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-------------------------------- .........~ TO THE HERE'S TO CLASS OF 1936 WESTERN MARYLAND'S WELCOME! BIGGEST YEAR! Vol. 10, No.1 WESTERN MARYLAND COLLEGE, -WESTMINSTER, MD. September 22, 1932 FIRST SUMMER SCHOOL Changes in Faculty STUDENT LOAN FUND JJ HELD AT WESTERN MD. Give New Instructors DRIVE IS STARTED BY Eighth Annual "Freshman Week Opens PROVES SUCCESSFUL Western Maryland College will gain Sixty-Sixth Regular Session of W. M. C. three new instructors this fall. Two new STUDENTS' CAMPAIGN women faculty members will assume the Enrollment of First Term Totals duties of Miss Della Avery of the Home 16 STUDENTS ATTEND Orientation Program Has Been 103, Second Term 58. Economics Department and Miss Mary $10,000 Will Be Raised From Which Arranged to Acclimate New- comers into College Life Byers of the Speech Department, respect- Deserving Students May Borrow R. O.T.C. TRAINING CAMP at Western Maryland DEAN ISANOGLE DIRECTOR ively. The other appointment is to a new position. '32 CON T RIB UTE S $250.00 J. L. Delaney, '33, Scores Highest in The first summer ses- Miss Bertha Stockard comes to West- ADVISER SEN 0 S MESSAGE sion of Western Mary- em Maryland from the Iowa State Col- An active campaign to mise $10,000 Rifle Marksmanship. land College was held lege for Teachers. She attended Texas for a Western Maryland College student The sixty-sixth rcgu- from June 18 to August State Teachers College and received her loan fund was carried on during the last Sixtcen men from ,;Vestern Maryland la r session of Western 27. Dean Alvey Michael M. A. at Columbia. Miss Avery, whom half of the summer. College attended the six-weeks H. O. T. Maryland College will Isanogle, of the School Miss Stockard will replace, is to do grad- A. Norman Ward, Jr., '35, of West- C. training course held at Fort George G. open next T u e s day, of Education, was Di- uate work at Pennsylvania State College. minster, and Samuel Mason Sprague, '33, Meadc, starting June 17 and ending July September '27, when the rector of the Summer The vacancy in the Speech Department of Parksley, Virginia, were the represen- 28. These students received certificates freshmen arrive on the Session. tatives appointed by President Ward to for completion of this camp. Dean A. M. will be filled by Mrs. Ruth Southwick The men from Western Maryland were campus. From Tuesday Isanogle A division of th e visit the alumni and friends of the col- up to and including Maxfield, a graduate of tho Emerson assigned to Company B, and were in the work into two terms, of approximately Scnool of Oratory and graduate student lege in the state of Maryland. In August Friday, the new stu- five weeks each, was made. One hundred at Boston University. Mrs. Maxfield j, and the first part of September, the two second platoon of that unit, with Martin, Dr. L. M.Bertholf dents will attend the three students registered for the first the daughter of Robert Southwick, who traveled throughout Maryland, making a Sunday, and Puro holding position of various features of the orientation pro- term and fifty-eight for the second. has been heard several times in readings personal appeal for contributions to the corporals of squads. gram arranged by Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, Courses were offered in biology, chem- in Alumni Hall. The former Miss Byers, fund. The course consisted of aril! and com- professor of biology. istry, education, English, French, history, who was a member of the Speech Depart- A series of three bulletins was issued, mand under regular army officers and The four-day period devoted to accl i- mathematics, physical and health educa- ment, is now married and residing in in these two months, informing former also under a student cadre which changed matiug the newcomers will constitute the tion, physics, social science, and in the Turkey. students of the project, in great detail. every three days, thus giving each stu- eighth annual" Freshman Week." Vari- second term, religious education. Credit Miss Kathleen Pasch ali, who will be .m According to President Ward's state- dent a chance. to show his ability as 8 ous aspects and problems of college will was given on the same basis used in the instructor in the School of Religious Ed- ments in these circulars, over fifty worthy commander and leader of organized be presented and discussed; tests will be regular college courses. The work, howev- ucation' is a graduate of Elon College, students will be unable to return to com- troops. The working of problems of mili- ginn to indicate individual aptitudes and er, was necessarily undertaken more in- Elon, North Carolina, and received her plete their college course unless a large tary tactics was an important and valu- ahilities; and time will be allowed for ae- tensively, so that two semester hours master's degree from Columbia this year. part at least of the quota is subscribed. able part of the instruction. quiring some measure of familiarity with credit might be earned in each of three Miss Louise Bates Eisner, Western Dr. Ward called attention to the fact A full two weeks were spent in range the new surroundings and college life, courses in a five weeks term, or a cor- Maryland, '22, has been appointed assist- that in all but the larger colleges, any practice and shooting for qualification. before the old students arrive on Friday, responding number of credits in courses ant to the registrar. Miss Fishel' taught student pays but forty percent of the ac- Every man in camp was required to shoot September 30. of varying numbers of semester hours. in Salisbury several years after her grad- tual cost of his tuition. In the great uni- the rifle and- p.stol. A total of 185 points Dr Bertholf sends the following mes- Among the faculty of the summer uation, next spent some time in Chautau- versities, the percentage a~ua.lly paid by out of a possible total of 250 qualified a sage to the freshmen: school were a number of members of the qua work, and then was in New York for the student may be as low as ten. There- Ulan as a marksman. With the pistol, 60 Western Maryland faculty. Among