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COL FOOTBALL GAME! W. M. Shenandoah WELCOME FROSH! vs, HOFFA FIELD Freshman Week College Hill SATURDAY, SEPT. 28 SEPTEMBER 24·27 Vol.13, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, WESTMINSTER, MD. September 19, 1935 Blanche Ward Hall, New Dormitory COLLEGE CALENDAR Is Ready For Use During Fall Term September- 23, Monday, 7.15 P. M. First meeting of the faculty. Upper Classmen and Freshmen Will Receive First Glimpses of Newly Dr. Lloyd Bertholf, Freshman Dean, Arranges Special Oricntation Completed Building September 24, Tuesday, 1.00 P. l'II. Sixty-ninth year begins. Regis- Program For Incoming Class tration of new students. NAMED FOR WIFE OF THE PRESIDENT September 2..1 to September 29 DEAN OF FRESHMEN PRESENTS LETTER Adding a brilliant note of modernism to the campus of Western Freshman Week. Opening the sixty-ninth session of western Maryland College, the Mar-yland College, the new dormitory for women, Blanche Ward Hall, September 27, Fl'iday, 1.00 P. M. eleventh nnnnnl freshman orientation week will begin Tuesday, Septem- is now ready for occupancy: Upper clnssme» returning to the Hill this Reg-istration of returning stu- fall will find that the somewhat unin- , _ dents, Examinations. ber 24. Dr. Lloyd :M. Bertholf, dean of freshmen end professor of ~~~~:ti:~iC~lat~SeyO~ef~r~:'th:tec~~sea:~! September 28, Saturday, 8.10 A. M. -----~=~--~ biology, has arranged the orientation and has issued a message of program school, has evolved into a vivid struc- The daily schedule begins. welcome to the class of 1939. Dr. ture, furnished with exquisite taste, September 30, Monday, 10.00 A. M. Bertholf's letter appears below. and surrounded by carefully laid out Convocation. TO THE CLASS OF 1939: lawns. October 4, Friday, 8.00 P. TIL President-emeritus Lowell of Harv- The new dormitory, "L" shaped, fol- Teachers' rccital- speech and ard is said once to have remarked: lows s.lightly the colonial design of music departments. "No wonder there is 11 lot of knowl- McDaniel Hall. edge in the colleges-the freshmcn al- The firat floor of the building con- October 9, Wednesday, 12.30 P. TIL ways bring a little in and the seniors tains a large reception 'room, a private Sophomorns in full and regular never' take any Whatever- may parlor, a suite of rooms for the Dean standing meet to elect class be the truth of last part of this of Women, and a guest room and pri- officers. facetious statement I know that fresh- vate bath. On each wing of this floor men do bring to a college campus not are bedrooms for students and a bath only a certain amount of knowledge equipped with both showers and tubs. ALUMNI HALL TO HAVE but also a great many other elements The second and third floors have, in essential to college life. addition to the students' rooms and Ene I'RICAL PIPE ORGAN Hence the faculty and elder stu- baths, large trunkroorns, a kitchen- dents at W. M. C. look forward to your ettc, and 11 room equipped for laun- Following out the program of the "Ireshneas", your enthusiasm, YOUI' dering. Dormer windows in the "Greater western Maryland" the ad-I curiosity; we need your talents in rooms on the top fl001' offer an unex- ministration of the college is having class, in our clubs and teams and cam- celled view of the surrounding land- installed in Alumni Hall a fine pipe pus organizations; we need yOU1' scape. Two of these rooms are re- organ, electrically operated by a gen- friendship, whether as roommates or served for use as girls' club rooms. ator and bellows. The installation of Iclassmates or schoolmates or stu- been fur- WILUAM RHODES DIES Each double room has the organ is in progress at the pres- DR. LLOYDM. BERTHOLF dents; and we need your support on nished with two beds with coil spring IN EASTON HOSPITAL ent time and is expected to be COIll- the sidelines, in the audience, and mattresses, two chests of drawers j-leted shortly after the beginning of back home among your acquaintances. made of solid maple, each with a jh~::~I~e~:S:::al~f~:;I:\e ;.C:I~:~e~oserlof PARTIAL PROGRAM OF hanging mit-t-or, two r'lf'sks with com- William W. Rhodes. a member of th!