Page 5 - Elderdice1917
P. 5

9n the Hill                                                                 ,\


   Hugh Latimer Eld .
professor of che . ertilce, Jr., ass'istant

day. October 15 mlstry emeritus. died Fri-

Home in Manch~s~t the Longv.iew Nursing ,

so~e time,           er, He had been ill for

      r, Elderdice tl
faCUlty in 1961 ~e Ired from the college

 ~;n MarYland 601l:g~r~duated from West-                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 /
    World War I did 10 1917 and served                          'I

 ~,OPkins Univ~rs;tygr:duate Work at Johns                                   FORE,WORD.

 1~~~schools befor~ jo~d, taught in local                         Ii EN the mystic IUI,:;e'0/ years tra'ltsllZ~tfes the rollickz1:1gpleasures 0/ your school'
       , , IOIOgthe faCUlty in

    A l'lt!le-kno
Fwa' s hlIsS pn,vawten FaINspef ct dof Mr, Elderdice

  nend in Need and un, FIN stands for

Mrs, Henrietta Scott. wa,s administered by
dm' other for 81anche Wwhailde Hshe Was house-

  Ice started th . rail. Mr Eld

student from a f~r~~;~ when he h~'pede~
                                country with a mUch

                                                                            days l1ito goldett 'me7'1tories, every /memento connected witft., thai liff! will be a

                                                                            'priceless mt.gget. But yon must be diligent lin' collect-ing tlzem; you must 1/tOJ,mt

                                                                            t/t¢,'I1Z :Ileatly, and you 11'lltst be sure to take good care 0/ your Memory Book.
                                                                            , YOlt w'ill 'enjoy your bool? in mail)' in/expected toays., Thillk ftow III w-il/.

                                                          ple(lse YO'ttypareNts and you« j'r-iel'lds at hO'Jllt?, 117I;'YI eueu next SIO;U1'teryou 'may 'wattt

                                                          some 0/ these yozing /rie1~ds 10 retttntw#1z yo« to, School, am! this book 1m'll represe1tf the

                                                          , interesting tiff] :yolt'tead/' Ihe ,very Ii/~ Iltey'muy be looking /orW(lra to.

                                                                ,; .: Tke little extra til1ze yo« invest -i'll, z'l now ,will be repaid, ill ilt/crest, ,,'ompottttded

                                                          , ma'Jt)~, tt'l1U;$ 07/(W. COllect IJn!erestilIg, ,ll11d ttilique IYopJties, and keep them i11, lite ellvelppe

                                                           /Itu,ntil :Y(Jzt 'haJe .time to properly y'nozmt tkent, bnt take a rai~IY day once a' whlle and be

                                                          sure to' ke,ep the ruled pages ltP to date. /  '

                                                          /'/ If you could realize 'hO'iV YOlt will value litis bo.(};'~teli years from ItOW, yot{ will no/

                                                          '1teglecl it. So Idoka/tead ami expect fg sit some/in'te witlt 011e 0/ your presellt cJumls, ,a1td

                                                          shake th!! mantle 0/ !-illte 'from your sJu~lttde1's by tunl'i1'lj;[ these pages aver again. Look

                                                          , jor7&ard to thai time,' and ma'Jt), others jits! as C7?io),l1bie;aNd (;m'ld y'o'1lrMemory Boo/.' 1m/It.

                                                          , tkis ilt view.                               I
          Hugh Latimer Elderdice

:armer climate obtain '                                                                                                                                                   ,I

~I~:~nd took care of th a WlOter Coat Th                                         ,

parr of shoes        a white shirt.                    '
needed m        for graduat'         and a

his first wOe:~\to live in Nel~nYo~noth~r

found they did salary Was paid until

hfor a'fJthe bo not have enou Others

of School. oks needed at th gb '!10~ey

Most of the st                e eglOn109 ,

used but that udents returned th  e money
inal 'd   was not M E

think~ t~a. aCCording tor'M'derdice's orig-               , 'J

         at those h  rs, Scott Sh                         )
to be sure th W 0 Were hel e ' . e

return What t: fUnd continued ~n~ tandted

was 'in W ey had Used M           ne to

neral sa,~stminster for M~ ~~ SC,ott.who

hiSh~mel an~et~:~~h:a;ti~~ st:~~~~:'SVi:~;
                                        ents who went

'4there enjoy
Jafter grad Many continued to ?r and 10-'
formality, ed his sense of hum

- _, ~ating,             wnte to him
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