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':r:·m4t Q;nlb 1JlugI l..ibro.rv -, Sept. 22, 1958 vet. ".36. No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND Leaders Confer To Draft Proposals For Campus Tone Discussion And Thoughts Bring Forth Hill Welcomes 92nd Year Commences A New Ideology For Improvement Renovations With Enrollment Near By Katherine Bond Total College Capacity To the returning students and This fall the college will be op- Student leaders and representatives of the faculty and administration returned to the alumni, [t is apparent that the col- erating at peak capacity as the to- campus on Sunday, September 14, to inaugurate the first annual Student Leadership Confer- lege campus has had its face lifted. tal enrollment climbs to 681. This ence. The theme discussed was "Helping The Hill." On graduation day last spring, is 20 more than entered last year. By process of concentrated discussions concerning many problems affecting the college ground was broken for the Student The studcnt body is broken down community, the group concluded their meetings with a statement of proposals which. when Union Building and work is now in into 237 new students and 444 re- action IS taken, Will Improve the intellectual tone and heighten the general morale of the cam- progress. - turning upperclassmen. This in- pus. The Student Government is holding itself responsible for seeing that appropriate means 'Wesley Seminary is moving to cludes 125 seniors, 141 juniors and are determined to put these ideas into effect. • the Amemrican University campus, 178 sophomores. Plans for the conference begun last spring were brought into actuality primarily by freeing its buildings for the college Highlights of Orientation Week Dean Helen Howery, Dean William David, Dr. Jean Kerschner, and a committee of other use as of October 1. The admin- included two receptions to welcome faculty. The presidents and other influential officers of various major campus organizations Istrattvc department will soon oc- the new students, one given by cupy this more centrally located President and Mrs. Lowell S. En- were invited to attend. space. To date, the Deans, the sor and another by members of the 'I'he, students and the faculty sponsors for their respec- public relations department, and faculty. Informal mixers, tours of tive groups were greeted by a pleasantly unusual Sunday all offices now located in the Ad- picnic also helped to break the ice. Proposals State .....night supper-unusual because of the menu and the fact that the campus and a student-faculty ministration building have been the meal took one full hour to consume. scheduled to move. The building g-reeted by a student advisory coun- Student Opinion The first real meeting featured an informal talk by Jim the freshmen usual As were will probably be known as Elder- Cotter, SGA president i.n 1948-49 and now on the FBI staff dice Hall, commemorating the sem- cil and leaders of other campus or- in Louisville, Kentucky. During his term as SGA president, inary president under whose ad- ganizations, as well as by a bar- Below is the lillt of proposals the Rec Hall was first made available for student use, and ministration the building was built. rage of tests. formulated by the Student'Leader- the Men's and Women's Councils were first united to form a &hip Conferen.ce as a result of two Following this move, the home thc Alumnus Will economics department will be able days of m.eetil1gs based The P1'imal'ily coeducational governmental body. discussion. on group points to move to its new quarters, Jim Cotter encountered many of present Administration building. Speak To SeA listed GTe only a few of the mrtny the same aibuat.ions that WMC thoughtful leadership, a radio sta- Science Hall has almost ceased topics with which the ccnterence faces this year. The difficulties he tion, better publicity, and a clat-i- to exist. Though the building is Mr. Richard F. Brenneman, was concerned, because time pre- found are basically the same every fication and understanding of the still there, the biology department member of the Class of 1955 and vented an enlargement of specific year, but the Student Government purposes of each organiaat.ion or is not. During the summer, the Fulbright Fellow, will address the ideas. ' has provided for much improve- division of the campus was trying entire dcpartment began to mi- Student Christian Association pro- These proposals have been read ment over the ten year span, ob- to fulfill, would help achieve a grate to the second fioor of Lewis gram on Wednesday, September 24, to Dr. Lowell Ensor and will be vious when a comparison is made. more coordinated campus. HaJJ. All other departments but at 7 :00 pm in Baker Chapel. Mr. mimeographed ami distributed to Nevertheless, the notes injected Each group leader stated the math, physics and chemistry are Brenneman will speak on the sub- each faculty member. Further ac- the first night were ones of opti- purpose of his respective organiza- moving out and into Science Hall. ject, "What Will College Do to My tion will be initiated by the Stu- mism and promise that there is tion and explained how he hoped A survcy made a few years ago Religion?" dent Government. always room for improvement. to achieve these ends this year. found that with existing faeilities, After graduation Mr. Brenne- We, the Student Leaders of On "Monday