Page 15 - ContrastFall1987-1988
P. 15


           Greg sat on the sink, against the wall, and let his head tilt back.

He ,:ould feel the powder in the rear of his nasal passage; he could feel

It drip down, down and throughout his body. He sniffed and knew it

would only be a matter of minutes before the first rush would hit. In

anticipation, he suddenly sat forward and through glassy but darting,

aler! eyes, gazed towards the toilet. On the floor sat Arianna, who was

cuttIng another line. The line was far from neat; it looked like a frayed

shoelace, Greg giggled; Ari looked up and smiled. He imagined her

",:nnng home: "Dear mom, learning a lot here at school, boys are so

mce and polite." The blow was in full effect now and he felt like

laughing until he cried. He stifled the urge and compromised by letting

loose another giggle. Ari looked up again. There was some white

resIdue. on her upper lip, some missed controlled substance. "Lick your

upper hp, you missed some," Greg suggested.

           Her tongue darted out and lapped up the recalcitrant powder.

The act reminded Greg of a messy child licking dinner off her face. On

the other hand, it reminded him that he wanted to get down ther pants

badly. He thought his chances were good. She was an impressionable

seventeen-year-old living away from home for the first time. She

attended the girls' college nearby and was looking for a social life, a

place to hang out. He was providing it, via his coke and alcohol.

When he met her the night before, he had acted like the perfect

gentleman; he got her wired and promptly walked her home. As far

home as strict Virgin Saint College rules would permit. At the entrance

gate he merely kissed her. Of course he slipped her some tongue, but

she expected that. However, no hands roving up skirt or down shirt.

No premature suggestions that she spend the night at his place Tonight,

though, he expected her to join him in his bedroom for some sleep and

lack thereof.

. Ari stood up and broke his train of thought. She darted .over

and kissed him quickly, lightly on the mouth. "Thanks for walking me I

home last night." She slurred more than slightly.

. "Yeah sure it was nothing." His face cracked into his most.

charmmg smile. "So, ah, you wanna see my room? I got my aquanum

set up today. Bought some new fish."               . ..

           "Sure," tumbled from her mouth. She was In no condition to


           He led her by the hand to his room and shut the door quietly.

She didn't notice. He grabbed two beers from the fridge ~nd s~t on the

bed, She stared at the fish, only dimly aware of the situation. What

kind are they?"
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