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Library }"."m _"::~ ~~e FALL SPORTS DR. ENSOR SCHEDULES PAGE 2 PAGE 3 Z286 ------------------------------~----~--- Vol. 25, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September 26,1947 TERRORS SET FOR MARY ARD OPENER \ Cushen Sends Open Letter Seven Teachers Oppose Harlow's Best Teami From Student Government AddedToFacu/ty Eight Game Schedule Ahead Seven new faculty members this ton College, in Washington, Reports year on the Hill will provide an in- Tomorrow afternoon Western Maryland will trot on the field Dear Students, at Cambridge, Massachusetts, to open the 1947 football season Welcome back to the Hill for the are that a delegate and an alternate creased staff for an increased enroll- against a highly rated Harvard eleven. fall, and best wishes for the year. from Western Maryland would be ment. With most of last year's squad returning, the Green Terrors Mighty fine freshman class to help deeply appreciated by the council, and As Dean 0'I Women, Miss Helen are expected to field a strong aggregation this year, but the experts keep Western Maryland the college may be of great value to our own ac- Gray Howery will replace Dr. Kath- rate this as Harlow's best Harvard gridiron machine, so Coach we want it to be. Hope you all had an tivities. 'Course, we give as well as ryn Huganir. Miss Howery was a Haven's men have their work cut out for them. enjoyable vacation, and that the first take. member of the English department. This is the first meeting of West- night's assignments won't include too Be thinking about some things She received her Bachelor of Science ern Maryland and Harvard, but the Teachers degree from Radford State many term papers. you'd like to have your representa- College and her Master of Arts from Crimson coach, Dick Harlow, is a fa- Outstanding item on our agenda tives do for you this year, and either miliar figure in Green and Gold foot- for the year is the unification of the pass them to a member of the council, Columbia University, ball history, as he produced powerful student governments. The constitu- or save them for the first meeting of Miss Pearl B. Bobbitt, instructor teams here during his reign as head tion prepared last year is being given the student body. All sorts of com- in mathematics, graduated from coach in the late twenties and early last-minute attention prior to submis- ments invited, and don't spare any Western Maryland with a Bachelor of thirties. sion to everybody concerned for sug- punches. It's your council, and we in- Arts degree. At Duke University she Appropriately enough, this Terror gestions, additions, and final action. tend to keep it that way. obtained the Master of Arts. outfit, which has been working out More information will be available at Be seein' ya, an' best of luck to Dr. Joseph W. Hendren of the Eng- twice daily since Labor Day, is the first meeting of the student body each and everyone of you. lish department is a Princeton Uni- sparked by four products of Boston in the near future. -Ed Cushen, versity graduate. There he received s.cholastic football in Hank Corrado, Blotters for your desks are now at both the Bachelor of Arts and Doctor fullback, Joe Giannelli, tailback, Joe the printers, and will be distributed of Philosophy degrees. Corleto, tackle, and Tilo Margarita, as soon as they are available. evenings Murphy's Holds The library has a new assistant, guard. These boys are slated to open In order to keep Saturday Miss Mary C. Ftror, replacing Miss lively, we now have a special commit- Wilsie Adkins, who retired last year before the home folks. All-Maryland- tee to keep its eyes open for special !lOpen House" after twelve years at Western Mary- ers Corrado and Corleto, and Gian- features, as well as sponsoring Satur- land. From Beaver College Miss Ptror nelli were big cogs in the 1946 foot- last displayed ball picture. Margarita day night dances. Allowing Westminster the entire obtained her Bachelor of Arts; from his football talent at Brown Univer- The state of the student govern- weekend to recuperate from the ;f- Drexel Iristdtute, the Bachelor of sity. The entire quartet attended ment treasury stands at $178.41. This rots of the "Westminster Days" fes- Science in Library Science. She did Coach Charlie Havens Me d ford (Massachusetts) High money, of course, is used at your sug- tiVlal and super-parade, the G. C. graduate work at the School of Li- gestion for student projects. Not Murphy store is providing an "Open brary Science, Columbia University. School. enough to buy a new car. Wonder how House" for the students and faculty