morning, a tape re- The emphasis was laid upon "How the college could handle an enroll- man spent a year of study in Ger- wastam Maryland College. recog- cording made by the Armed Serv- can my organization help the Hill ment of 700 students, except in the many on a Fulbright award. nize the need for an improvement ices discussing the process and e~ as a whole?" rather than "How matter of biology labs. The major Since his return to this country, he in the atmosphere or tone of our rects of "brain washing" in the can I help my group get ahead 1" accomplishment of this move has has been engaged in study at the community, and we sincerely desire Communist prisoner-of-war camps HELL WEEK JUSTIFIED been to consolidate all of the sci- School of Theology of Drew Uni- to improve our entire college life. during the Korean war .gave fur- The rraternity-sorority situation ences and at the same time to in- versity, Madison, New Jersey. He We do not believe that any short- ther insight into what the influ- was discussed with the campus cr-ease biology space. has served as minister to youth at comings are sok~y caused by the ence of good leaders and errecttve leaders justifying the existence of A committee of trustees will the Hanson Place Methodist faculty or students or administra- communication can mean. ~The the clubs, their purposes being meet in the near future and decide Church of Brooklyn, N. Y., and re- tion, but rather they result from a ideas gleaned from the tape could beneficial as well as social. Hell upon a new name for Science Hall. cently was appointed to the Meth- lack of communication, coopera- be proven true in any society and Week was found to have its merits, Possibly one of the names which odist Church of Wrightsville, Pa. tion, and understanding of each were easily adapted to apply to and a suggestion of including a will be lost in the razing of Old group's purpose. In order to im- this microcosm, the college com- Help Day was supported to in- Main will be used. Quick Conversion prove the communication and un- munity, even though the situations clude such jobs as painting the As an emergency measure, two derstanding between all who make are quite different. foctbnll grandstand. of the recently vacated seminary Provides Housing up our community, we make the In the ensuing discussion, it was One of the most informative faculty homes have been converted following proposals: found that inadequate, therefore meetings featured a faculty panel to freshman lodgings. At pres- For Homeless 1. The Student Leadership Con- ineffective, communication could discussing "What We Think Would ent, this provision is expeeted to ference would like to go on record wcll be used as a basis for many Most Help The Hill." Dr. Leonard Griswold, Dr. Jean Kerschner, Dr. and be only temporc rv. • Seventeen freshman girls have as being in favor of the college of our problems. This communica- Charles Crain, Dr. Reuben Holt- a new administrative establishing tion was not only in the physical senior house- mother their Hovey Elected claimed "squatter's faculty on two position to be known either as As- sense, but more often in a spirit- haus, Makosky offered very pre- Dr. Dr. Ralph Price, and rights" or Vice- President sistant to the the homes seminary John of President- Of which were vacated only a short that this office is much needed to ual, mental sense. that more cise ideas to improve the physical suggested Students in meeting the President assist of the men, the man- appearance time ago. English Group when the Admissions Committee some of the more minor everyday ners, and the formulation· of atmos- It all began several months ago intellectual problems. Faculty And Staff new campus administrative The phere. Dr. Richard B. Hovey, associate made an "educated" guess on how Such an officer could be more read- clubs, antl the amplification of and Increase Number professor of English, has been many girls to accept. The antici- ily accessible to both students existing facilities were suggested elected president of the Middle At- pated shrinkage did not occur quite faculty when it is necessary for Two Western Maryland grad- to raise the level of thought both lantic group of the College English as anticipated, and the Jast girls to the president to be absent from uates will join the faculty and staff in and out of the classroom. Association. be accepted to the college were left the campus while performing other this fall. Thcy arc H. Kenneth BAND CONSIDERED The nation-wide organization, of without beds. vital duties. Shook '52, the new Admissions Various conferences co v ere d which Dr. Hovey heads the Mary- Snatching at any available 2. We would also like to go on Counselor and William L. Tribby, other topics which included the land-District of Columbia group, is space, the college chose two of t.he record as .....being in favor of the '56, who will teach English and possibilities of hiring a "big-name" concerned with the teaching of seminary faculty homes, the Gil- Pan-Hellenic Council's adopting the Dramatic. Art. band for a major dance, the justifi- writing and English and American more House and the Chandler academic standards for athletic Other new members of the facul- cation of the date of the Junior Literature in univerait.ies., colJeges House and performed an emergen- eligibility as a minimum standard ty and staff are: Peter A. Tasch, Follies, and