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BOOK 1. - CHAPTER IV. 89 ~~~;~:§;I~--~:~:
flpopaL'1'UVO'L 0;; flLr1~PV' 0 0;; Kupo~ lm:LO'XVci'1'al J'
They_ask-for-more _ wages; - Cyrus promised
Mr1W,' 7taO'L 'A[LIOAWV OU' SCPEpOV State, County and Dog, and
to_give-hereafter to-all the_half-more (than that) which they_had_received chool Taxes jor the yea: I9 1/
7teO'tEpOV~ aVTi OapELiCOU'1'pia 'lI[-llOapEL?Ca :i
before, (that is) in_p,aee-of (a) daric three half-darics
'tOU [LY/VO~ '1'(;) O''1'pa'1'LQT''(I' oi: 0'1'1 cirOL ,,
the month _ 'to (eacb) 'soldier" but that hc_might_be_Ieading " ,)
bti (JaO'LAEa, OlI0E;'~ r.XOVr1EVovoi: EV'1'aV~a
(them) against (the) king, no-one heard, not-even, there,
\ , rE EV '1'i;; cpavcpi;;.
(lit leastj indeed in _ publIC.
,( ",
'EV'1'EU~EV E~EAa:ilvEL O{'O O''1'a~[LOV~ oExa J
HENC~ (Cyrus) proceeds two days'-march (making) tell JJ
7tapa(J'(:irra~, E7ti '1'OV 7tO'1'a[Lov l.Jla.pOV, '1'0 EVpO~
parasangs, to the river psarus, the breadth
oli tw 'Tpia 7tAE~pa. 'EVTEii~EV E~EAa{IVH iva
of_which was three plethra. Thence he-proceeds one
O'Ta~(.lOV 7tEVTE 7tapa(j(xrra~ E7ti 'TOV 7tO'1'af1:
days'-march (making) five , parasallgs to the nVCI 1 " .),
ouTIt"pa(.lov, 'TO EVpO~ O''1'a.OWV. 'Ev'1'ail~EV
pyl'lllnUS, the breadth of_which (is a) stadium. Thence ,\
E~EAa{IVH 01'0 O'Ta~(.loi)~ 7tEV'1'ExaioExa 7tapa- :,'
he_proceeds two days'-march (making) fifteen para, .\
(!a.rra~ El~ 'I(J'(J'ot'l~ EO'Xa.'1'y/V 7tOALV '1'ii~ KLAlxia~,
snng to Issus, the-last town - in_Cilieio.,
E7t1 'T'fi ea;l..a.'1''1'''(I, olxov(.lEVY/V, [LEra.Ay/V xa. , ,\
(situg,ted) on the sea (coast), peopled, large auc, ,'
,j el.,Oai(.lo1'a. 'Ev'1'aV~a S(.lEWaV 'T'pei~ 'lIf1Epa~' xsu '.) (I
wealthy, Here they-remained three. days; and
a~ 'i'pabwv'Ta XaL 7tEV'1'E ViiE~ ix TIfAo7tOVVr.O'Ol
the ,thirty ..J><i five ships •from Peloponnesuf
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westminster Theological" Seminary
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