Page 72 - day1910sb
P. 72
iSTEI Westr-·
DE ~~~~
W88b1ngtoll._ ... Each In h i c; (l,;n '1'
Waahingtou .••..
A Waahington
r Washington . A fl.c~ T11dt and. a comet.,
WasbiD.irt= ...•.
I said, I Waahln~ .. A and a cell
Washingtml. , A .j e 11y- fl dh and a :3a'Ura an ,
He SMITH Waahington . And the caved where the cave ITi<;n dwell •.
I said, M,OK
Rook BilL .. "ll'hen a s eris e of lav v and heD.1.1.ty
HE Rock BlU .
Hock BlII. .•.... And a :face curn ed f.cQJJl.tile cl od
I said, Rock HiIl ....... )-
Rook HUl.. .•••.
----=-. "Some call
Md oth er
TJ rWck Hlll ~. It Evolutlon • •
But he THE WOOING OF. .. s ca. J 1T. ~Od
Hock Hlll. .
ltook Hlll
T' MAR A haze f.cOLl a far h o r zz on ,
President's IA~ '
Ai'!d<'8 .
ASg;es ..•.•..••••
A I Aggtcs . 1"he lnflIll t e t ende r l:il''y,
He an Aggies >l'he1r'1118 r i ch t m t s of' 1,1)f~ co rn fll~ld,
Aggles _ ••
And w i l d :s~ese ::;allln(S' 111g''1-1.
_ And allover up l an« and 1owl and
The charm of the go I den - r od ,
A MR. DOOLEY ON I Vocal Solo ,Iggles . Some call 1t Aut1..u1Il,_
And tho I~[';;) call It C;Od••
LlKe tlded on acre dent ;;)ea-b~ach,
I said, St. John· . When t]1 e moon liS new n,nd tr1 In,
St. J'ohn·6 . Unto our heart '"s hlg-h 'yea.cnlng~)
Come wellIng and,(S1..lI!51ng In, __
A JIM St.John· •........ Come from the nYdtlC ocean
He an NOTHIN' TO SAY I St. Jobn' Whose r lJ1:t no :fo 0 t ]1al:i t roC{ •
Oration .. Some call It long1ng, __
If And other;:) call i~,I~od.
ilt. John' ..
lI St. John' .
St. Jobn·~ ..
I plea WE'ST
f THE PARTING OF 1 Western. Marylnn
II Western Mnrvlan
It wil
. Wmtcrn Mary"'"
Wostorn Marylan
Westorn ~L1ry1lLn
1 PINK CARNATIONf Wcs1;cl1l Marvl
Senior Son. Wcotorn )fa~l.n
.. I casf
TotAI. ..
He s: KING ROBERT OF Recitation Polyt«hnic .
I Polytecbnio
POlytechnic .
, Polytechnic .
And Medley \l; UTr.C''T'n A PICKAt 1;5 f.cozen on duty,
UNCLE 'RIAH'S ell WesternMaryland- A mothe.c 1;;) titarved :fOt· 'her b.cood,
Male Qyal The W. M. C. Rela~ Soc.cate.:3 d.clnKln::-· the henlo';~
- aUt l.ltlhveersGit.yeorogfe Washin~ Or Je~1.1...:3 on the rood ,- a) nd n;:'ln81 p'.;j .
Pennsylv And 'l- h1.t:mh) ,.J ,
WJ1 0 , ' (, -,
gin of about 12 Yds. W, ''rhecitral.tSfl t4aJ:d:'.:pat.h had troa ,-
College, but When Penn Son8 call 1 t COIi.ciOcr;UHm,
" M. C. and Richmond, m But other::) call l.t, C;od.
was 3 min. 50 sec. Tll ( IV0 H • Cat'1'1 l th • )
the track and was the f:
Washington in 3 min. _', ~ _'=V~"!S'c:;mc::x ee:r._V..J.JO...,.'- ..._. ,.~...c- =~
I being in the lead the Biggest Game of the Season
in touching distance.
took the le:!d. Penn f
), of 50 yds. that he coul, ','
the same thing OCcurre
E and then Stultz would
til the last fifty yds. w
ed the lead to 4 yds. Md. Agricultural College
G to gain until the last
team's lead to 8 yds.
JI able to hold the lead f { • J~
Western Maryland sho v So'
B keep ahead and havin
champion one-mile te
only HaydOck of that t
S~o~ W. M. C. Richmon Western Maryland.
SIght of after the first