the prospects of em- and junior colleges. cy operation. Last Tuesday, the for eligibility for memebrship in English department; Capt. Paul G. ploying a campus chaplain. Dr. Hovey, who recently com- girls moved in among the wood a fraternity or sorority. We recom- Adams, PMS&T; Miss Margaret The campus leaders who attend- pleted a biography of the Ameri- shavings at precisely the time that mend that this plan be adopted for Wappler, music department, Stan- ed the first of what is hoped will can critic, John Jay Chapman, is a the furniture was arriving. second semester of this school ley D. Pctrulis, music department; be many Student Leadership Con- graduate of the University of Cin- Dean Helen Howery observed year,1958-59. and Mrs. Henrietta P. Scott, house ferences were: Allen Gilmore, cinnati. He received his Master's that this was the "quickest trans- 3. To stimulate a higher intel- director of Blanche Ward.- Sherry Phelps, William Achenbach, and Ph.D. degrees from Harvard formation in-my history at the col- lectual tone on campus and "self- Shook, a math major on the Hill Gail Armstrong, Maurice Arsen- University. Dr. Hovey is also lege." The Dean went on to say directed" pursuit of culture, and to received his MA at Wesleyan Uni- ault, Katherine Bond, Beverly Bos- joining the GOLD BUG sta·ff this "I feel as though this is where I make better use of faculty reo versity. He will work with pro- worth, Samuel Cook, Robert Cuth- year as the faculty adviser. came in." In 1946, Dean How- sources, we propose a student com- spective students, Interviewing rell, Albert Dawkins, Carmela De- ery's first year at Western Mnt-y- mittee to work in conjunction with them in high schools and talking Flora, Dona!9 Dewey, Stewart land, she played"'house mother to the existing assembly committee to with them on the campus. Dorweis, James Gibson, Beatrix times CHEERLEADERS another annex located in town in plan and sponsor at regular non-com- AIQha:, received the Bates Prize for Gill, Karen Helbig, Manfred Joeres, who was editor of the Tribby, the school year during the converted Methodist Home for Roy Kennedy, James Lewis, Bruce Cheerleader tryouts will the Aged. pulsory assemblies or meetings best all around college man. Hav- Lee, Melba Nelms, Betty Reid, begin Wednesday, September The present annex is expected jo which feature special addresses ing completed his Master's degree, Joan Robinson, Patricia Schaefer, by faculty mem- and discussions 24 at 4:15 in the Blanche be 1;_emporaryand as space opens in bers. he is working toward a Ph.D. Warren S c h war t z, Marianne Tay- 'V a r d gym, continuing the dormitory, the girls may be 4. The Student Leadership Con- Mr. Tasch is taking the place of Shears, Allen Spicer, Harold Allen lor, James are no definite shifted. Worden, and 'As there through Friday, September ference would like to go on record Dr. Evelyn W. Wenner and holds 26. New cheerleaders will plans for the future of these as being in favor of the establish- a Master's degree at Columbia Wortz. - be chersen on Monday, Sep- houses, no furniture has been ac- ment of one centrally-located col- 'University. His ficld is the 18th quired for the living rooms. The tember 29. present furnishings have been lege calendar. Century nove\. Selection will be based on "snitched" from other locations 5. The Student Leadership Con- Captain Adams comes to the FULBRIGHT a b iIi t y, appearance, pep, and are unsuitable. The girls ference is in favor of student mem- Hill from Fort Benning and will ,ANNOUNCEMENT poise and personality. Mem- bership on the assembly and cul- be assistant professor of Military bers of the cheering squad have many conveniences, however tural activities committees. Science. All senior students inter- w:hich the dorms lack, such a!\,.~ and faculty will be j'lldges. kltchen equipped with a stove and 6. The Student Leadership Con- Miss Wappler has completed res~ ested in applying for Ful- All freshman and sopho- ference would like to see students idence requircments for a Ph.D. in bright Scholarsnips for the more girls are eligible to refrigerator. Mrs. Marie combine with administration and musicology and comes to Western year 1959-1960 are required The house mother, participate, and a fixed num_ Crawford Allnutt, is returning to faculty members to form a com- Maryland from Oklahoma Collcge to get into immediate con- ber will be chosen from each the campus as a senior to complete mittee to select chapel speakers. for Women. tact with .Dr. Richard B. class. Election to the squad her degree. She will be director of We would also like to go on record Replacing Mrs. Wale, Mrs. Scott Hovey of the English De- is for the duration of the both the houses which are con- as being in favor of more student was housemothc!· for a nurses' partment. The deadline q,r individual's residence on nected by an "open passageway." participation in chapel services. residence at St. Joseph's Hospital starting application proce- "The Hill." - All interested Mention has been made of the 7. The Student Leadership Con- in Lancaster. dures is Saturday, Septem- candidates are urged to at- possibility of continuing to use ference would like to recommend Mr. Petrulis, first bassoonist in ber. 27, 1958. tend. these houses in the future for se_ that the Men's CouncH study the the Baltimore Symphony will di- lected senior Women. con't on page 3, col . .6. rect the band.