Page 75 - Contrast2012
P. 75

move the subway ever farther through the intestines,
If Nature's a progressive genius, than its brainchild lives inside of me,
Wake up, can't remember anything, amnesiac dreaming,
Soul cleansing, I am ecstatic, caustic, standard,
Ugly ambition got the best of me
Congestion, acidic, and base ablaze
Experience the color.
Oh please, digest the microcosmic truth,
Compressed to a tiny egg impregnated in my stomach,
Sunlight skin bleached Polaroid,
Reflected in glistening water drops,
Absolve into thin air, a cloudy forecast
Hydrophobic wipe out, coalesce, two halves breathing as one
Disfigured image, crumbling facade,
Your sunrise painted on my closed eyelids,
Enlighten me, pry my third eye open,
And make manifest my truth and terror,
Tubular truth, you dwell inside my gut,
You are my glasses, my tunnel vision,
Slipping down three miles of human skin, you see what the visible eye

Degrade until no fractured remnant can be seen,
Where am I?

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