~Up~V~~\,1:;!lt~.h~t~~~'Pt:~~~~:en~~ partments for books, two desk chairs, the class of 1938 at Western Mary- \ a console located at the lefthand side FEATURES IS ANNOUNCED I to campus and buildings that have _ and two desk lamps. The rooms have land, died in the Easton Hospital of of the balcony of Alumni Hall facing been made recently tov your comfort also been provided with couch covers typhoid fever fol.lowin g a .short il.l- the stage and two series of pipes one -- and convenience, and about the orien- of subdued modern designs, with an ness. He was burled from his home 1Il at each side of the balcony adjacent Tl~c partially completed program of. tation program prepared to introduce arm chair upholstered to match, win- Queenstown, l\Iaryland, Monday, Au- to the stairways. The generator and public exercrsea for the 1935-36 term you to us and us to you and give you dow curtains of ecru silk, two waste gust 16. bellows by which it is to be operated of western Maryland College as an- some hints as to the technique of get- paper baskets, and desk blotters. A clothes closet fitted with several use- "D::t~,,:t~~e~: ~~a~V~~~l;;~a~~;l'~~~~e~~vtth~ea~~~t:~'i~~~.ceiling in the real' ~;~~:e~:I~e:::l~~:~u~~~Ct~:fi~~~;o?v~~; ~il~~d~~:~'e~:il~:~::~;~ a~:v~~!n f:~~ ful implements is provided for each by his associates here, was a member The keyboard, composed of three attractive features: .Frank M~llol', cepted, for admission, the most impor- girl. of the Alpha Gamma Tau fraternity. manuals and the thirty-two pedals of tenor, of New York CIty; Earl LIPPY, tant thing now is your attitude. Come On the ground floor there is a lobby He worked in the college dining hall the pedal keyboard, will be connected baritone, a former student of Wes- in a spirit of friendliness and toler- with a marble floor, and an adjoining where he made many friends by his to 869 pipes which are capable of pro- tern Mm-yland and the Peabody Con- ance, resolved that. you are goi'ng to coat room. This leads into a social pleasing personality and his cordial i- ducing 1296 different tones. Besides servetory of IUusic; the DOll Cossack ndjust yourself to sueh give and take room intended as a lounge and as a ty. He was a member of the varsity the pipes, a set of 20 chimes will be Chorus of Russian singers; and Dl·. as tile close association of 500 young meeting place for girls' organizations. soccer squad and a participant in in- attached. Approximately 169 feet of Thomas C. Poulter, second in com- people necessarily imposes, resolved Near this lounge are three rooms tm-mural athletics. wire cable will be used to attach the mand of the second Byrd Antarctic also to keep foremost in mind the ed- which will be used for physical edu- He will be greatly missed by his pipes to the detached console. ~:~;~\~~O~X~:~i~~~: scientific observ- ~~~l\i:gn,a~n~u~'~~~lea!~~I.:Vhy~:ho~:u h:lp" cation classes and conferences. maJlY fl'iends and associates on "The The organ wlll llave a c.'lpacity for An entire wing Of this floor has Hill". three volumcs: swell, grcat, and choir. Tlle Russian singers will make their py and successful college career. been made into 11 modern gymnasium William was a brother of Louis Ken- J. E. Myers of Woodlawn, Ealti- ~1~:e~:%l~~dinf~,lu:lllili~:llfJ~oal~~;iS~~ is Wp~o~~el~~m~eY~~ast~fi:dsc~~o~Wgh~~~ for girls. This room will be used for nal.'(] Rhodes, Jr., a graduate of Wes- more is installing the organ. It is . dances and other social functions. To tel'll Maryland in the class of 1934. electrically pncumatic in action. (Continued on page 3, column 4) small college, a liberal arts college, provide for serving, a kitchen has and a Christian college. been installed at the end of the room. Sincerely yours, A locker room, equipped with show- ELEVENTH ANNUAL FRESHMAN ORIENTATION PROGRAM LLOYD M. BERTHOLF, ers, adjoins the gymnasium. Fire- Dean of FresDmen. proof staircases and an automatic ele- TUESDAY Land M, Miss Snadcr I I :00 (a) Continuation of confer-, vator have been installed. 