Page 1 - TheGoldBug1945-46
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FRESHMAN PERSONALITY WELCOME PAGE 3 JEMISON PAGE 2 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEG_E_:_, _W_E_S_T_M_IN_ST_E_R_:.,_M_D. S_:_e p _:_t_em_be_r_2_7_,_1_9_45 '\lew Faculty Me mbers Assume Invitation ••• Positions In EnglJish, Economics All freshman students who arc in. Upperclassmen Aid Freshmen or business In Adjustment terested in working on the Gold Bug, Through Big Vlusic, Religion Departments 011 either the editorial staffs, are requested to meet with evening, October 1, at 6:30 Brother And Sister Plan New faces among the facuilty have added much to the atmos- the editor in the Gold Bug office on Monday 'her~~: iFaet~;~t~~:;~t:l~:\~:~P~~pointed ~o the positio!l.of P. M. The office, located over the of Women and assistant professor of English. Before join- post office in Old Main, will be plain- Completed list Of Names Announced staff of WMC, Miss Huganir taught at Texas ly marked as such to facilitate find- As Well. Known Tradition Continu.., and was professor of English and Dean of ·ing it. in Grecmville, Pennsylvania. A meeting of the entire staff is Completion of the Big-Little Sister and Big-Little Brother »ue. ··"~"o~n"~theHill is announced for the same evening at Movement lists were announced today by Grace Jemison and John eight o'clock in the office. Some re- Dorsey, compilers of the respective lists. This movement is one of in music. Dr. Newlin was organization work is to be done; the Hill's well-known traditions, with a special purpose of helping first woman to receive the degree therefore, it is highly important that new students become adjusted to their college environment. c Doctor of Philosophy in music all staff members be present. The list of big and little brothers is as follows: George Bald- ~,:,om Columbia University. This is. win, Donald Capobianco; William Bayliff, Ralph Collins; Theodore iSS Newlin's first teaching posltlen Bouchelle, John Dorsey; Charles Burkins, Enrique Lamadrid : nee being granted the degree last J. E. CUmmings, Harold Lewis; Don- pr ing , Primarily a composer, Dr. Living Endowment Fund To Insure ewlin has written several musical ~~gl~~n;;~dH:::I:ga~;t~~\~a~~dar~ha~~~ elections already. Succes's Of Building Program; Jean Brant; Ronald Keith, Fred Coming to us from DePaux Uni- Brown; Ernest Leap, George Carr; ~ r~rsity at Greencastle, Indiana, where James Leonard, Herbert Doggett; re served as professor of philosophy Committee To Develop Plans and religion, is Dr. Lisgar R. Eck- ~T~~:~:r:ic~~:;~~: ~~~~m~:v~7e~g~~~~ ardt. He will fill the capacity of visit- Formation of the Living Endow- the building program" on the Hill, ~e:IV~lal~:t:~:~/~~II~n~~r;e:~Ch:~I~~ ing professor of philosophy and relig- ment Fund of Western Maryland ion, replacing Dr. Lawrence T. Little, College, a movement on the part of ~~~~~l ~a;:l~:~;e~~I:O :~!il~~~:~' ;~~ ~~~~;:~. '~::~:;~'C~a~~:~d B~;:::;w~: Miss Helen Brainard is another' Alumni and friends to support this program includes a chapel, an iufirrn- E. Osborn, Ronald Dashiell; Gene new professor in the music depart- coilege by actual contributions of a ry, a men:s dormitory, a residence Skidmore, Harry Harrison; William pent. Having graduated from Ober- small figures, has been announced by and activities building, and a libr- Weaver, John Dorsey; Franklin Keif- nn College end Juilliard School of Dr. Fred G. Holloway. ary- Gifts of the chapel and the in- fer, Henry Meredith; Edgar Ham- Iuslc with honors, Miss Brainard has Dr. Kathryn Huganir This plan is intended to increase firmary have already been announced merala, Ernest Twigg; M. Donovan Inly taught music privately before income to offset the decrease result; by the college. Adams, Robert Johnson; Thomas tlming to Western Maryland. ing from the fact that the college is e Seeure College's Position Dalgleish, Joshua Zia; George Davis, 1945 Aloha ••• receiving about haIT the returns of t'u!~e :~:::~i~~ndc~r:~:en!h~:i1~:; ten or twelve years ago. The The Living Endowment Committee Thomas Holt; Howard Davis, Wayne '\ under the leadership of Karl G. Reg- We know that many of you are small contributions are to be used and others concerned feel that n01v Cowan; Klein Haddaway, Ernest holds. Previously a consultant on eco- wondering, as we are, just when the as if they are actually income from is the time for private colleges to Doherty; Johnny Parker, James Do- nomic and insurance matters, this is 1945 Aloha is to make its appear- endowment. make their positions secure for the herty; Robert Wilson, Fred Morgan; ,l~~~RCg'~'lOld'::initial teaching posi- ance. The delay has been urdor- .Dr. Hollo\"~)' Gi-es Reasons post-war world; to prove that they, ·Burt Veres, Hugh Gordy; Henry tunate, but unavoidable because of provided with the meallS, wi1l - (Miss Ruth Beth Watts will return conditions beyond the control of the Dr. Holloway presented the idea tinue to create strong leaders. for another year as visiting professor Aloha staff. and reasons for the fund at a din- of the Living meeting Endow- ner of Dramatic art, filling the place of The yearbook will be on campus ment Committee at the Southern Following is the list of big and Miss Esther Smith, who is still on sometime within the next month, we little sisters: leave of absence. are told, possibly within two 01' Hotel in Baltimore on June 14, 1945. Edith Alderson, Joan Johnson; Miss Margaret Snader and Mr. three weeks. We'll just have to be He stated that this plan has been Phyllis Alexander, Evelyn Benson; Frank Hurt will resume their pro- patient a little while longer, but the used by several schools since 1930 Betty Amos, Betty Blades; Joann fessorships in French and political time of waiting should only increase and summarized the following rea- (Cont. on Page 