Page 25 - Contrast1978Marchv21n2
P. 25

is very important for a writer. I haven't.
mis.sed a day since the day I started writin9'6
on August 8 § 1969. \\~i tillg eve:ry day g1ves you It's also good toO get your thought.s
downpenaane:ntly, becal.lSe things like that .t;e:ad
to get iNn::!otherwis,e. And it I s good fertile
fu'ture R when people do their masters 'thesis on
you and stuff.. So I didn't usetbe ball point
V€,Iy much.. The pencil was okay, but I don't
hlave mucl:t use for a pencil. I don't do artwork
ormat:hOl.' crossword puzzles, just writing. The
eraser pa:rt CO'.I!IeS in handy. though, for when I' m
typinsr up a story and I have to correct a mis-
tak.e. 1 only use erasable typing paper. I
Ciilll't:get til,at Ko-Rec-Type 'to work properly and
hesides , it's supposed to ge.t .into your machine.
And Liq:uidPape.rr s too messy and spillable.

         I gtles,s, knowing Uncle Irving I he' d like
the stcn:y to be about l:U:mse~~f Ue"s Jr..ind of
self-'centered I I suppose: actually, I think
he.' s paranoid and maybe worse, t.he way he lIlessed
up his cmly kid like that. But who am I to make
di;a.gnoses? I'm a. writer, not a shrink; I have

no right.
         Ullcle Irriny, Uncle Irving" what do I know

about you?

         L~ j{.o'U and AWlt Birdie uSed to have a nut
store on Cat.on Avenue, 'which is kind of funny,
you .both being nuts and alIt I s not
much of a story in tha.t beyond the one joke.

         2. You a.nii AUnt Birdie have a pretty crazy
way ofliv:ing nOW that you're retired. I guess
it comes fll7Ol'l! y;ou working nights far so long-
~ou ~t up around 4».1 (sa:netiDes I don I t even
get to bed by then; but after all t I· III young and
a writer and I haveg:i:d.friendS and j.nsomnia),
you eat bre,ak£ast, you watch TV, you have lunch
a,t about 10: 30' in the morning., maybe you go
shopping or visitor go for a walk, you have
dinnex at about 3 PM, and are in bed usual ..!y

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