Page 31 - Mather1930SB
P. 31

U-YnYY\O'(l.                        P 'Y)'\                               "Love's Old sweet'Song")

       You..                                                     all ye members of B. L. S.
                                                                  litteris mors est •
o I , ecfe J \'\"C)
                                                                            always be our song
                                  ~-,.30                              belongnn." .. ,n",,·n

EVELYN MATHER                                                           and best of the land

                                                   Now we all meet in our hall toge'ther
                                                   Knowing that our ties shall never, never

                                                   We are loyal and fervently confess
                                                   With all our heart we love dear B. L. S.
                                                   And when old age our short life is crowning
                                                   Mny thoughts of thee come, Dear Old


                                                            Just a song of Browning
                                                            Sing it loud and clear
                                                            Sing to every meeting
                                                            Of every college year
                                                            Sing to all the nations
                                                            How we hold thee dear
                                                            And will ever think thee
                                                           Best of W. M. C.
                                                            The best of W. M. C.

                                                     SENIOR GIRLS SUFFER WEIRD

                                                     RITES TO ENTER SACRED J. G. C.

                                                        Another J. G. C. initiation has come
                                                     and gone, leaving behind it memories
                                                     which will not be easily forgotten by
                                                     the twenty-two senior girls who have
                                                     become the new members of the organi-

                                                        On Wednesday evening, October 0,
                                                     the dread summons camc to those who
                                                     wished to become members of J, G. C.
                                                     '1'11enext day found the campus literal-
                                                     ly swarming with treasure-hunting pir-
                                                     ates in striking costumes of brilliallt
                                                     hues. On Friday animated Statues of
                                                     Liberty roamed majestically around
                                                    wi th torches held aloft. At nine o'clock
                                                     on Friday night, those going through
                                                    the initiation entertained the rest of the
                                                    women students with an original play,
                                                    "The Condemned Soul." After the play,
                                                    final rites were administered in the J.
                                                    G. C. tower,
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