Page 20 - Contrast1978Marchv21n2
P. 20


married a MP...xi'can.

He left her for pcikerchips.
She criesimd turns p:ink

but she's tile best maid around.

She S.s'I.urps  her soup _-=..c.u..n.t :meClt_I1..'L1.I.S "son."

Ilm not.


17 years on the staff.

Behind her iron curtain

she's sweet as a light German wine.

In an accent she, ~gues
because her hearing-aid
only goes to 9.
She "I s the only one who hugged me '"w',":JL....,r._e_u. '..L,. left.

The ~           :Qeautician, Beulah

insists on eating in tile basemen,t,

tfhinadninwg-,imthorues ..~y  with tile fJ.oors

And the Blacks eat on the porch
because they ~d rat:her ..

They like their coffee Strong

and cream only d:Uutes its taste"


. the wiry Jamaican

 'Who pushes the .broom and sits ii .lot ¥

  snuck De rolls :from the kitchen.
  Be's ooc:ky, but buttered withca.lm.

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