Mr. Vance A. Criswell, assistant Dr. Eric W. Baker "With these Boston representatives much a football scoreboard costs? of WMC on Monday, September 29, professor of sociology, will also assist as a nucleus, Coach Havens has added gridders from last year's eleven The calendar of student activities 7 to 9 p. m, the - economies department. He re- To Speak InChapel to round out an experienced starting for the year has been posted in the In what is probably the first in- c(;ived the Bachelor of Science degree lineup. Simon Tullai, who was hamp- game room. Check with that when atance of this kind (not that the stu- from Millersville State Teachers Col- Dr. Eric W. Baker, chairman since you are thinking of something to do dents would object to the establish- lege and the Master of Arts from the 1945 of the North London Synod of ered last ear with injuries, will or planning your weekends. Don't for- ment of such a precedent) the store, University of Pennsylvania. the Methodist Church will speak in handle the blocking back assignment, and Leo Lathroum, a driving runner, get November 15-16, which is Home- one of weetmtnster's leading five- Replacing Dr. Meeks of the physics Chapel on Sunday, October 5. will complete the backfield at the coming week-end. Football with Dick- and-ten's, wants to introduce itself to department will be Mr. Mahlon F. Born in Birmingham, England, in wingback post, Jim Cotter, a '46 inson Saturday afternoon, dance in the new students and continue friend- Peck. His Master of Arts degree was 1899, Dr. Baker became a Foundation starter, will handle one end, and the evening, and open houses for the ships with the old. obtained from the University'of Buf- scholar at King Edward's School in Walt Piavis will step into All-Mary- fraternities on Sunday. A program is planned of free falo. Miss Ann E. O'Rourk will aid that city. In 1917 he was commis- land Sig Jensen's shoes at the other The Nationai Student Association souvenirs, refreshments, and door in the biology section. She earned the sioned in the Royal Norfolk Regi- terminal, a position he filled when met in Madison, Wisconsin, the first prizes. Fresh cider will be a chief Bachelor of Arts at Duke University ment, which served in Egypt. Jensen was injured last season. week in September, and continued drawing attraction with the addition and Master of Arts at University of After the war, Dr. Baker entered Opposite Corleto in the other tackle plans they had started this year. of potato chips, crackers, and pop, Maryland. Christ's College, Cambridge, where he slot will be AI Paul, who saw duty Western Maryland is not at present Among the gifts will be school sup- took a Master of Arts with honors in Mrs. David G. Bradley will teach into the represented in this organization, plies, including transparent plastic several courses in psychology during classes and theology. He received his last year when he stepped Joe Kittner hole left by the injured which has White House approval. The book covers, the first semester. Doctor of Philosophy from Edinburgh and Bart Norman. Margarita's run- secretary of the conference has pro- Informality is the keynote. Stu- University. (Continued on page 3, column 5) mised to send us notes on the organi- dents may come and go at will. For Of inte~estl to all students living on Dr. Baker entered the Methodist zation as soon as they are put togeth- this occasion Dean Howery has ex- campus is the new steward, Mr. Her- ministry and was ordained in 1926. er in booklet form, and these will be cused all f~eshman women from study bert Smith. Mr. Smith began his He has had churches in Birmingham, presented to you for your discussion: hours. duties during the summer session. Derby, and London (Harrow), Roughly speaking, the benefits we During the years 1935 to 1944, Dr. WMC football also displays have would get out of such an arrangement been set in the windows to further Baker was superintendent of the would be drawing on a central office WMC-Westminster relations. SCA Reveals Plans Methodist Central Hall in Edinburgh. for prominent speakers, information In 1944 he became the minister of In past years the Gold Bug has about other schools, exchange of stu- For Reorganization Bowes Park, the largest suburban maintained a high standard among dents internationally, and a few other to To All Veterans church in London. He was appointed college newspapers as accredited by objectives still a little far away Education Secretary of the Methodist the Associated Collegiate Press. This expect in the near future. Plans are being made by the Stu- Church of Great Britain in 1946. year it should be