Page 45 - TheGoldBug1963-64
P. 45
The Gold Bug, Mar. 13, 1964 3 -Letter To TheEditor- News Briefs SCA, Religious lile Elect The Immortal Test when essay tests will become a To the Editor: :~:~:tr~t! rt~~~O~~~iC:~F;~::~ee::~::;rE!I;~:r£~~It~~ ~~~~~r:!zG~~I~geOfficers, Revise Formllt What purposes will the insti- meaningless data that could The Class of 1967 spmlso)'cd recently recClved a $~07.QO ca$h The Student Christian As- Elaine Carll, secretary; and tution of testing fulfill in col- easily be researched has no a cwscd Bermuda Hop Friday l1:a nt [rom: G_u1f ?d Corpora- sociation has announced that Robert Whitfield, treasurer. lege in the next decade! This place in an affluent society such March 6 in the Sttuler:.t Loung~ t~o-n. Under tts Aid-To-Edt/ca.- Sandra Roeder will preside over The format of the SCA will is a fundamental problem that as ours. It is a tremendous follolVin~ ttie IV US student- twn Program, Gulf gmnts ~ the organization for the 1964- be changed for the coming year every college will have to re- waste both interms of lost man- faculty basketbaJl'g~~e Charles total .. of $500,000 to 69ft 1Im- 65 school year. Also elected at according to Sandy "Due to th~ solve, Western Maryland in- hours ~nd perso~a\. incentiv~'. Miller, dance chaiJ"m~n, was ~;::~~!~1~' la~~leg!~iot:e~~ th~ .Februar~ 29 .meeting, were revisions in the S'CA and the eluded. Th.ere are. no ready- When given a subjective test, I: assisted. by Ma?·k. Freid and was given on fke basis of cur- Wilham Thais, vice president; R~ligious Life Council, the S?A made solu~lOns or .ms_tant an- becomes nec:~sary to under Dave Fieher, headmg tke re- ?'iculwm" effectiveness of its Will be much freer to orovtde swera available. With the on- stand and utilize the, knowle~g~ {1'?likment and. publicity com- p"'ogram, and a'l1wunt of IWp- St d ts H JFK a fuller and m~re dynamic p:o- slaught of three hundred more th,at, one has acquired. I1~lm mitteee, re8p6ctn;ely. port b l . Only privately U en ODor gram, Increasing- opportunitres students in 1967, it would be micking d~t? b~ck me~onzed Al80 tke Freshman Class had operat~d aa'::l~t~1!troiled in8titu- To help raise funds for the will be provided for students to wise for the administrators and fr~m ~ boo IS a job for t e rna- anno1l-l~ced plU11S fOT a Sadie tions which obtain majol' por- proposed John Fitzgerald Ken- become more deeply involved in faculty to. accord this question chine III our age, Hawkin8 Dance, May 8, in tione of theil' support from ned~ Library in Boston! a the planning and operational close scrutiny. There has been a trend at W. keep-h!g 1IJith the Leap Ycar non-tax S011rce8 arc eligible. A National Student Committee stages of the events. At the preS-ent time college- ~d,. towards giving more s?b. tmdition. Cit air?1l an Barry check was lJre8ented to Dr, h~s been ,organized, com- Beginning, April 1, SCA of· bound youths are being ex- JectlVe tests, and also makmg Canaras has contacted Damion LowfJll Ensor by Mr. G, lV. mlttee Will con~uct dl'lves. on fiee hours Will be Sunday 8:30- haustively teated prior to col- the fi~al e~al1l cover only th~t GIld the Classics for a l'etV1'1! R!tppet'sberger, Area Sales 2,100 c~mpuses m late ApI'll ~o 11:00 