3-Col. 3) Endowment: ,je- science after a year's leave of ab- our enjoyment of the book when' it sons for a Living arrives. crease in income from endowment; McDaniel Fourth Floor drastic increase in cost of opera- tions; possibility of loss of income SCA Cabinet Outlines Program from State; and the slight probabijt. Becomes New Home endowment gifts of any ty of getting For Year's Religious Activities sizeable amounts. Of Sixteen Freshmen of .Executive Committee the Hall McDaniel site was Week.End RetreatH.ld expressed member of the committee many improvements during the sum. Each Iller months of which its inhabitants himself as heartily in fav- To Revitalize System or of the plan. It was decided that aloe justly proud. such matters as the plan of organ- Noone would recognize the fourth 'The Student Christian Association cabinet got an early start' ization, methods of carrying on the floor where Mrs. Griffin presided in campus activities by meeting on the Hill the week-end of Sep- campaign, full time director, etc., over a girls' infirmary two years tember 22 through 24 for the purpose of outlining the program for ago. Now three suites and five the school year. should be referred to an executive Dr. Fred G. Holloway today an- Those attending the week-end retreat were Grace Jemison, committee whose purpose will be to nounced the' formation of a plan for double rooms have been consb:ucted to help house the overflow of fresh_ president; Herbert Doggett, vice-president; Enrique Lamadrid, develop the expanded organization a Living Endowment Fund. men that have made Western Mary_ secretary; Fred Morgan, treasurer; and to serve in other matters of ref- John Dorsey, pUblicity chairman; erence. There are nine members of land their Alma Mater this year. lI'iarjorie Little, chairman of music this committee, among them Dr. Western Maryland believes it has The large rooms with their cleall ommittee; Shirley Snyder, recrea- Bermudan, Former GI's, Holloway, Mr. T. K. Harrison, and justified its position in the educa- white walls, their inlaid linoleum, ant! tion chainnan; and Virginia Voor- Miss Cora Virginia Perry of the tional world, and because it must be dormer windows are, as one of the h'}Cs, who was recommended and elect- Twins And Transfers college. prepared for the intellectual respon- freshmen called them, "dream rooms." ,,1 to the newly-created office of • Building Program Expected Soon gibilities of the America of tomor- Although all of the maple furniture n embership chairman. Among New Students The establishment of this fund is )'ow, the time is here for the l·eestab. has not arrived yet, the rooms will Others who attended the meetings expected to insure the success of lishment of "The Living Endowment each have a double-decker bed, in- There will be between 175 and 180 s e Dr. and Mrs. Lloyd Bertholf and freshmen on College Hill when the Fund of Western Maryland College." dividual desks and dressers, and a Belle Griffin, who acted as ad- leather easy chair. Until the new final count is taken, Miss Martha E. equipment arrives, the rooms contain Manahan, registrar of tV.M.e., an~ furniture from McKinstry Hall. nounced today. Sixteen of McDaniel's 24 fresh. Among this number are several ' men are staying on fourth floor. of the meetings was especially interesting 'students. For THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 27- Storerooms and laundry facilities infirmary. Sleeping quar- meals were also provided by instance, two sets of twins will be Outdoor supper, Harvey Stone Park, 6 P. M., sponsored by SCA and have been provided on the floor for seen on the campus this year: Caro- members in the infinnary, lyn and Louise Sapp, James and Student Government. the students rooming there. the supervision of Mrs. Belle FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 28- The club room of the Iota Gamma Ernest ·Ulin. Dr, and Mrs. Bertholf played twins are Doherty. Another set former of Party for Methodist stUdents, Westminster Methodist Church, 7 :30 Chi has been moved from the west the Wentz sisters, h _st for the Sunday evening meeting P. M. to the east side of the hall and has a which a buffet supper was served. Western Maryland students who are SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29- been newly painted. returning after two years absel'1ce to Classes start, 8:10 A. M. The other much-needed addition is resume their studies as sophomores. Informal danCing, McDaniel Lounge, 8 P. M. the Executone Inter-Communication The holder of the longest-distance_ system that enables the central of- h 5 of the entire S.C.A. system. The from-horne record this year is Patric- SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 30-- fice of the donnitory to call to all P lns, which must he approved by the ia Outerhridge. who has traveled Sunday School, Baker Chapel, 9:15 A. M. four floors. This convenient calling r'mainder of the cabinet members, Church services downtown, 10:45 1\. M. system will save much vocal atrain are designed to bring more and wider from Bennuda to attend college here College chapel service, Alumni Hall, 7:30 P. M. and confusion in the building. as a freshman. participation by the students of West- "Fireside Fellowship", McDaniel Lounge, immediately after chapel. The appearance of the hall has Maryland College and to make Four discha~ged service men who MONDA Y, OCTOBER 1- also been improved by the painting- e S.C.A. program of greater spirit- have registered are Robert Dewbel, Meeting of freshman interested in working on the Gold Bug, Gold of the entrance halls and stairways. (Cont. on Page 3-Col. 1) Paul Kaetzel, Sam Keiffer, and Wil- Bug office, 6:30 P. M. Meeting of regular staff in G.B. office, 8 P. M. Later in the year all the hallways of liam Weaver. the dormitory will be newly finisherl.