even higher. A rec- There will be a meeting of the Re- Since the Baltimore regional office dent Christian Association for " Dr. Baker came to the United ord student body deserves a record gional Council, which includes Mary- of the Veterans' Administration has larger and more satisfying organi- States in order to attend a convention student newspaper, but only if that land, Delaware, and the District of discontinued the services of a train- zation, whose influence will be felt in in the Middle West, He is very much group gives it all the support and per- Columbia, on October 11, at Dumbar- ing officer, it will be necessary to is- all phases of college life, interested in seeing our educational scnal contribution that it needs. sue ali information concerning forms Henceforth, the SCA will be com- institutions at first hand. Three major staff positions are to be completed and data dealing with posed of four commissions. The chair- Dr, Baker will be en campus on open which call for little time and Registrar Announces subsistence checks by means of an+ men of these are Jackie Clemett, Monday, October 6 also, Tentative much ingenuity: Relatedness; D04d, person manager-a Record Enrollment nouncementa on the veterans' bulletin World Responsibility; Virginia Acker- plans for an assembly are being made with Subscription suggestions for putting board. for that Gerry Social date, good The bulletin board will be located man, Faith and Christian Heritage; subscriptions across to alumni. Registration soared to a new high Phyllis Weaver and Wayne Cowan, Photographer-bring samples on the Hill as a total of 266 fresh- 011' the second floor of Science Hall a~ Personal Relations and Campus Af- Fall Convocation Called work to the office, in Smith Hall. The of the north end of the hall and will be men, sixty-five of whom were veter- used exclusively for notices to vet- fairs. Gold Bug will pay for all materials ans, filed through the Registrar's of- will For September 29 fice in a steady stream. erans. All veterans should cheek this Students who are interested used. In this group, the men outnumber board at least once each week for im- join one of these committees, each of Fall convocation will be held in Circulation manager-i-to direct dis- the women 145 to 121. Only one of the portant notices. which will meet and function separ- Alumni Hall at 11.30 a. m. on Mon- tribution of copies to students, facul- ty, and advertisers; is the reliability ately. There will be a joint monthly veterans is a woman. Each veteran enrolling for the firsf day, September 29. The schadula for Students registered from ten states. time under the G, I. Bill of Rights meeting of all the commissions. days of assemblies will be followed prime requisite. and 'I'ulent industry including Maryland, Connecticut, Del- should submit a copy of his discharge An important feature of the new on that date. welcomed in all other will also be departments. aware, Massachusetts, New Jersey, to the Registrar's office not later than plan is the Freshman Fellowship Students will assemble in Alumni Those wlth special abilities, eager- New York, North Carolina, Pennsyl- October 10. Any requests for credit Club, which will meet for the first Hall at the close of the fourth period, ness to learn and willingness to work vania, Virginia, and West Virginia, earned through service schools at- ffJWweeks only. After that time, the taking the seats shown them by the may apply for any of the following and from the Diabrict of Columbia. tended submitted later than this date freshmen will choose one of the com- ushers. positions: typists (particularly need- Six countries, China, Puerto Rico, may not be granted, missions and become a member of it. Faculty members will assemble for ed), news writers, feature writers, Greece, Poland, Holland, and Sweden, On Wednesday, October 1, the first the procession at the main entrance to sports writers, copy readers, advertis· are represented, meting of the SCA will take place in McDaniel Hall at the (lose of the ing. One of the new students, Miss Em- Baker Chapel. The new plan will be fourth period. In the case of unfav- An announcement of a meeting to ma Horn, will replace Miss Edith Don't miss "WILSON!" returnill~ discussed in more detail and the orable weather, the procession will Justice on the nursing staff in the to the Carroll by popular- request for Freshman Club will be formed, ferm on the lobby floor of Alumni be held next week will be made in the . Hall. dining hall. inftrmary. one day only, Thursday, OCTOBER 9. Everyone is urged .tt attend.
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