and We4nesday 8:00- lege and during orientation ~atenal from the last test. ThiS engagement afte)' theil' a1Jpcar- iI1a1Ulger of Gulf. ~elp raise some of .the $10 mll- ~O:00, The latch to the office week. Once situated within the IS very commend~ble an,d begets a1!ce at the Alpha Gamma Tau * * * I~on necessary for Its construc- IS always open, domain of W, Md, the student a more progressive attitude on Open Party, Kat/wI'inc Ander- Iotes Have Shipwreck tlon... .' The first l'espon,sibility of the quickly becomes immersed in the part of the school as. a 80ft 1~ill Ol'ganize a dccomtion Iota Gamma Chi sorority The library IS to be bUilt. on new cabinet w~lI be the Spring midnight oil and sundry solu- ~hole, Although these subJe.c- comm1ttee. held its annual rush party at ~he banks of ~he Charles River Retreat, t.entatlvely set for Sun- tions. And as if this weren't hve. tests ~lace t~e. pro~es~or In Sportsman's Hall Roller Rink, In Boston, a Site <:hosen by Mr, day, AP:Il 26, near Damascus. enough, students "on the Hill" an Impartial pOSitIOn, It .IS ac- 'Vesleyans Visit Church March 3, The theme of the Ke.nn.edy m:fore hiS death. The The cabmet ~n~ all interested n~:du:e;!u~:~~rd~o /: SS l e~~~~~;~:w~:i~~eda t~:'~f!~:fon~~llIa:t~~ On M.arch 1 the Wesleyans' r:il~tyw:;ascal:~~~~P\~~~~~~ha~~ ~~II~~~~iv:',II~nhOi~:~it~~:u:~~n~ ~:~:o~~ ~~~sI~:;te~a~~i;:r~:!= ;~leJ'~~ de~~ ~hheri~~::~ngA~::~'atti~~~:~l ;ives in order ~o I~~:: this tude. DeputatIOn to Damascus Meth- decorations and costumes of memorial room; ?nd when, it is sion. sac~oBanct institution; It seems Jl!st because the .nation is ob- ~~~~e c~hu::~h ~~'~ic~I~~:~ !~~~:n~orority members and fresh- ~~;;;~~t~~~r~:e t~~b~,l ludICrous that we can ~ pass out sesslvely test-eonsclous does ~ot ducted by Carter Adriance and * • * ment as part of the National seek to speak to the needs of of W. Md, on the. mel'lts o,f t~e mean that we.must follow w1th Bob Whitfield. Jack Ballard Gettysburg Celebrates Archives. its members and the cam us ~:~~~e:c~.ac1~';:'~ISht~ w;:~~l~~ ~:a:~ \~~::~sl;i:;tV~~~~~~~ ~o~: :~:tef~n~~~IO~~:s:~ ~:o"l~:~ Bard's Birthday. ,The Institute,. the Kennedy comm,unity" in. general. Sa;dy menta confident enough of their lege and its students and facul- Ethic." The mane collected The Owl and Nightmgale Ll.bral'Y Corporatton, announced, explained, It IS the hope of the g:~l~~!aa!i~~ty ;~t~:~se~~::a:! t y ., ;~on~~shh\offkel~~gw;s t~a~e~ i~ ~~rel; /1s e~:~tYS~~(~'~es~:~;:': ~~~IY'Sfu~~~:~lPt':~ld~~ing K~~ ~~~elt~~:ll tC:co:~s~~~~eao:in~~; ~ubject us to' one final test1 Respectfully submitted, sh7 p ~un~cand ~~:~I~aea\~a~'~~d "Othello" to comme~norate t.he gethel' the world o! ideas and ~eanin~ul in the lives of an Is "the test" to become im- Rob Robertson to a pre-ministerial student. {~~?';;~;~~J':~th~;i~~~~~l'S~i'ak~~ ~~~io:~rl!e:~s, a~~I;:UI'~~ro:;; mr;;~:sl';fel:~~:~er~~~~," Council mortal and sacred such as the . . . spear. seminars will be held by pl'O- elected Edward Welch, presi- demigod science is today in our Attention! Argonauts ImtJate SIX The play will be given on fessors and politicians of all dent and Anne Weinstock, ~l:es~OI~ss~~:~~~hCi~lfyn~tro~:~~~ Students holding a Fed- 8t~~lt:~0I~;~~Ci;~;ti!::!b:~~ ~~~:~~es~!