these several years with an insurance company, fore, every student who ever attended pel' cent. was required to giYe this rating. TO THE CLASS OF 1936: were Dean Isanogle, Dean Lawrence Cal- Cadet J. Leo Delaney of Western It is my privilege, as chairman of the when she handled primarily marine insur- Western Maryland received about sixty (Continued on Page 6-Col. 4) ance. percent of his tuition as a gift. "Some- Maryland achieved the honor of being the Freshman Orientation Program, to ex- of THE Miss Sara Smith of the School of Edu- body helped us. The time has come when best marksman of the en tire camp by his tend to you, through the courtesy and wel- score made greeting score of 223. The next highest GOLD BUG, this advance is on leave of absence belp somebody CHANGE IN FRESHMEN cation at Columbia University, for a year's all of us must stressed the fact else." the in camp was that institution qualified both come to Western Maryland of teachers and of 221. Over half of the College. As I work she where that Dr. Ward this write> this, a good number men from SCiENCE IS ANNOUNCED expects to corn plete the requiremen ts for depression which is depriving boys and in pistol and rifle. Dming this range older students are busily engaged in pre- her doctor's degree. col- of their to attend opportunity girls 1Y0rk, each man was also given the oppor- your Among those who received doctor's de- lege is the result of no fault of theirs. tunity to fire the automatic rifle, machine paring for carpenters, reception i our corps land- of and painters cleaners, A radical iunovation in freshman grees at Johns Hopkins University this While it is difficult to fix the responsibil- gun, and 3-7 mm. gun. scape gardeners is doing all it can to science requirements has been announced June was Prof. 11ary Olive Ebaugh, also ity, certainly it does not rest on the youth Besides this practical work, many in- make the buildings and grounds att ru ,'- by Dr. Lloyd M. Bertholf, professor of (Continued on Page 6-CoI. 3) of this generation. teresting lectures and demonstratiollS tive ; and our football squad is hard .it biology. The change represents the latest Under the projected plan, no one stu- were given by the regular army officers in work to bring glory to the Green and the to make its curricu- effort of the college in the life of the stu- GOLDEN JUBILEE OF dent can borrow more than $500 from charge of camp. Of particular interest Gold in the contests ahead. lum most functional this fund. The loans are to be repaid was the lecture and demonstration ',f 'It is a rare privilege to go to collcge-- dents. SEMINARY WILL TAKE within four years after graduation. Mon- chemical warfare, rare at any time, but especially so in this For the past seven years, the course ey thus paid back is to be convelĀ·ted into The feature of camp was au over-night Biology 1-2 has been a basic requirement. PLACE SEPTEMBER 29 the Student Loan Fund again, thus per- (Continued on Page 6-Col. 3) year of financial stress. Most of you are It was reasoned that since we are all liv- petuating it. (Continued on Page 5-Col. 4) ing beings, the course in biology should 'I'he plan as outlined abol'e has receh-- be of considerable practical importance, Rev. Fred G. Holloway Will Be In- ed the endorsement of both the Board of while at the same time giving an intro- augurated as President the Trustees and the Alumni Association. Freshman Orientation Program duction to the scientific approach. But it Following Day 'l'he tlass has been realized all along that the of oyer $250 of 1932 made a contribution TUESDAY 1932 as the to be known omission of any requirement in the phyqi- BANQUET THURSDAY NIGHT Clas l\Iemorial. 'I'he money rame partly 1:00 Registration, ]'oom assignments, and assignments to a{hisers. cal sciences left a serious gap in the edu- from the class funds, partly from the cation of those students who hike only the The Westminster Theological Semina,:y Alolw, and partly from personal contri- 8:20 ClJapel (Smith Hall). WEDNESDAY one science course in college. Accordingly, will celebrate its Golden Jubilee 0n butions. This is the first gift of this char- 8:35 Welcome to the class of 1936, President Ward. it has been arranged, beginning with this 'l'hursday, September 29. The next day, acter to be made. 8:50 Seeing the Goal from the Beginning, Professor Wills. year, to give freshmen a choice of two, the inauguration ceremonies for the new 9:20 Music, Miss Jones. 9:40 or enn three science courses. president, the Reverend Fnid G. Hollo- 11 :00 Psychological Test (Class rooms). Activities StUdent All freshmen who expect to take furth- way, will take place. BUILDINGS AND CAMPUS Men-Mr. Borchers, Mr. Werner. er work in any of the sciences will be Thursday afternoon, there ,,-ill be a Women-Yiss Moore, Miss Brinsfield. urged to take the regular Biology 1-2 program and at 7 0 'clock a banquet will IMPROVED THIS SUMMER 11 :30 College Athletics. course, as heretofore; this will give them be held in the college dining room. Men-Coach Harlow. Women-Miss Parker. a good foundation for further biology The inauguration of the Rm-. Holloway 12:20 Lunch-with Advisers. courses if desired, and the lack of physi- will take place Friday morning at 10 0 ,- The SUlllmer has seen the cOllling of 1:15 English Test (Class r<)oms). cal science will be overcome by the chem- clock. The inaugural address will be de- lllany changes and great improvements on I 2:45 Campus Problems. istry, physics, geology, and astronomy liYered by Professor Wm. J. Thompson, the Hill. Alumni Hall has been completp.- Men-Dean Miller. Women-Dean courses they will probably take in later professor of Religious EducationĀ·at Drew ly renovated. Ceilings and walls are 1'<]- 3:15 Recreation. Stover. years. University. An academic procession will finished in cream, effecting an immense 6:00 Dinner. Freshmen who do not intend to take precede the address. improvement in the appearance of the 8:00 President-Faculty Reception. more than the basic year of science will At the inaugural luncheon, there will interior. To add to the efficiency of dra- THURSDAY be offered a coursse in TilE WORLD A!