Page 79 - Mather1930SB
P. 79

IDr. Oscar T. Olson                                                       SERMONS TO SENIOR CLASS
   Addresses Senior Class
In I B aker Chapel on Sunday af ter-
                                                                           CONTINUED BY DR. OLSON
I noon, April 13, the Rev. Oscar '1'. OISOI:
 Dvoctor of Divinity, the pastor of Mount                                      Dr. Oscar T. Olson, pastor of Mount
                                                                            Vernon Place Methodist E'piscopal
ernon Place Meth.0 d·ist Episcopal                                         Church, Ba1timore, delivered his third
Icnh.surcsher'r.eBsaltjo1f111seorrme,doenlIs.v' erteod                    I S€'rmon to the Sonior Class in Baker
                                                        the  first f   I
                                                        the  Senio0r'      Cllape] all Sunday .,:aftel'llooll" May 4) 7!JO.t

Class. His subj.ect was "Facts and
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