~_~dtu;~y)a1~ ti! f~:;~es :;~:r:r~~;llfo~:ig~le~~~:~ :~c~~t~~~ :atmii~gn;,~~~~fhe~~~~~ to become-meaningless and ex- ~~:l L~:n iSm~s\:e~~~ri~U~~ at their Marck 9 meeting. The GettY8burg College Student Un- rooms for undergraduates in- cil will assume the position of ~l~~:dte~~: ~~\~i~i~se:e1ce~~~~; ~Jmi~~~~~;ue~~c~'ea~!,s ~~: :1:;:s1t~~~:1t;~:C:;I~':C:~:; T:i~:~:d ~~~ld;;:;?,:!1n::s:;:niBtt~e;~ ::~~es~~:s~~i1t~~I~w:~::~~'s;::~ ~~~O:t~~~~~~c~~p~~, ;::!g~~: ~~ilt~!r::,u~fs;:!":~:t~nt;V~h~~; ~hci~~saS?o~~a~~i~~:r:!:dr:~ ~~~~~J,th:;u;¥~:~:;'a N~~~ PU~~~kets may be procured by f::~~Pl~te~~~yc~~~e~e::I~~ ~:~~~~~r:;m ;v;~si~c~u~~ se~~~~~~a~~;~ '~~V:O:~!1~d;;':i~~~~;~~t;~'~:';"~'~;:,~:;'a;O;~f~";,,~s~p~ci~ng=v~,,~.t~;o~n.==~~~'Y;1(;;at;i~;za;!~;,~~~;~:~..;~~S~2~';':d:a:,:,,~.;~~~;~i~'S~~;';d~~~:;n;~,;t~;$!:4B:'~:Z;~~n~;~~'~m~;;~~~~ Ti~:u~~~tit~~eo~~i1lo~;~: ::~~;, af~~e:~~:~~nsf~i~~~h:~~i . work with Dean Zepp no program Ol:..poli!!y other than speakers; that of President Kennedy's on the World University Serv- spirit of free and rational in- ice; and the religious empha- quiry. Jones is the campusl:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=: sis program, Patricia representative for WMC, I, DO IT ... SAVE YOUR PACKS J. C. PENNEY CO. BETWEEN Marlboro 56 West Main St_ OUTER SPACE NOW THREE WAYS WTTR AM·FM TO SHOP Layaway _ Cash or Charge LECKRON BOWL GULF SERVICE With W. MAIN & PENNA. AVE. Chief Westminster, Md. TI8-9876 Pokomoke Road Tenpins Service WESTMINSTER LANES in the Shopping Center Students - Until 5 :00 p.m. S1.00-3Games Ineluding Shoes WESTERN \\fan, _ Fri. 848-6570 MDTDRS Clothes Flower Fresh at the MODERN IDEAL A uthorized dealer in LAUNDRY IMPERIAL THERE'S A WIDE RANGE OF OPPORTUNITY See CHRYSLER MATT CREAMER IN THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES MacLea C34 r PLYMOUTH To outer space and into the deep sea, we take the sum Admittedly, the work is demanding. It requires that total of our scientific and managerial knowledge. A case unusual caliber of man who finds a greater satisfaction in VALIANT There's a hobby for you in point is Telstar, which represents the first step toward challenge than in ready solution, .. who is eager to see his Art SlIpplie •• Model Railroad. a worldwide communications system, Another example, education yield dividends." who wants an immediate the new deep-sea amplifier that simultaneously transmits opportunity for leadership. --- MODELS of all TYPES two-way messages. Both communications triumphs stem Men with this kind of impatience will discover the, Plane., C..... and Mon.ter. from Bell System planning, research and development. stimulation, welcome and rewards they seek in the tele- 279 E. Main St_ BOBBY'S Such trailblazing projects command the best of phone business. - Westminster, Md. HOBBY LOBBY managerial and scientific talent. That's why you'll find, 21 E. Main St. throughout the Bell System, men with college training as 848·4141 diverse as the responsibilities they shoulder. Their back- Westminster, Md. arts and business @ BELL TELEPHONE COMPANIES grounds run the gamut from liberal' 848-4350 courses to science or specialized engineering majors.
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