Page 78 - Mather1930SB
P. 78
COMMENCEMENT DOINGS Baccalaureate Service
AT WESTERN MARYLAND On Sunday, June first, at ten-thirty in
the morning, the Baccalaureate sermon
The exercises of the Sixtieth Com- will be preached by President A. [orman
mencement of Western Maryland College Ward, D. D., in Alumni Hall.
will begin Friday, May thirtieth, and
continue until Monday morning, June "Te Deum," by Dudley Buck, and
second. Recitals, reunions, addresses and "And the Glory of the Lord" (from The
banquets will comprise the program. Messiah) by Handel, will be sung by the
college choir.
Music Recital
At eight 0 'clock iu the evening, a sac-
The Department of Music will open red cantata, "The Daughter of J auus,"
the series of exercises by presenting its bv Stainer, will be given by the choir.
annual recital at eight 0 'clock, Friday The cantata will comprise the entire eve-
evening, in Alumni H~ll. A~l . of the l!" 's program,
Senior music students will part icipate as
well as some of the underclassmen. Commencement
The Commencement Day exercises will
be held at ten 0 'clock, Monday morning,
at which time the degrees and under-
graduate honors will be conferred.
Society Reunions
v On Saturday morning at ten 0 'clock,
tile Board of Trustees will hold its an-
nual meeting. Luncheon w~l. be served
at noon. The Literary Societies are al-
so scheduled to have their reunion in
the morning at ten-thirty, this year, in- Western Maryland College
stead of on Saturday afternoon as has
been the custom in previous years. Each WESTMINSTER, MARYLAND
society is planning a special pTOgr~m to
greet its graduate members and friends.
Senior Play
One of the outstanding features of the ALBERT NORMAN WARD, D. D., LL. D., President
week will be the outdoor play, "As You
Like It," presented by the Department
of Speech. . For Young Men and Young Women
Immediately after the play th~re WIll
be a lacrosse ga-me on Hoffa Field. be-
tween Western Maryland and Washing-
ton colleges.
Alumni Association Meeting Unexcelled' Location, lVlodern Curriculum,
Complete Equipment, Moderate Rates.
At five 0 'clock Saturday afternoon,
the Alumni Association will hold its an-
nual business meeting in Alumni Hall.
The Alumni Dinner will be held at six
o 'clock in the college dining room.
Society Contest Graduates from approved High Schools admitted
without conditions.
The Literary Society oratorical con-
test wiII be held Saturday night .at eight
o 'clock. The Powder Puffs WIll open
the program with choruses.
Catalogue upon application