Page 54 - Contrast2014
P. 54

drifted past the window. I felt as though I had been
sitting still for a long time, but was not uncomfortable.
Movement coming from in front of me coaxed my eyes
away from the glass; it was Emile's shining pate, turning
to look behind him. We made eye contact; he winked. I
smiled at him and looked back out the window.

     There, suddenly, were the Juras mountains rising
around us.

     It was as though someone had pried open my chest,
exposing me to the world, so that my twining arteries, my
expanding lungs, my young bones could see for
themselves. The cells of my blood stumbled over one
another in their haste, each bearing a tracing of the
mountains in front of me straight to my heart. The
mountains stood still, rough gray boulders and verdant
leaves awash with light, hushed and waiting, permitting
 me to see and search, to climb each peak, explore each

      Though I didn't turn, I knew that Emile had
 appeared beside me. I kept my eyes on the unfolded
 mountains, and I felt him lean in, over the cascade of my
 hair hanging over the back of the seat, turning his head so
 that his mouth was near my ear. He placed a hand on my
 shoulder: together, we looked down, over the edge of the
 winding bridge we were on. Tucked into the valley below
 us was a small, narrow shard of turquoise lake. On its
 bank rested a single, small wooden house. I heard Nicolas'
 sharp intake of breath at the sight; Emile squeezed my
 shoulder. I looked back up to see the mountains standing
 watch over the lake and the little pointed roof. I felt a
  smooth, round, compact warmth coming to settle in the
  recesses of my heart, as a skipping stone comes to rest at
  the bottom of a lake. In that moment, I held a pebble,
  and I held a mountain.

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