1:00-5:00 and 7:00-9:00 Registration, (27 ScI ences with advisers (22 I room assignments, and assign- (b) Tour of the buildings, for ScI SANITARY CHEMISTRY (b) Continuation of French ADDED TO W. M. COLLEGE [ ;~:;~~ng\O advisers (Library 4:15 TOtll~:~s~ulill:tin:~~i~~I'~~::e in tests: Initials H-K, Miss COMMANDER OF R. O. T, C. I G:OODinner-first meal served in group taking Frendl tests Atwood (25 Sc); Initials Edward L. Hopkins, chief chemist ADVANCED TO MAJOR the dining room 6:00 Dinner T-Z, Miss Snader (27 Sc) for the Montebello Filtration Plant of WEDNESDAY G:30 College songs and yells (Sm) 2:15 Men: The Use of the Library, the Baltimore city water system will Severn S. l'dacLaughlin, professor (Bring pencil and stiff-backed 8:00 Prcsident - Faculty Reception Miss Ward (Library); Women: offer a course in Sanitary Chemistry of military science and tactics at note book and take complete (McDaniel Hall Lounge) Enrollment for courses (Sc) the first semester at Western Mary- Western MaryJalld College, was ap- notes on all addresses and dis- THURSDAY 3:15 Mcn: Enrollment for courses ,land College. The course will be of pointed a major in the United Statcs cussions.) f 8:20 College and Religion, Dean (Sc); Women: The Use of the particular interest to those students Army on July 1, 1935. 8:20 Chapel (Smith Hall) Little (Sm) Library, Miss Ward (Library) planning to teach chemistry and biol- Major MacLaughlin has been COIl- 8 :30 Welcome to the Class of H)39, 8 :50 The Choice of Courses in Re-f 5 :30 Outdoor supper: Men in charge ogy. of the YMCA cabinet; women The subject matter of the couse will nected with military. work for .over 8:40 ~:;;~~;:~t \:~~d p~'~~~ect, pro-I ~!~:n I:~no~~etur~m~ife Work, in charge of the YWCA cab- include water purification, sewage dis- on the choice I twenty.years. Entel'lng the. NatlOnal fessor Wills (Sm) !l:20 Open discussion inet posal, and other matters connected FRIDAY with the sanitation problems of a ~:~~~~;h~~~5 a:e;a~eco~1she~~~%:~.~ 9:10 ~::~: (~~~rng, led by Miss 9:40 ;fh~ou~~~i;e~,m)System, Dean 8:20 Getting Started Right, Dean large city. Field trips will be made care~r. On October 31, 1!l17, he was I 9:30 Ps~'chological test (Science Bertholf (Sm) to the Baltimore water purification app.olllte~ a se~o.nd ~ieu~enant. Fol- Hall) 10 :00 Reading test (Sc) Bertholf (Sm) plants, sewage disposal plants, and lowmg hIS pal'bcl.patJon III the World 11:00 Student Activities: Men, Mr. 11:00 (a) Conferences of advisers 8 :50 College Athletics: Men, Coach othel' points of interest relating to the, M.acLaughllll was made a cap- Daneker, Mr. Hollis (22 Sc) with their advisees (22 Sc) Havens (Sm); Women, Miss sanitation system in Baltimore and talll of lllfantry on March 16, 1919. Women, Miss Hill, Miss Dixon (b) Conferences of music stu- Parker (YW) Westminster. Major MacLaughlin is a graduate (YW Room) dents with Miss Gesner 9:30 Men: The ROTC, Major Mac- Two hours credit will be allowed. of the Infantry School, Officers' 11 :45 The College and the College (Faculty Parlor) Laughlin (Levine Hall) Pl'erequisites for the course are a Course, at Fort Benning, Georgia, in Town, Dean Schofield (Sm) (c) Conferences of those de- \Vomcn: Medical examinations, course in gelleral chemistry and a 1923, and of the Tank School in 1!l24. 12:20 Lunch-with advisers (day- siring advanced standing Dr. Ballard and Miss Isanogle course in general biology. Before coming to \Vestern Maryland students included) in biology, with Dean Ber- (Women's Infirmary) !'III'. Hopkins is well known in the College in 1934, Major MacLaughlin 1 :15 English test (Sc) thoU (22 Sc) 10:00 Men: Medical examinations, field of sanitary chemistry. A num- was an instructor at the OfficeI'll' 2:45 Campus Problems: Men, Dean (d) Continuation of French Dr. Bare, Professor Speir and bcl' of his research articles have ap- School at Fort Benning. Miller (22 Sc); Women, Dean tests: Initials CoG, Miss the Military Department (Le- peared in the journals of the Ameri- The newly appointed majol' was ex· Stover (YW) I Atwood (25 Sc); Initials vine Hall) can Chemical Society. Mr. Hopkins ecutive officer of Company B at the 3:30 (a) Placement tests in French: I N-S, Miss Sna~er (27 Sc) 12:20 Lunch (boarding students only) has recently retired as cbairman of Fort Washington training camp this Initials A and B, Miss 12:20 Lunch-with adVisers (day- 1:15 Continuation of medical exam- the section on sanitary chemistry qf Atwood (25 Sc); Initials students induded) ination$ the American Chemical Society.