Page 105 - Contrast2013
P. 105

Because it’s hard sometimes

     Charles Mullin

   Today I will finally get to that giant pile of books
that sits unbalanced at the end of my desk.
I will call all of my family members
tell them how much I love them
how sorry I am for all the days when I didn’t call.

   Today I will not disappoint anyone.
all of my jokes will be funny.
I will finish all of my homework in time to hang out with friends
for extended periods of time while drinking in excess.
I will never make mistakes;
I will never be sad, frustrated, or overwhelmed
—just loving.

   Today I will learn how to only give and never receive.
I will learn how to win every argument
as well as know when to never start one.
I will not spill anything on my shirt
even though it might be incredibly easy to do.
I will write prize-winning poetry, novellas, short stories
I will write multiple trilogies of novels set in faraway lands with

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