Page 30 - Mather1930SB
P. 30


                              Plli Alpha Mu held a supper hike Fri.--------"""-'I--J..-""
                           day evening, April 11, in honor of their
                           pledges, Mary Orr Hering and Alice

  ~                        , ,1.,._j '.3J a.-...-tf '.3.2.J                                         Phi Alpha Mu entertained a number of
                                                                                                 guest,s on the evening of November 8,
_/ lc...e;, ~           ~                                                                        The ,Idea of a roof garden was carried
                                                                                                 oU,t III the decorations and in the enter .
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                           I, _ . J J '3 o                                                       tairunent,
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                                              /                                                  Phi,Alpha Mu wishes to announes that
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                             4..1                                                                Cthe  MIsses  Alice  Evans Mary   0  H erm' g
                                                                                                       J                       '"
                           if':!l 1\.'                                                           :Mat' ier ine Hitchens, Mildred H orsey,'         ~
                                                                                    ~I..J  . A.                                                        ~-

                                                                                                 . .arran Humphreys and Elizabeth Roc

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