Page 3 - BlackandWhite1924
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Black and White, Western Maryland College, Westminster, Md. Page Three Bonsack Drug CO. WYMANS REGISTER K. O. ALOHA ANNOUNCES POPULARITY Greell Terror Five Loses For The First Time CONTEST EVERY'l'EUNG NECESSARY FOR This Season. Pictures Of Winning Contestants To Appear In The Annual. Pate bnd luck joined bauds COLLEGE S'l'UDEN'l'S Wymnn C. ill au effort to stop 0111' Tile .i\.1()h:1throll!:,h Editor Benson hns an- L""\'eling 'rhey ware auecess.tul US nounced as one of tho now depurtmouts this as lhe score goce but to those followers of yeue, a popularity eonte~t. in which all sub· team, who wern lucky enough t.o see UIO game, scrihers ure entitled to vote. The names of 1111 must be subnutted eXhibi.lion speed WILSON'S STUDIO was given au the old-tuners of sit up and uud take-no- fight cnndidntea hnvo pictures pr.inted two weeks be- fore tho dute of eourest, nnd winning contest- which mude in the Aloha. tice. Fln.ungull wua all oyer the floor, brenk- will unta FIR'ST Cf.JASS PHOTOGRAPHS ing up pusses, while Ea Wil.linms kept the cp- posing nt nll times. tcrwn rds stepping lively PICTURES TELL TIlE 'rAT.JE 'J'hu game was a clean hard-fought ouc, neither Y. M. HOLDS OPEN FORVM side being able to nny great ndvuntnge Heated Discussion over Raee Problem Stim- over tho other. 'fhe WyJH:Jns proved them- soil'os.n clever set of C(!g(}TS. The work of ulates Interest. ,-Yard Kelly at eentrc was espeeinlly good. 'rho 'fb@ first open forulIL this year was held 11I1e·uJ1: Y. M. C. A. in the Wednesday evening Samuel Cohen W. M. C. .P. 'i'i'"rmans A. C. questiOJ\ of great lmpor taucc discussed ntthe A Weigle Kress TAIT.JOR 0111100 F. Travers recent Convention at Jndlanapolis was the sub- .ieet. topic, "The prescnled.the Mr. Grippill, truly Kelly Press 'I'hem Better Stnnlcj- G. D. Puuetti, Byard Race Qucstion." out in northern IS a hlg problem. atntos It wag brought Ffnuagnn ill:lt !lO' ~~. WilliaulS G. Willis, Pnncttl grces are ndmitted to some schools oud sit next Hoferee--Rohrbllugh. to and mingle with students of tho white race. All instance \1"118cited where the highest hOIl' ors of the clnss were eurried off by n negro S. W. Bond WESTERN MD. STARTS WRESTLING girl of nbout 16 years. hlasou lind Dixon below the Ollr friends (ColltiIIUf'rl fr01ll Page 1, Column 1) . Line took difl'ercnt views 011 Lho question. GEN'l"S PURNISHINGS Booker T. WnshingtOll, studcnta of Howard University, Washington,. and of ].[org(ll1 Col· -And Dealer In- lego, Bnltimore, were ChscIIsseil pro and eon. "Y" offers rare ehanco to moet and discuss these wodd prohloms. AU students cnn benofit Men's and Bays Clothing, Ladies', thereby. Misses', Men's and Boys' Shoes, ONEILL'S DISPLAY ON THE HILL Hats, Caps, Neckties, Etc. l'"!",,nh ....o.n" (' ~ 'P ~I"'~''''''' ~. -- -. BLAOK AND WHITE STAPF THANKS ,lI-Say Dune, notice how that CO-ED REPRESENTATIVES FOR Boncilla ma~.~agethat I got at Ev- HEARTY SUPPORT el'lHll't' Barber Shop brought the The stutT of the new weekly J)cwspnper color to my race. Some class to wishes to sincerely thank tho co·ed. rcprescnta- tivos of the p:lper who 80 onergeticu!iy ussisted those massages. in making its first issue II success. DUNC-Did you notice the hair-cut CLIPPINGS FROM THE BLACK AND ,Tohn gave. That guy sure can cut WHITE FOR MEMORY BOOKS hair. It 1001(5 [ike un Artist The students Books. Mnny keep Memory painted it. typo of Memory Book sold in the co1lego is idc
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