-yard Ed. (Fiberglass) legiate for & a refresher ARTCARVED PONTIAC also provide men. course Ed Daniels, Ben Jerry Laurence, leis who WIll team with new- for varsity Charles Seabron, Kohan, comers Bill Sy- John Stras- Dia.mond and at the SALES r ~~~~~~~~:; baugh, Rick White and Frank bert and Mike Beach. Wedding Rings Kidd. The outlook here is for and Linksmen Tee Off DOWNTOWN and doub.le duty for Laurence Open an account ~'edltable work fr~m Daniels. The Golf team, under the di- .t SERVICE KELLY'S 19 E. Main St. .11~~i~~~:rsD~;~:~~ne~:le~hi~area ~~~~;n al~f OU~e~~iS~~~irns~on,j~~ DAVID'S JEWELERS 192 Pennsylvania Ave. STATIONERY STORE. IS. baSIcally uP. III the all" and prove the calibre of playing and participa_ 19 E. Main St. Billiards TI 8-9824 will be .filled With men .moving to stimulate greater Highlight_ flom dIstances down tion on the fairways. the long Westminster HOME, SCHOOL and held in series of demonstrations OFFICE SUPPLIES II II~::::::::::::::::'.Iing the current season will be a Dorothy Elderdice :Blanche Ward Gym on the fol- COSTUMES and FORMALS 47 E. Main St. 848-5553 EXQUISITE, lowing dates: FOR RENT EXCELLENT, March Phone for Appointment Westminster, Md. INEXPENSIVE _ 13-Short irons 16-Driving 75 W. Green St. T18·4630 She'll be ecstatic! Buy your 17-Fairway woods from date a for t.he military Dut. 18----Long-Middle irons corsage 19-Putting terec's ball. Carroll Theatre Westminster SEE: 20--Golf strategy is furnished. AU equipment Laundry and women, and Stewart M. Dutlerer This is for men, are welcome. faculty. Beginners Fri .. Sat. i\Iar. 13, 14 Dry Cleaning 114 Pennsylvania Avenue All interested linksmen should Frank Sinatra Anita Ekberg s.. Westminster,Md. contact Joy Holloway or George information. for further Fulton Dean Martin MRS. FISHER "FOUR FOn TEXAS" I. STUDENT UNION UUILDING Sun., !\Ion., Tues. 1\Iar.15,16,17 Joan, Crawford Bachelors' Howard St. John TV "STRAIT JACKET" AWARD Will Close April 6 Wed. Mar. 18·Tues.,Mar. 2~ 30% proceeds to W.MC THE ENGAGEMENT RING WITH Cary Gra.nt Audrey Hepburn THE PERFECT CENTER DIAMOND "CHARADE" SOc Donation True artistry is expressed in the brilliant Carroll Studio of Charm fashion styling of every Keepsake diamond engagement ring. Each setting is a master- piece of design, reflecting the full brilliance and beauty of the center diamond ... a perfect gem of.flawless clarity, fine color NEW CLASSES and meticulous modern cut. The name, Keepsake, in the ring and on BEGINNING the tag is your assurance of fine quality and lasting satisfaction. Your very per- MARCH 21, 1964 Life's a picnic when you're refreshed. sonal Keepsake diamond ring is awaiting Coca·Cola, with its cold crisp taste, y'our selection at your Keepsake Jeweler's is always just right, store. Find him in tbe yellow pages. Prices from $100 to $2500. Rings enlarged to show PLEASE CALL never too sweet ... refreshes best. beauty of detail ®Trade-mark registered. 848·2800 ihingsgo IHOW To'PLAN- YOURENGAGEMENT AND- WEOoiNG' for information b~~th IFHeosl!' s,endfwo ne .....booklets; "How toPlo" Youi-€ngoge~j ). ment and Wedding" (lnd "Choosing Your DIamond Rings,"l t.~~~~~~:'~YB;;~: Also send spedel oHer of beautiful ;4. 1 COJ_{e I j $15.00 for 1- I 1-, I ALL 6 LESSONS f~iti·••··::,·.·.c.,:~I<".~.1 WESTMINSTER COCA·COLA ~~~~~_p~~~~~~,~"2!.~£U~;_N~~_!:?!:~j BOTTLING CO.
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